Saturday, June 29, 2013


Reports of the collapse of Darwinism are coming in from all over the world!
'Truth has come and falsehood has vanished. Falsehood is always bound
to vanish.' (Surat Al-Isra , 81)
Public opinion polls in 34 leadingcountries show an avalanche of
belief in creation across the world and that the theory of evolution
has begun to disappear. One of these countries in which the number of
believers in evolution is the smallest is "Turkey".
Ever since it was first put forward, people have been indoctrinated
with the theory of evolution by means of a wide range of propaganda
techniques, as a result of which it has been widely accepted by
sections of society lacking the means to research it. However, the
theory of evolution has now lost all its foundations in the face of
present-day scientific developments.
Anyone who follows scientific publications can clearly see that the
theory of evolution is facing a major predicament. All the research
carried out has totally discredited claims that living things came
into existence by chance. Indeed, many evolutionists now openly admit
that it is impossible for Darwinism to explain the origin of life.
Evolutionists used the primitive level of technology in the past
todeceive people – literally by casting a spell over them – for
decades. However, there has been a comprehensive intellectual struggle
against Darwinism all over the world in the last 20 years,
particularly in Turkey. The Turkish public has been made aware of
evolutionistdeceptions by means of this struggle and of the Creation
surrounding us. This intellectual struggle has also had an impact all
over the world. Indeed, whenone brings together recent developments we
can see that a number of very significant changes have taken place in
the world.
In particular, a number of successive reports in the Turkishand
foreign press have made this change crystal clear. The results of a
number of public opinion polls have revealed that there is a very
powerful general trend towards Creationism and that this has caused
great consternation among evolutionists. The statistics obtained show
that many people no longer believe in evolution. In addition, the way
that many well-known scientistshave turned to God by admittingthat
living things were created isa striking development showing that the
theory of evolution has reached the end of the road and that the
number of its adherentsis decreasing day by day. The common factor
among the factors leading to this change noted by experts is the
quality, variety and spread of the studiesrevealing the invalidity of
the theory of evolution. Some striking reports recently published
regarding the strengthening of belief in creation, which has for some
time now occupied an important place in the world press, and the way
that people are turning in the direction of religious moral values are
collected below:
A number of significant developments in recent years have accelerated
the great collapse of materialism, which has in turn led to the end of
the theory of evolution. Some of these developments are:
• Scientists conducting experiments aimed at exceedingthe speed of
light made a finding that overturned all scientific assumptions. They
witnessed that in an experimental environment in which the speed of
light was exceeded many times the result of the experiment actually
occurred before its cause. This meant the demolition of the claim of
"causality," proposed in the 19th century on the basis of materialist
foundations. The subject was summarized in the words "it has been
proved that an effect without a cause is possible, and that the end of
an event can occur before its beginning" in one newspaper headline.
Indeed, the effect of a phenomenon occurring prior to the one seen as
its cause is scientific proof that all events are created separately
and completely overturn materialist dogma.
• The Human Genome Project conducted in order to unravel the genetic
structure of man hasbeen brought to a conclusion and the details of
"genetic data"revealing that Allah has brought living things into
being with a Sublime Creation have been made clear for all to see.
Anyonetoday who examines the results of this project and learns that a
single human cell contains sufficient information to fill thousands of
encyclopaedia pages will understand just what a great creation this
truly is.
Opponents Of Evolution In Europe Are Growing In Numbers
A special report in the major scientific journal Nature noted that
Turkey was the country with the strongest creationist movement.
Nature, 23 November, 2006.
In its 23rd November, 2006, edition the world-renowned scientific
magazine Nature carried a special report titled "Anti-evolutionists
raise their profile in Europe". The report discussed the places
occupied byevolution and creation in school curricula in such European
countries as Italy, Germany, Poland, France and Great Britain.It also
referred to the work of the Science Research Foundationin Turkey:
"The movement is by far the strongest in Turkey, however, which is in
negotiations to join the European Union. The main Muslim creationist
organization [is] the Turkish Bilim ve Arastirma Vakfi… Prominent US
creationists are also frequently invited by the group to give talks.
Additionally, the report discussed the debate stemming from the
teaching of the fact of creation in certain schools in Germany and the
removal of the theory of evolution from the middle school curriculum
at the wish of Italian Minister of Education Letizia Moratti. It also
cited examples of research carried out by groups in Russia espousing
the fact of creation and stated that there was a rapid rise in the
number of people supporting creation in Great Britain in particular:
Steve Jones, a geneticist at University College London who has
lectured widely about evolution, is one of those concerned by the
growing influence of creationist groups. 'I have talked about
evolution in front of more than 100,000 British schoolchildren in the
past20 years – during most of that time I was never asked questions
about creationism,' hesays. 'But in the past couple of years, wherever
I go I am asked about it.'"
At the end of the report, Jones said that he believed that the theory
of evolution would never be weakened in European countries as it had
been in the USA, and that evolution would always remain powerful, but
that he had concerns when it came to Turkey.
In reference of the state of Darwinism in Turkey the Darwinist
geneticist Steve Jones describes how evolution has collapsed: "I am
not very hopefulfor Turkey…"
Creation Museums and the Rise of Global Creationism
Harvard University, one of the world's leading scientific centres, has
also determined that "creationism is growing increasingly stronger in
the world and that it is the work of the Science Research
Foundation(SRF) that represents the global centre of this." In the
latest edition of the book The Creationists, from Scientific
Creationism to Intelligent Design, a special section has been set
aside for the SRF's worksetting out the fact of creation. A report
headed Creation Museums and the Rise of Global Creationism on a web
site belonging to the university summarised the section in question as
An unusual phenomenon that seems to be popping up a lot lately--the
creation museum. America's first one is set to openthis spring in
Petersburg, Kentucky. The $26.4 million facility boasts animatronic
dinosaurs and a state-of-the-art SFX theater, all designed to convince
visitors that God created the world exactly as it's described in the
Holy Book.
And it's not just in the US. Like everything these days, creationism
is going global, as evidenced by a campaign to open small creation
museums across Turkey (a typical one, located in an Istanbul kebab
shop, greets visitors with a portrait of Charles Darwin framed in
dripping blood). Matt Mossman reports in this month's issue of SEED
Magazine :
In its latest campaign, BAV [Bilim Arastirma Vakfi, or "Scientific
Research Foundation"has opened more than 80 "museums" in restaurants,
malls, and city halls across Turkey, each stocked with fossils,
posters, and eager volunteers. Oktar's disciples use tactics cribbed
from US organizations like California's Institute for Creation
Research, instructing passersby that evolution cannot explain
biology's complexity and is against the word of God.
BAV runs quite a sophisticated operation, as evidenced by its website,
which, according to Mossman, offers downloadable Power Point
presentations and questions with which students can challenge their
evolution-loving science teachers (we'll have to take Mossman's word
for it--the website in Turkish). And the affinity with US creationists
isn't mere coincidence--a BAV spokesman travelled to the US last year
to testify in the Kansas Board of Education's intelligent design
hearings. Beyond the US and Turkey, creationist movements in Britain
and Australia (where they seem to be particularly strong) suggest a
growing global trend.
"The Atlas of Creation"
The Creation Atlas affords readers the opportunity to obtain a close
familiarity with fossils that say "We did not evolve, but were
The British news agency Reuters,one of the largest in the world,
carried an analysis by Tom Heneghan on 22 November, 2006. (Reuters
reports reach some 1 billion people every day.)The report, headed
Creation vs. Darwin Takes Muslim Twist in Turkey, discussed the works
by the author Harun Yahya on the subject of evolution and the extent
to which belief in evolution had contracted in Turkey in recent years.
This analysis provoked a very wide reaction in various newspapers,
including the Washington Post, the most important daily in the USA,
and on some of the world's most frequently visited news portals such
as MSNBC, YahooNews and AolNews. Some of the comments in the report
"A lavishly illustrated Atlas of Creation is mysteriously turning up
at schools and libraries in Turkey, proclaiming that Charles Darwin's
theory of evolution is the real root of terrorism.
Arriving unsolicited by post, the large-format tome offers 768 glossy
pages of photographs and easy-to-read text to prove that God created
the world with all its species.
At first sight, it looks like it could be the work of United States
creationists, the Christian fundamentalists who believe theworld was
created in six days as told in the Bible.
But the author's name, Harun Yahya, reveals the surprise inside. This
is Islamic creationism, a richly funded movement based in
predominantly Muslim Turkey which has an influence U.S. creationists
could only dream of.
Creationism is so widely accepted here that Turkey placed last in a
recent survey of public acceptance of evolution in34 countries—just
behind the United States."
The latest of Harun Yahya's works revealing the "Fact of Creation,"
The Atlas of Creation" consists of a total of seven volumes and 5600
pages. In terms of its content and appearance this work, which reveals
all aspects of the invalidity of the theory of evolution is said to
have no equal anywhere in the world.
The Extent of the Effect of Religion
Like the Bible, the Koran says God made the world in six days and
fashioned the first man, Adam, from dust. Other details vary but the
idea is roughly the same.
But unlike in the West, evolutiontheory has not undermined the
traditional creation story for many Muslims.
Science is hardly an issue in Turkey, therefore evolution could hardly
have been an issue, said Celal Sengor, a geology professor at Istanbul
Technical University.
Darwinism did become an issue during the left-versus-right political
turmoil before a 1980 military coup because Communist bookshops touted
Darwin's works as a complement to Karl Marx.
It looked like Marx and Darwin were together, two long-bearded guys
spreading ideas that make people lose their faith, said Istanbul
journalist Mustafa Akyol.
After the coup, the conservative government thought a dose of religion
could bolster the fight against the extreme left.
In 1985, a paragraph on creationism as an alternative to evolution was
added to high school science textbooks and a U.S. book Scientific
Creationism was translated into Turkish.
In the early 1990s, leading U.S. creationists came to speak at several
anti-evolution conferences in Turkey.
Darwin and Terror
Since then, a home-grown strainof anti-Darwinist books has developed
with a clearly politicalmessage.
Atlas of Creation offers over 500 pages of splendid images comparing
fossils with present-day animals to argue that Allah created all life
as it is and evolution never took place.
Then comes a book-length essayarguing that Darwinism, by stressing the
"survival of the fittest", has inspired racism, Nazism, communism and
The root of the terrorism that plagues our planet is not any of the
divine religions, but atheism,and the expression of atheism inour
times [is] Darwinism and materialism, it says.
One Istanbul school unexpectedly received three copies recently. It's
very well done, with magnificent photos—a very stylish tool of
creationist propaganda, said theheadmaster, who asked not to be named.
The driving force behind these books is a reclusive Islamic teacher
named Adnan Oktar whoover the past decade has published a flood of
books under the pseudonym Harun Yahya.
Harun Yahya has managed to create a media-based and popular form of
creationism, said Taner Edis, a Turkish-born physicist at Truman State
University in Missouri.
Harun Yahya, which is probably apool of writers, has turned out over
200 books in Turkish and translated many of them into 51 other
Oktar, 50, appears on the group's Web site sporting a clipped beard
and dapper suits. His works can be found in Islamic bookshops around
the world and downloaded for free over the Internet.
It revealed that Harun Yahya hadmore than 200 books out in Turkish,
most of which had beentranslated into 51 other languages.
Harun Yahya, which is probably apool of writers, has turned out over
200 books in Turkish and translated many of them into 51 other
Oktar, 50, appears on the group's Web site sporting a clipped beard
and dapper suits. His works can be found in Islamic bookshops around
the world and downloaded for free over the Internet.
Adnan Oktar's Activities on the Subject of Darwinism in Seed Magazine
In its September edition the well-known magazine Seed devoted wide
space to Adnan Oktar's ongoing world-wide activities. The article
described the Science Research Foundation, of which Adnan Oktar is the
honorary president, which engages in scientific activities against the
invalidity ofthe theory of evolution as "the most effective and
powerful organization" in the world. The article also included the
following statements:
He's the 50-year-old founder of Bilim Araştirma Vakfi ("Scientific
Research Foundation"), a creationist organization mounting one of the
most potent offensives against evolution outside of the United States.
They are instructing passers-by that evolution cannot explain
biology's complexity and is against the word of God.
But unlike its western counterparts, Oktar's group claims Darwin is
responsible for communism, fascism, and terrorism. Terrorists,
according to Oktar, are "social Darwinists hiding under the cloak of
religion," while communists, still active in Turkey, are in "bloody
alliance" with Darwinism. "Evolution is a communist and fascist
belief," offers Tarkan Yavas, BAV's president. "The Muslim community
understands that now."
Turkey is among the most Western of Muslim nations. It teaches
evolution in its schools, but, even so, appears to be losing the
science education battle. In 1985 the minister of education mandated
that creationism be included in science textbooks. By the late 1990s,
the BAV was attacking scientists who opposed a creationist curriculum
via slander and death threats. The cumulative damage to science has
been significant.

Ümit Sayin, a neurologist at Istanbul University and outspoken critic
of Turkish creationism, estimates that the number of
university-educated Turks who understand evolution has dropped to 20
percent from 40 percent over the past 15 years.
BAV, founded in 1990, grew from the Turkish fringe into a global
media empire. Oktar claims to have 4.5 million followers worldwide,
who read his hundreds of books and essays and have seen the dozensof
television documentaries thatBAV produces and provides free of charge
to Turkish TV stations. BAV's Web sites offer downloadable PowerPoint
presentations and questions to challenge science teachers.
The foundation organizes anti-evolution conferences and petitions and
runs a telemarketing scheme to sell books by Harun Yahya (Oktar's pen
name), which are available globally in 29 languages.
In August, Science published an analysis of global public attitudes
toward evolution showing that, out of 34 sample countries, the US and
Turkey hadthe lowest acceptance of Darwin's theories.
Famous Scientists Have Turned to God
Francis Collins was president of the US National Human Genome Research
Institute, which conducted the famous Human Genome project, the
results of which were announced in 2001. He recently published a book
titled The language of God.
The book describes the factors that led Collins to believe in God ,who
is the president of the American national Genome Research Institute
which conducted the Genome project. In his book, Collins says that the
scientific findings drew him closer to God and that the Genome project
has revealed God's creation to him.
The Turkish Public Do Not Believe in Evolution
The effect of the work revealing the invalidity of the theory of
evolution is also reflected in the results of various public opinion
polls. According to one poll, the results of which were recently
published by the Turkish Economic and Social Studies Foundation
(TESEV), the level of those saying "the theory of evolution is true"
stands at 10.7%, compared to 87.4% for those saying "God created
man."According to this poll, 11 out of 100 people in Turkey believe in
the theory of evolution, in other words that living things are the
result of chance, that they came onto being "spontaneously" over
millions of years. In the late1970s, on the other hand, 75% ofTurkish
citizens believed that thetheory of evolution was true. Today, that
figure has dropped to 11%. There is no doubt that one of the major
factors in this change is, through Allah, the works and activities of
Adnan Oktar. Under the pen-name Harun Yahya, Adnan Oktar has written
more than 50 books andpublished many documentary films about the
invalidity of the theory of evolution and the fact of creation, and
has opened dozens on web sites upon the subject. In addition, articles
under his real or pen-names have appeared in more than 300 magazines
and newspapers, andhis documentaries are regularly broadcast on 273
local and regional TV channels. The Science Research Foundation and
Foundation of Preserving National Values, of which Adnan Oktar is
honorary president, have held more than 2000 conferences in the
majority of Turkish provinces, districts and townships.
Another finding announced in the TESEV report is that 93.2% of Turks
describe themselves as "religious."
The latest scientific findings have dealt a severe blow to materialism
and Darwinism. All the frauds and lies of evolutionists, who have
deceivedpeople over the last 10 years by the use of all kinds of
methods of deception, have now been unmasked.
Ministerial Announcement: "Evolution Is a Lie"
Polish Deputy Education Minister Miroslaw Orzechowski has said that
Darwin's theory is a "lie" and should not be taught in schools. In a
statement recently issued at the Ministry of Education, the Polish
Education and Deputy Education Ministers said "The theory of evolution
is alie!" and "In the same way that wrong should not be taught instead
of right, lies such as the theory of evolution should not be taught."

'Truth has come and falsehood has vanished. Falsehood is always bound
to vanish.' (Surat Al-Isra , 81)
In the light of the latest developments we have witnessed throughout
the course of this article we may saythat materialist philosophy that
inspires atheism is now in its death throes and, by the will of Allah,
mankind has in the 21st century begun returning to the true purpose of
its creation by being freed from such deceptions.
No matter what efforts materialists and atheists may make to prevent
the spread of religious moral values, no matter how much they attempt
to hinder the light of Allah, Darwinism, the basis of their world
view, has now collapsed. They no longer have any basis for their
efforts to prevent the spread of religious moral values.This fact is
being recognized by more and more people every day, and people across
the planet are turning back to faith and religious virtues.
The way that many famous scientists admit that living things are
created is a striking development showing that the theory of evolution
has come to the end of the road and that the number of its adherents
is falling every day.
The latest scientific findings have dealt a severe blow to materialism
and Darwinism. All the frauds and lies of evolutionists, who have
deceivedpeople over the last 10 years by the use of all kinds of
methods of deception, have now been unmasked.
However, this must not lead believers in God to any relaxation as the
struggle against Darwinism is not yet finished, and it must not
finish; Darwinist propaganda is still going on unceasingly. Believers
need to forge a powerful alliance against this propaganda, which is
constantlymaintained through newspaper and magazine articles,
documentary films and television programmes, and which is particularly
aimed at the young. Everyone must be told, by the use of developing
technologies and by monitoring scientific advances, how this perverted
ideology is worthless and of the kind of dangers it poses. As the
numbers of those who see that the theory of evolution has
scientifically collapsed and that Darwinist propaganda consists of
hollow indoctrination increases, the nightmare of Darwinism will, by
Allah's will, be eradicated. The intellectual struggle against
Darwinism and atheism waged by believers who mobilize all themeans at
their disposal in order to attain Allah's approval will end in the
finest manner for all mankind. Work carried out in honesty and
togetherness will be a means whereby truth is victorious and
superstition is vanquished, as our Lord promises in the Holy Qur'an.
Thispromise by the Almighty Allah is a source of enormous enthusiasm
and excitement for all believers:
Rather We hurl the truth againstfalsehood and it cuts right through it
and it vanishes clean away! Woe without end for you for what you
portray! (Surat Al-Anbiya, 18)
With the intellectual eradication of Darwinism, which leads to lack of
faith and atheism, religious moral values will quickly spread, and
peace and security will rule the world. By the will of Allah, people
will very soon turn in floods to the true faith and, as promised by
our Lord, the radiance of Allah will rule the entire world.

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