Friday, June 28, 2013

Characteristics of righteous women - II

·Tolerates harm for the sake of the religion: The wife of Qays ibn
Al-Khateem, who was named Hawwaa', converted to Islam, buthe used to
try to avert her from Islam and annoy her while she was prostrating by
pushing her and turning her over her head. While he was at Makkah
(Mecca) beforeHijrah,theProphet,was told the news of
theAnsaar(Helpers) and he was told about the wife of Qays and the harm
that she had been subjected to. During the pilgrimage season,
theProphet,met him and said:"Your wife converted to Islam and you harm
her and I would like you to stop doing this!"(Al-Isaabah fi Tamyeez
As-Sahaabahby Ibn Hajar 8/11064)
·Patient during times of afflictions: Silah ibn Ashyamparticipated in
a battle along with his son. He said to his son,"O son! Go ahead and
fight so that I seek the reward of Allaah for losing you!"His son
fought until he was killed, then Silah fought and he was killed as
well. Women gathered around his wife, Mu'aathah, so she said,"If you
have come to congratulate me, then you are welcome, but if you have
come for any other reason, then return!"(Siyar A'laam An-Nubalaa'by
Ath-Thahabi 3/498)
·Keen on the interest of her children: Umm Sulaymbelieved in the
Prophet,and her husband, Abu Anas, who had been away, returned and
asked her:"Have you apostatized?"She said,"I have simply believed in
this man!"She kept teaching their son, Anashow to profess the
testimony of faith. Once, as she was telling him to testify that'there
is none worthy of worship except Allaah and thatMuhammad is the
Messenger of Allaah!', his father admonished her,"Do not corrupt my
son!"Shesaid,"I am not corrupting him."(At-Tabaqaat Al-Kubraby Ibn
Sa'd 8/425)
·Respects her husband: The wife of Sa'eed ibn Al-Musayyibsaid,"We used
to speak to our husbands in the same manner in which you speak to your
commanders!"(Hilyat Al-Awliyaa'5/168)
·Endeavors to serve her husband: Asmaa' bint Abu Bakrsaid,"When
Az-Zubayr married me, he had no property nor did he have any slave. I
used to feed his horsewith fodder and draw water and sew the bucket
for drawing it, and prepare the dough, but I wasgood at baking bread.
I used to carry date stones on my head from Zubayr's land which was
two thirds a Farsakh (about two miles) from my house."[Al-Bukhaari
·Shares her husband's feelings: Once, 'Abdullaah ibn Rawaahahshed
tears and his wife shed tears as well, so he asked her, "Why do you
shed tears?"She said,"I shed tears because you shed tears!"He said,"I
know that I willpass by Hell (on the Siraat) and I did not know if I
would survive it or not."(Siyar A'laam An-Nubalaa'by Ath-Thahabi
·Faithful to her husband after his death: Umm Ad-Dardaa'said to her
husband, Abu Ad-Dardaa':"You proposed to me in thislife and my parents
married me to you and I want you to be my husband in the Hereafter!"He
told her,"Then, do not get married after my death!"Mu'aawiyahproposed
to her after the death of her husband, but she refused. (Al-Isaabah Fi
Tamyeez As-Sahaabahby Ibn Hajar 8/74)
·Diligent to learn knowledge of theSharee'ah(Islamic legislation).
Faatimah, the daughter of Shaykh 'Alaa' Ad-Deen As-Samarqandiwas
brought up well by her father and she was a knowledgeable jurist who
memorized the book that her father wrote,Tuhfat Al-Fuqahaa'.Some kings
knew about what she had done; so they proposed to her, but her father
refused. After this, one of the students of her father, Al-Kaasaani
came and wroteBadaa'i' As-Sanaa'i', which is an explanation of the
book of hisShaykhtheTuhfah,and presentedit to his Shaykh
As-Samarqandi. HisShaykhwas very happy with this book, married him to
his daughter and made this book herdowry. Her husband would sometimes
make a mistake and she would correct it for him.Fatwaswere passed with
her approval and her father's. After her marriage,Fatwaswould have her
approval, as well as her father's, and her husband's approval.
(Al-Fawaa'id Al-Bahiyyahby Al-Laknawi)
·Seeks what is lawful and avoids what is prohibited: Maymoonah bint
Al-Aqra'wanted to sellthe spun yarn that she had made,so she gave to
the spinner and told him,"When you sell it tell the buyer that it may
not be tightly spun because I was fasting!"After that she went to the
spinner and asked him to give her the spun yarn back as she was afraid
that he might not tell people what she had told him. (A'laam
An-Nisaa'by Ridha Kahaalah 5/138)
·Calls to the way of Allaah The Almighty. Umm Shareekaccepted Islam
when she was in Makkah, then she started going to the women of
theQurayshsecretly calling them to embrace Islam until the people of
Makkah discovered what she was doing. Thus, they took her and told her
that they would have punished her severely, if it were not for
herfamily and kinfolk. They returned her to her people. (Sifat
As-Safwahby Ibn Al-Jawzi 2/53)

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