Thursday, June 20, 2013

The Darwinist techniques of clamor and demagoguery

There is not onesingle piece of evidence for Darwinism. For that
reason, for the last 150 years Darwinists have used a different
technique to providing evidence; clamor and demagoguery.
-Darwinists resort toall possible means to cover up the fact that the
theory of evolution is a deception. Academics and scientists
questioning evolution and espousing anti-Darwinian views are hurriedly
removed from their posts and silenced.
-They attempt to portraythe fraud of Darwinism as a highly complex
scientific reality. They tryto deceive people with complicated
formulae and unintelligible terminology. They take advantage of
science and people's respect for it, even though there is nothing
scientific to the theory whatsoever.
-They engage in loud and long demagoguery and resort to
charlatanryinstead of giving scientific responses to people holding
other views. Since they are unable to provide any real scientific
evidence at all, they imagine that they can invalidate the definitive
proofs of Creation by making so-called jokes and usinga mocking,
improper tone. They imagine they will thus be able to deceive people,
even though the evidence is plain for everyone to see.
-They try to prevent people thinking and investigating the true facts.
They imagine that only in this way can theyprevent the fraudulent
nature of Darwinism being exposed. They try to prevent people thinking
by means of demagogic accounts andcomplicated, incomprehensible
articles adorned with grotesque-looking formulae.
-Some foreign pro-Darwinist publications are the bestexample of this.
None of these can ever say, "Yes, there are 100 million fossils that
prove Creation, and we rebut these in any way." They never mention the
amber containing organisms exactly as they were millions of years ago.
They never raise these issues because they know only too well that
they all totally refute Darwinism.They merely resort to plenty of
unintelligible demagoguery of no scientific value.
-They apply pressure to ensure that students holding anti-Darwinist
views are expelled from their schools. For example, in a report on the
subject in the British weeklyTheObserver, Darwinist scientists are
reported to say that "if religion stops their students accepting
evolution, there is no point in them staying at university." This is a
clear statement from themouths of Darwinists regarding the Darwinist
technique of menaces and intimidation.
-One of the demagogic techniques most frequently employed by
Darwinists is the claim that the financing for Harun Yahya's matchless
works that have stunnedthe whole world comes from outside Turkey. A
report that recently appeared inThe Observerclaimed that the
activities in questionwere backed from Saudi Arabia. Yet it is quite
evident that Saudi Arabia attaches no importance to the subject of
evolution and that the state has no anti-evolutionary policy. If the
Saudi Arabian administration really wanted to engage in
anti-evolutionary activity there is no doubtthat it would not do this
in Turkey. That would bemeaningless. The Saudi government has
sufficient money and resources to carry out wide-ranging activities in
its own country. The demagoguery that Darwinists engage in on this
subject is highly illogical and utterly ludicrous.
-It was also suggested inthe same paper that poor schools in Turkey
were grateful for Harun Yahya's books. This is another demagogic
technique. Harun Yahya's books are read right across the world because
they are of scientific value and make the true facts crystal clear. It
is wealthyEuropean countries and America that read these books the
most. People buy and like these booksbecause they tell the truth. But
Darwinists are unable to swallow this.
-Another aspect of the same demagoguery is the claim that Darwinist
scientists are afraid to speak out. In fact these scientists have no
fear atall of speaking to the proponents of Creation. Their fear lies
in having no evidence in favor of Darwinism despite all the millions
of proofs of Creation. There is no reason why they should not take
part in debates of this kind if they did have any scientific evidence
of their own. They are unable to respond to the 100 million fossils
that prove the fact of Creation, and are unable to admit that proteins
cannot form by chance. They know that they will be faced with clear
and incontrovertible scientific facts during the course of any debate.
And they have no answers to them.
-The Council of Europe's attempt to have the teaching of theAtlas of
Creationin schools banned, also described inThe Observer, is one of
Darwinists' best-known so-called intimidatory techniques.They imagine
than banning books will stop people accessing the scientific facts.
The fact is, however, that permitting no alternative view to the
one-sided teaching of Darwinism in schools is adisgrace to Darwinists
themselves. Fascism is still taught as an opposing view in schools of
philosophy that teach communism. Alternative theories to the Big Bang
are still taught regarding the formation of the universe. The
situation in this example is even more terrible, because Creation is a
fact proved by scientific evidence, whereas Darwinism is just
If Darwinists had the evidence to prove their theory, and
if they genuinely believed that their theory was true, then they would
very definitely feel no need to resort to demagoguery, to try to hide
the evidence for Creation, and to attempt to intimidate scientists and
other proponents ofCreation. The main reason for Darwinists' banning
books, mockery, long demagogic accounts andunwillingness to engagein
debates is that Darwinism is terrible nonsense that has deceived the
world for the last 150 years.
But all these measures, clamor and demagoguery have come to an end now
that the existence of 100million fossils supportingCreation has been
made public. People have now seen the daylight. And there is no point
in trying to tell them it is still dark outside. The scientific facts
are in front of everyone's eyes. The Darwinist lie has been unmasked.
From now on, by the will of Allah (God), Darwinists will always be
defeated no matter what demagoguery they resort to.

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