Saturday, June 29, 2013

General Article - Small daily aspirin dose 'cuts cancer risk'

A small daily dose of aspirin - 75mg - substantially reduces death
rates from a range of common cancers, a study suggests.
Research at Oxford University andother centers found that it cut
overall cancer deaths by at least afifth.
The study, published in the Lancet, covered some 25,000 patients,
mostly from the UK.
Experts say the findings show aspirin's benefits often outweighed its
associated risk of causing bleeding.
Aspirin is already known to cut the risk of heart attack and stroke
among those at increased risk. But the protective effects against
cardiovascular disease are thought to be small for healthy adults, and
aspirin increases the risks of stomach and gut bleeds.
However, this latest research shows that when weighing up the risks
and benefits of taking aspirin, experts should also consider its
protective effect against cancer.
Those patients who were given aspirin had a 25% lower risk of death
from cancer during the trial period and a 10% reduction in death from
any cause compared to patients who were not given the drug.
Lasting protection
The treatment with aspirin lastedfor between four and eight years,but
long term-follow-up of around 12,500 patients showed the protective
effect continued for 20 years in both men and women.
Lead researcher Professor Peter Rothwell said the findings might well
underestimate the reductionin deaths that would result from
longer-term treatment with aspirin.
The risk of cancer death was reduced by 20% over 20 years.
Forindividual cancers the reduction was about 40% for bowel cancer,
30% for lung cancer, 10% for prostate cancer and 60% for oesophageal
The reductions in pancreas, stomach and brain cancers were difficult
to quantify because of smaller numbers of deaths.
There was also not enough data to show an effect on breast or ovarian
cancer and the authors suggest this is because there were not enough
women in the trials. Large-scale studies investigating the effects on
thesecancers are under way.
Professor Rothwell said he was not urging healthy middle-aged adults
to immediately start taking aspirin, but said the evidence on cancer
"tips things towards it being well worth it". The benefit in cancer
reduction were found from a low daily doseof 75mg.
Professor Rothwell said the annual risk of major internal bleeding was
about 1 in 1,000 and aspirin roughly doubled that risk. But he said
the danger of major bleeding was "very low" in middle age but
increased dramatically after 75.
Sensible time to consider startingdaily aspirin use would be between
45-50, continuing for around 25 years, he said.
Cancer Research UK described theresults as "promising". But Ed Yong,
head of health information and evidence, said: "We encourage anyone
interested in taking aspirin on a regular basis to talk to their GP
Professor Peter Elwood, an epidemiologist from Cardiff University, who
carried out some of the first studies into the effects of aspirin on
health, said individuals should make up their own minds:
"Aspirin should be thought of in the same context as lifestyle changes
such as diet and exercisewhich can help to preserve health."
Professor Elwood said taking aspirin at night and with calcium seemed
to enhance its effects. Hesuggested taking it with a glass of milk as
this could also reduce stomach irritation.

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