Saturday, May 18, 2013

The idea that Darwin made an important scientific discovery after his voyages is a deception

Darwinists may imagine that Darwin made stunning discoveries following
hisvoyages on HMS Beagle, and that he developed the idea of evolution
that way.
What Darwin actually did on the Beagle is this: Darwin embarked on a
naval adventure lasting several months, yelling out with drunken crew
members. He collected plants and insects, but did not go to the bother
of looking after them, and just set them to one side (One can find
detailsin his autobiography). What people think of as scientific
research is Darwin's naval trip spentdrinking with members of the
crew. Darwin laterproposed the twisted ideas of his grandfather,a
freemason, as if they were a great scientific discovery and led
massesof people to a pagan religion.
If Darwinists' claims were true, then the fossil record should contain
a large number of very strange life forms with several eye sockets,
noses in different places, a jaw in the back as well as in the front,
and abnormally developed skulls, as pictured here. Yet no such fossil
has ever been found after 150 years of research. On the contrary, all
thefossils unearthed to date show that all living things have been
flawless and fully formed since the moment they first came intobeing,
and never changed so long as they existed.
Neither during this voyage nor after it did Darwin have any scientific
discovery or evidence. He merely sought to maintain a heresy inherited
from his grandfather, ErasmusDarwin. Darwin at that time imagined that
the cell was a balloon full of water. He was ignorant of the science
of genetics. He was not even familiar with the electron microscope.
Theonly thing he knew was the need for transitional fossils if his
claims were to be confirmed as true. But he also knew that nosuch
thing existed. He therefore openly stated that "future generations"
would findthese as yet undiscovered imaginary transitional forms,
... Why, if species have descended from other species by insensibly
finegradations, do we not everywhere see innumerable
transitionalforms? Why is not all nature in confusion instead of the
species being, as we see them, well defined?… But, as by this theory
innumerable transitionalforms must have existed,why do we not find
them embedded in countless numbers in thecrust of the earth?… Whythen
is not every geological formation and every stratum full of such
intermediate links? Geology assuredly does not reveal any such finely
graduated organicchain; and this, perhaps, is the most obvious and
gravest objection which can be urged against mytheory. (Charles
Darwin, The Origin of Species, pp. 172, 280)
At present, too, just as Darwin admitted, THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A
TRANSITIONAL FOSSIL. Darwinists are in a state of shock. Darwin's
prophecy has come true. And what is more, science has revealed that
natural selection is not an evolutionary force, that the genetic
structures of living things are incredibly complex, that no random
process can produce such a perfect structure or add any new genetic
information, and that life can never emerge from inanimate substances.
These are other things Darwin did not know. After the fossilrecord,
perhaps the greatest blow to Darwinism came when THEY WERE UNABLE TO
that they cannot produce in the laboratory TO FORM BY CHANCE. These
facts have all led to Darwinism's collapse. - - ▓███▓
Translator:-> ▓███▓ - -

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