Monday, June 3, 2013

The battle of Badr, 17 Ramadhaan - I

At the beginning of the month of Ramadan, 2 AH, news came to
Al-Madeenah that a Makkan caravan was coming from Syria which would
pass by Al-Madeenah. In order to instill fear in the disbelievers and
also to reply to Kurz ibn Jaabir's attack, the Prophet, sallalahu
alayhi wa sallam, asked a party ofthe Muhajireen (immigrants) and
Ansaar (original residents of Al-Madeenah) to intercept the caravan so
that the Makkans would know that to worsen the relations with the
people of Al-Madeenah might prove injurious to their trading
activities with Syria. This party was sent with the sole purpose of
frightening them and not for fighting.
The Makkan trade caravan became informed of the movement of the Muslim
party. Abu Sufyan, the head of the caravan, and who was a disbeliever
at that time led it off the main routes. He also hired Damdam ibn 'Amr
Al-Ghifaari to hurry to Makkah with the information that the caravan
wasfacing danger from the Muslims, and they should rush to help it and
save their goods. In the wakeof this news, Abu Jahl marched forward
with great enthusiasm from Makkah at the head of a large army
consisting of seven hundred camels and three hundred horses. The
entire army was armed to the teeth and the reciters of martial songs
also accompanied the army. Al-'Abbaas ibn 'Abdul-Muttalib, 'Utbah ibn
Rabee'ah, Umayyah ibnKhalf, Nadar ibn Al-Haarith, Abu Jahl ibn Hishaam
and others, a total of thirteen men in all were assigned the duty of
serving foodto the army. The Muslim party sent to terrorize the trade
caravan came back to Al-Madeenah.
The Battle of Badr
Abu Sufyan sent word to Abu Jahlthat he had arrived at Makkah and that
he should also come back. But Abu Jahl turned down the suggestion. Abu
Jahl had, in truth, not come out with the army simply to provide
safety butalso to avenge the killing of 'Amr ibn Al-Hadrami at the
hands of a Muslim party dispatched by the Prophet to Nakhlah to probe
some incident.
The Quraysh had already started preparations to retaliate. They were
about to invade Al-Madeenah when Damdam ibn 'Amr reached Makkah to
seek their help. Abu Jahl was marchingtowards Al-Madeenah. The
Prophet, sallalahu alayhi wa sallam, became aware of the movement of
the Quraysh army and all the notable chieftains accompanying the
Makkan troops.
The Prophet, sallalahu alayhi wa sallam, summoned his followers and
asked for their advice regarding the current development and said to
the Companions: "Makkah has sent you its best fighters. What do
youthink about facing them?" First ofall Abu Bakr and then 'Umar ibn
Khattaab and Al-Miqdaad uttered words of valor and determination. The
last one said:"O Prophet of Allaah, we will not say as the Children of
Israel said to Moses: 'Go you and your Lord and fight, we will sit
here'." The Prophet asked again for their advice. By this he really
wanted to know the reaction of the Ansaar for all the three who had
pledged their support and loyaltybelonged to the Muhajireen. When the
Prophet put the same question again, the Ansaar now realized that the
question was meant for them.
Their original pledge with him implied their defending him in
Al-Madeenah and did not put them under any obligation to take part in
a military expedition outside their territory. Sa'd ibn Mu'aath
immediately got up to say in reply: "O Prophet of Allaah, it seems as
if you are addressing to us and you want tohave our answer." "Yes,"
the Prophet, sallalahu alayhi wa sallam, said. Sa'd then said, "We
have believed in you and have fullfaith in your being Allaah's
Messenger. How can it be possible that Allaah's Messenger would go out
to fight the disbelievers and we remain sitting in our houses? These
disbelievers are, after all, men like us. How can we fear them? If you
command us to plunge into the sea, we will do so."
Lack of Means :
Satisfied with the staunch support and determination of theCompanions,
the Prophet, sallalahu alayhi wa sallam, resolved to march out. The
total number of the combatants did not exceed 310 or 312 or 313
according to the different na. When they were finally examined outside
the city, some minor children were found accompanying the troops who
were not fit to take part in battle yet. Thus the Prophet, sallalahu
alayhi wa sallam, asked them to go back. Some of them persistently
entreated to be enlisted and of those some were granted permission to
accompany the army. It was in noway a well-equipped force. This
Islamic army had only two horsesunder the charge of Az-Zubayr
ibnAl-'Awwaam and Al-Miqdaad and seventy camels to be mounted by three
or four persons at a time. Many others accompanied on foot. On
reaching Badr, the Islamic army noticed that the enemy force
hadalready captured the raised piece of land and pitched their tents
onit. The Muslims had to take the low-lying sandy spot. However, the
wells of Badr were under the control of the Muslim force. The Prophet,
sallalahu alayhi wa sallam, issued orders that any of the disbelievers
coming for watermust not be prevented. A hut of palm branches was
erected for the Prophet, sallalahu alayhi wa sallam, on an elevation
overlooking the battlefield. He prayed and invoked the help and
blessings of Allaah.
The number of the Companions were one-third of the Makkans, and their
weapons were less than one-hundredth of what the Quraysh army had.
Their army consisted of young and strong men, and all wearing armor.
The Muslims were, on the other hand,starving, weak, sick and old.
Mostof them didn't even possess simple weapons. Some of them had
swords but no bows and arrows, while others possessed spears but no
swords. When the Muslims encamped, the disbelievers sent 'Umayr ibn
Wahb Al-Jumahi as a spy to find out the number of Muslim soldiers.
'Umayr reported that they were not more than 310, having a total
cavalry of only two.The height of the disbelievers arrogance may be
gauged from the statement of 'Utbah ibn Rabee'ah who scornfully
remarked, "Let us go back without a fight," meaning the disgracefully
low number of the Muslims was no match for the large and well-equipped
army of the Makkans. But Abu Jahl vehemently opposed the proposal
expressing his firm determination to exterminate them no matter how
few they were.
Beginning of War :
At last, on Ramadhaan 17, 2 AH, when the two armies came face to face,
the Prophet, sallalahu alayhi wa sallam, returned to his small hut and
beseeched Allaah for Divine help. He entreated the Lord:
"O Allaah! If you were to exterminate this small group of Muslims, you
will not be worshipped on earth any more."
He then offered two Rak'ah of prayer. Following this, he dozed alittle
and then came out fresh and smiling from his hut and saidwith utmost
"The enemy force will be defeated. They will take to their heels."
The Prophet, sallalahu alayhi wa sallam, had already issued an order
not to initiate the fighting. There were approximately eighty Muslims
from the Muhajireen andthe rest belonged to the Ansaar. Among the
Ansaar, sixty-one were from Al-Aws and one hundred and seventy from
Al-Khazraj. The ranks on both sides were set in order. The Prophet,
sallalahu alayhi wa sallam, was setting the ranks with an arrow in
his hand.
In the meantime, in accordance with the Arabian fashion, 'Utbah and
Shaybah sons of Rabee'ah and Al-Waleed ibn 'Utbah steppedforward, and
in response to their call, three of the Ansaar, 'Awf andMu'awwidh—the
sons of 'Afra' and 'Abdullaah ibn Rawaahah came forward to give them
battle. 'Utbah asked, "Who are you?" "We are the Ansaar," they
answered. "We have fight with you," 'Utbah said in a tone filled with
arrogance. He then called out: "O Muhammad; send our peers, men of our
own tribe." The Prophet, sallalahu alayhi wa sallam, said, "Go ahead,
O Hamzah ibn 'Abdul-Muttalib to give battle to 'Utbah, 'Ubaydah ibn
Al-Haarith to fight with Shaybah—the brother of 'Utbah, and 'Ali ibn
Abu Taalib to engage Al-Waleed—the son of 'Utbah." With the order, all
the three Companions rose from their spots and came face to face with
their respective rivals. 'Utbah wanted to know their names although he
knew them very well. Then hearing their names he said, "Yes, we will
fight with you." The confrontation began. Hamzah and 'Ali, may Allaah
be them, put the father and the son 'Utbah and Al-Waleed to the sword.
'Ubaydah and Shaybah both received injuries in the encounter. 'Ali ibn
Abu Taalib andHamzah did away with the enemyof Islam and brought
'Ubaydah tothe Prophet, sallalahu alayhi wa sallam.

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