Saturday, May 18, 2013

Women Travelling Without Mahrams

How strong is your belief,Muslim sister, in the Hadeeth (narration)
wherein the Prophet, , said: " Let no woman travel except with a
Mahram (non-marriageable men)." ? [Ahmad and Al-Bayhaqi: Authentic
chain of narrators]
Chaste sister, do not be deceived by some strange indulgent opinions
that are not founded on evidence, like the opinion that permits the
woman to travel with a trustworthy group of women. This is because the
Sharee'ah (Islamic legislation) ruling cannot be taken from
reason-based opinions whose holders have been influenced by the
pressure of reality and a multitude of personal inclinations, so they
were keen on producing juristic rulingsthat suit people's dispositions
even if theserulings oppose evidence. Thus, Sharee'ah rulings cannot
be taken from such points of view.
This matter is related to religion and religion is the greatest and
the mostprecious thing that the Muslim owns. Hence, religion should
not be taken from the people who have methodologiesthat think of
facilitation in the saying of the Prophet, : "Make things easy, and do
not make things difficult." as indicating compliance with weak
statements and irregular opinions. These people will not remove the
sin from you when you follow their opinions.
As a Muslim, however, you should hold firmly to the Quran and the
Sunnah (tradition) in matters like this one, even if you behave
against your desires, so as to maintain the integrity of your
religious commitment. The Prophet, , exempted a man from performing
Jihaad (armed struggle) in the cause of Allaah The Almighty to allow
him to travel with his wife to perform Hajj . If it had been
permissible for the woman to travel, unaccompanied by a Mahram , with
other women, then the Prophet, , would have granted her a concession
to do so. Ibn 'Abbaas was reported to have heard the Prophet, ,
delivering a Khutbah (sermon) saying: "'No man should be alone with a
woman unless her Mahram is present, and no woman should travel unless
she has a Mahram with her.' A man stood upand said, 'O Messenger of
Allaah, my wife has set out for Hajj, and I have enlisted for
such-and-such battle.' He said : 'Go and perform Hajj with your
wife.'" [Al-Bukhaari and Muslim]
Since this man was exempted from performing Jihaad to travel with his
wife to perform Hajj , how could the Muslim woman allow herself to
travel unaccompanied by a Mahram without a reasonor even for a trivial
reason? Since the Sharee'ah has forbidden Muslim women from traveling
to do an act of obedience such as Hajj without a Mahram , how could
she be allowed to travel on a picnic or a visit or for other general
purposes? It was narrated on the authorityof Ibn 'Abbaas that
theProphet, , said: "Let no woman perform Hajj unless her husband is
with her." [Ad-Daaraqutni] [Abu 'Awaanah: Saheeh [
In short, one's attitude confirms the deeds of theheart. No one can
differentiate between their attitude and what isconcealed in the
heart. Hence, the Prophet, , combined both of them in explaining the
criterion by which Allaah The Almighty judges the deeds of His slaves
by saying: "Allaah does not look at your outward appearances or
wealth; rather, He looks at your hearts and deeds." [Ahmad, Muslim and
Ibn Maajah]
The fact that Allaah The Almighty looks at our hearts and deeds
indicates that the deeds of the hearts are not separated from the
deedsof the organs in the sightof Allaah The Almighty.
Dear sister, do you not agree with me now that one's attitude confirms
the deeds of the heart? Do you not further agree that each minor or
major deed that you perform and each form that you assume when you go
out -- whether it is sanctioned by the religion of Allaah The Almighty
or not -- is a living, evident, and tangible reflection of the faith
and the feelings of love, glorification and exaltation of Allaah The
Almighty that are concealed in your heart?
If you say that you do notagree with me, then you should seek help
from Allaah The Almighty and ask Him to guide you to the right course.
You should also refer to the Quran and check it because it is full of
evidence on this fact. If your answer, however, is that you agree with
me, and I do expect that – Allaah willing – then all perfect praise is
due to Allaah The Almighty. I supplicate Allaah The Almighty to keep
my heart and yours steadfastin the truth. In reality, steadfastness in
the truthand consistent observance of it is a great blessing.

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