Thursday, May 30, 2013

We challenge Dawkins to a discussion before the public

Richard Dawkins, a most ardent supporter of Darwinism, has long
accounted for the perfect creation of the universe in terms of the
theory of evolution, which has lately suffereda global collapse. In
his recent writings and interviews, however, Dawkins has started to
express that "life cannot form by chance." It is an absence of sense
and reason to support evolution on one hand and to state that life
cannot come about by chance on the other. That is due to the fact that
according to the theory of evolution, which Dawkins supports,the
existence of life is based on entirely random coincidences.
Dawkins has realized that he can get nowherewith the scenario of
chance. But, he is now inthe logical impasse as hebasically claims
that"evolution cannot be a result of coincidences, but has occurred by
means of coincidences." What he should realize isthat demagogy no
longer works.
If Dawkins sincerely believes in this theory, we'd like to invite him
toTurkey, or else we could come to UK to have a discussion. Dawkins
should clarify hundreds of questions, only a few of which are listed
below, before the cameras. So we, as well as the public, will be able
to hear what he hasto say. Obviously, it's no good to engage in
unilateral programs. Moreover, with such an attitude Dawkins only
deceives himself. Let us send the first 4 volumes of Atlas of Creation
to Mr.Dawkins, and let him examine the photographs of the fossils
therein which have not changed at all over the hundreds of millions of
years. And let him account for them in evolutionary terms according to
his much-publicized logic—if he can!
1. Archeological researches unearthed over a hundred million
fossils, proving that life forms were created out of nothing . Still,
there is not a single transitional fossil supporting the theory of
evolution. If Dawkins is sincere in his claim, he should bring a
transitional fossil and announce it to the public as "a transitional
2. The odds against a functional protein emerging randomly is 10
950 to 1—a practical impossibility . ( In mathematics, probabilities
smaller than 1 over 10 50 are accepted as "zero probability." ) If
Dawkinsis honest, he should point at a mass of proteins that formed by
chance or by means of the methods he espouses. Let Dawkins explain us
how he can account for the origin oflife in evolutionary terms, when
even a single protein—the building block of life—cannot form by
3. Let Dawkins explain us how all colorful, lively,
three-dimensionaland perfectly clear images, shortly life itself,can
form in the pitch dark human brain and who sees this image in the
4. Let Dawkins explain us in evolutionary terms how conversations,
music and all other sounds form in the sound-isolated brain; who
listens to and enjoys these sounds, who knows their meaning, who
reflects on them consciously andwho answers back these sounds!
Let Dawkins ask the same questions to us, and let us give our answers.
Let us supply our evidence, and let him bring his—if he has any. Then
let the public decide who is right. We want the public to knowon a
larger scale how Darwinism is a false theory and how it is the
greatest deception of the world's history. We are confident that the
days are soon to come when people will laugh, asking themselves "How
could we ever believe this theory?" In near future, people will be
wondering with amazement how they could ever have been taken in by it.
In fact, this is already occurring, at an ever-increasing momentum.
World-wide polls reveal statistical data proving this state of affairs
Darwinism, tried to be kept alive by engaging in demagogy and
propaganda, has been refuted in all spheres and it is now widely
recognized that it's no longer possible to defend Darwinism by
demagogy. Dawkins' recent statement along the logic that "evolution
cannot be a result of coincidences, but has occurred by means of
coincidences" is nothing but a laughable misery of reason.
As you can see in the above movie, unable to provide a reasonable
answer, Richard Dawkinspaused a long time when asked to "give an
example of a beneficial mutation."
If he answers (!) our above questions in the same way as he did in
this interview, then our questions will remain unanswered. Therefore,
we expect him to give reasonable, clear answers based on evidence, and
hope he will accept our invitation.
1 Charles Darwin, Letter to William Graham, 1881. Francis Darwin, The
Life and Letters of Charles Darwin, No. 1, p. 285 (New York: Basic
Books, 1959) - - ▓███▓ Translator:-> ▓███▓ - -

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