Thursday, June 20, 2013

A Daa'iyah, Except in One's Own Family - I

This is how he is and it is clear to everyone.
From the rise of dawn to the fall of night, theDaa'iyah)caller to
Islam( is out of his home, ardently fervent for his religion. He is
eager to do anything to serve the religion of Allaah The Almighty. He
wishes he could change the world. This is his main concern.
That is also the main concern of ourDaa'iyahsister: she is as active
as a bee, moving from one lesson to another, from one circleof
teaching Quran to a gathering ofThikr)remembrance(. She always does
what is good.
But let us raise the following question to you, bothDaa'iyahbrother and sister:
What is the share of your childrenin thisDa'wah)call( to Allaah?
Dear caregiver,
It is true that you spend your time, effort and money in the cause of
Allaah The Almighty, andin the way ofDa'wahto Allaah The Almighty, but
where is the share of your child from that vocation? Dear caregiver,
this factis painful. We see the children of those who abide by Islamic
teachings-- Daa'iyahsand scholars )save those upon whom Allaah The
Almighty has mercy( -- smoking, cursing, abusing, insulting, and
uttering obscene words. They neither pray nor memorize the Quran, nor
even attend gatherings of religious knowledge.
How disastrous it is to see children of theDaa'iyahs, the best of
people, in such a state. It is an amazing contradiction between what
we call for and how we and our children live. This contradiction
deprives us of credibility, displeases Allaah The Almighty, and
contradicts our method which we call others to abide by, that is:"Each
of you is a guardian and responsible for those under his care."
}And warn]O Muhammad[ your closest kindred{]Quran 26:214[ is a clear
method for the leader of the Messengers,.
Dear caregiver andDaa'iyah, your ideal, the leader ofDaa'iyahs,
Prophet Muhammad,, startedhis call first with his closest kin, in
response to the command of Allaah The Almighty )that means(:}And warn,
]O Muhammad[, your closest kindred.{]Quran 26:214[ One's relative is
the one dearest to us, then, how do we withhold religious advice from
our dearest ones, especially such advice that is the best gift for
every dear one?
Observing the right of kinship and family relations requires
theDaa'iyahto play a great role within his family, kindred and
children. If he indulges in calling them and neglects guiding them,let
him then reconsider whether he is true to his love for them, and be
cautious of incurring the wrath of Allaah The Almighty Who Says in His
Book )what means(:}O you who have believed, protect yourselves and
your families from a Fire whose fuel is people and stones, over which
are ]appointed[ angels, harsh and severe; they do not disobey Allaah
in what He commands them but do what they are commanded.{]Quran 66:6[
DearDaa'iyah, your role with your family and children is obligatory on
you, but do not care too much about the outcome, for it is your duty
only to warn, lest you would be raisedas being negligent on the Day of
Dear caregiver andDaa'iyah, put the following verse before you in
which Allaah The Almighty Says )what means(:}And warn, ]O Muhammad[,
your closest kindred{]Quran 26:214[ To obey the command in this verse,
the Prophet,, suffered a great deal, and was driven out of Makkah, the
dearest of homelands to him.
It is narrated that when the following was revealed:}And warn, ]O
Muhammad[, your closest kindred{]Quran 26:214[ the Messenger of
Allaah,, went out, ascended Mount Safa, and shouted:"O Sabaahah! )be
onyour guard("The people said,"Who is that?"Then they gathered around
him, whereupon he said:"Do you see ifI inform you that cavalrymen are
coming up the side of this mountain, will you believe me?"They
said,"We have never known you to be a liar."Then he said:"I am for you
a warner in the face of severe punishment."On that Abu Lahab said,"May
you be ruined! It is only for this that you have gathered us?"On that
AllaahThe Almighty Revealed )what means(:}May the hands of Abu Lahab
be ruined and ruined is he.{]Quran 111:1[
Nooh )Noah(was aDaa'iyahat home
Dear caregiver andDaa'iyah, the story of Noohshows clearly how he was
ardently fervent for his son.
Even at the last moment, and after he realized that he would be among
the ruined, Noohtried his best and spared no effort in attempting to
advise and guide him.
Reflect, dear caregiver, on the Quranic Verse )in which Allaah The
Almighty Says what means(:}And it sailed with them through waves like
mountains, and Noah called to his son who was apart ]from them[, "O my
son, come aboard with us and be not with the disbelievers."{]Quran
Dear caregiver, guidance is a lifeboat, so, do not ride it alone, but
take care to save your child just as Noohcared to save his son.
How do you engage in guiding allthe people and yet fail to care about
guiding the closest one to you -- your child who is a part of you and
you are part of him? Howdo you regard your child taking refuge with
evil companions, thinking that salvation and prosperity are with them?
Why do you not do like Nooh:}]But[he said, "I will take refuge on a
mountain to protect me from the water." ]Noah[ said, "There is no
protector today from the decree of Allaah, except for whom He gives
mercy." And the waves came between them, and he was among the
drowned.{]Quran 11:43[
Dear caregiver andDaa'iyah, you have to shoulder your responsibility
towards your child before he goes astray in the oceans of
darkness:}And it was said, "O earth, swallow your water, and O sky,
withhold ]your rain[." And the water subsided, and the matter was
accomplished, and the ship came to rest on the ]mountain of[ Joodiyy.
And it was said, "Away with the wrongdoing people."{]Quran 11:44[
Dear caregiver, you are the disciple of Muhammad,and the grandson of Nooh.
Now, dear caregiver, let us do ourbest to rear our children the way we
should, sparing no time or effort in this respect.

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