Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Quranic illumination on the phenomenon of sexual deviance

The rally that was held inWashingtonin defense ofsexual deviance
raised anargument among people with regards to the nature of this
phenomenon and its significance. I have therefore thought it proper to
present the Quranic answers to the Muslim reader to some ofthe
questions, uncertainties, and claims which the demonstrators raised
regarding this phenomenon.
1.The perpetrators of thisshamelessness say that what they are seeking
is a new thing that was not known in different societies in the past,
because it was disapproved of. They claim that such disapproval is not
right for societies )like Western society( that have made great
strides in progress toward democratic freedom and the care for human
rights. But we know fromthe book of our Lord thatit is not a new thing
as they claim; all that they are seeking today was sought for and
carried out by the people of Loote )Lot(, as we will show. The Quran
teaches us that resemblances in personal conditions result in
resemblances in words and deeds; nationsresemble each other despite
the difference in time.
Allaah Almighty Says )what means(:"…Thus spoke those before them like
their words. Their hearts resemble each other…"]Quran 2: 118[
2.They claim that their deviant inclination is something they were
born with in their 'genetics' and nature - just as some people
wereborn with an inclination to the other sex, they were born with an
inclination to their own. But the Quran denies this when it tells us
that the people of Loote were thefirst to start this shamelessness.
Allaah Almighty Says )what means(:"And ]We hadsent[ Loote )Lot( when
he said to his people, "Do you commit such immorality as no one has
preceded you with from among the worlds ]i.e. People[? Indeed, you
approach men with desire, instead of women. Rather, you are a
transgressing people."]Quran 7: 80-81[
Were their statement a 'natural' one, some earlier people would have
been born with it, some human individuals at least. If it were a
natural thing, why wouldAllaah have condemned the practice of it? And
even if the basis of it were a natural inclination, they could not
possibly claim that practicing it openly is a natural state of
affairs. Because the heterosexualinclination is a natural state.
Practicing sexual activity openly, even withone's spouse, is not a
natural affair.
3. Just as these deviants today want to come out of the stage of
concealment into the stage of openness, so did the people of Loote.
Allaah Almighty Says )what means(:" Indeed, you approach men and
obstruct the road and commit in your meetings ]every[ evil. And the
answer of his people was not butthat they said, "Bring us the
punishment of Allaah, if you should be of the truthful."]Quran 29: 29[
What the people of this inclination are seeking is not to be compelled
by society to conceal themselves, despite their openly swerving away
from the straight way. Likewise, they seek to getwhat other people in
the society have, such as the right of marriage, respect, and
employmentin all sectors of the state, whether military, political,
educational, and diplomatic.
Why, they say, are you intruding into what I do in my bedroom? What is
the difference if a persondoes this with someone of the same type,
whether man or woman, or with the other type? It is merely a
hereditary affliction.
However, the fact is that they are not simply seeking to do what they
do privately, in their bedrooms. For, if they do it privately, a
matter needs no permission from contemporary Western societies. It is
not counted as a crime when it is consented to by both parties. What
they are seeking now is really the right to proclaim openly that
theyare of this type, and that society does not oppose their public
behavior which indicates that theyare on this deviation, justas it
does not oppose behavior that shows one to be "straight."
I say "straight" in quotation marks becausethe publicizing of some
sexual acts, even between men and women, even between married people,
is not customary for straight people, though it has become customary
in Western societies.
The open practice of vices is worse than concealing them, because it
offends straight people and tempts the weak ones among them to commit
what these deviants are doing openly.
4.But the state of the people of Loote – as our Lord has told the
story – shows that even this open publicizing is not the end of the
path; it is only the first stage followed by – when no one exists to
prevent them – the stage of supremacy.
When the deviants are predominant in the society, the righteous people
become constrained because theyhave to share the dwelling space in the
same town. Allaah Says )what means(:"But the answer of his people was
only that they said, 'Evict them from your city! Indeed, they are men
who keep themselves pure.'"]Quran 7: 82[
5.Yet they go further than this: they will help each other to force
righteous people to commit these vices with them, if they are able.
Thus, Allaah's Messenger Lootewas worried, when the angels in the form
of handsome-faced men came to him. He knew what would happen to them
with those people, who thought the guests were really men. So there
cameabout what he had dreaded, the people came rushing and
panting.Lotproposed marrying his daughters to them )whether that means
daughters of his own flesh and blood or just the daughters of his
people(. But they did not restrain themselves and they humiliated him
withhis guests:
Allaah Almighty Says )what means(:"And when Our messengers, ]the
angels[, came to Loote, he was anguishedfor them and felt for them
great discomfort and said, 'This is a trying day.' And his people came
hastening to him, and before ]this[ they had been doing evil deeds. He
said, 'O my people, these are my daughters; they are purer for you. So
fear Allaah and do not disgrace me concerning my guests. Is there not
among you a man of reason?" They said, "You have already known that
wehave not concerning your daughters ]i.e. women[ any claim]i.e.
desire[, and indeed, you know what we want." He said, 'If only I had
against you some power or could take refuge in a strong
support.'"]Quran 11: 77-80[
6. The perpetrators of this sexual deviation today want the law to
respect relations between two of them with the status of marriage, and
grant them all the rights that married people have. However, what we
recognize from the case of the people of Loote is that this vice is of
an absolutely licentious nature, with no commitment to a single
partner, or even a limitednumber of partners. When this behavior
takescontrol of one of them, he cannot recognize any boundary in his
actions. When he hears that to which his desires incite him, a sort of
madness befalls him, and he throws himself blindly into committing sin
with anyone, whether he likesthe person or not.
7. And it is a vice linked – contrary to what most people think – with
violence and aggression against others, an aggression which goes
beyond sexual aggression. The people of Loote who practiced this vice
in their councils were also highwaymen )robbers(. Allaah, the Most
High, Says )what means(:"Indeed, you approachmen and obstruct the road
and commit in your meetings ]every[ evil…"]Quran 29: 29[
8.Another thing the straight person finds oddis the confederation and
cooperation between themale and female deviants. Obviously one would
expect that one would dislike the other, as long as there is the
difference between themwith each side inclining to their own kind, and
wanting nothing to do with the other. However, the story of the people
ofLoote reminds us that some of the women wereimpressed by this
deviation among the men, and they liked it. One such was Loote's wife,
the sinner whom Allaah destroyed with herpeople while he saved
Looteand other members of his family.

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