Friday, June 28, 2013

The Basis of the Bible Is Also "Belief in One God"

It is revealed in the Qur'an that Jesus issued the following message
to the Jews:
..."O Tribe of Israel! Worship God, my Lord and your Lord…" (Surat
al-Ma'ida, 72)
The expressions of Jesus calling to oneness of God are present even in
the gospels of the New Testament, which were exposedto distortion and
falsification. For instance, Jesus answered a teacher of law who asked
him, "Of all the commandments, which is the most important?" as "The
most important one is this:
'Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your
God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind
and with all your strength.' (Mark 12:28-30)
The following passage, again from the gospel according to Mark, shows
that Jesus prevented not just the ascriptionof divinity to him but
even praiseof him:
As Jesus started on his way, a man ran up to him and fell on his knees
before him. "Good teacher," he asked, "what must I do to inherit
eternal life?" "Why do you call me good?" Jesus answered. "No one is
good-except God alone." (Mark 10:17-18)
In fact, this passage alone is sufficient to show that belief in the
Trinity is a violation of the New Testament. Rejecting praiseand
stressing that only God is worthy of praise Jesus openly stated that
he too was a servantof God.
In fact, Jesus is a prophet of God,sent to tell people of the oneness
of God following the corruption of the revelation brought by Moses and
that thereis no other god but him. He called upon the Jews, who had
corrupted the true religion brought by Moses, to abandon their bigoted
traditions and superstitions and to submit solely to God. This message
of Jesus to the Children of Israel is revealed thus in the Qur'an:
And when Jesus came with the Clear Signs, he said, "I have come to you
with Wisdom and to clarify for you some of the things about which you
have differed. Therefore fear God and obey me. God is my Lord and your
Lord so worship Him. This is a straight path." (Surat ash-Shura,
"I come confirming the Torah I find already there, and to make lawful
for you some of what waspreviously forbidden to you. I have brought
you a Sign from your Lord. So fear God and obey me. God is my Lord and
your Lord so worship Him. That is a straight path." (Surat Al 'Imran,
It is the duty of Muslims, Christians, Jews and everyone in the world
to abide by this divine call.

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