Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Racism: A Sign of Weak Faith

Allaah Almighty Says what means: "You are thebest nation produced [as
an example] for mankind. You enjoin what is right and forbid what is
wrong and believe in Allaah. If only the People of the Scripture had
believed, it would have been better for them. Among them are
believers, but most ofthem are defiantly disobedient." [Quran 3:110]
Islam is the best tool for relieving humankind of its ills. When we
look at one another as individualbeings with our diverse capacities
and ideas we should be able to see the beauty of Allaah's handiwork.
But too oftenwe fall into the trap laid by Iblees (Satan) when Allaah
created Aadam. Iblees (Satan) became haughty and arrogant and felt
that he was the best of creation. Allaah Almighty Says what means:
{And [mention] when We said to the angels, "Prostrate before Aadam";
so they prostrated, except for Iblees. He refused and was arrogant and
became of the disbelievers.} [Quran 2: 34] Here Allaah Almighty
mentions that rejection of faith lies in refusal to obey Allaah's
command through haughtiness. Many of us are haughty due to having
pride in our accomplishments, our acquisitions and our positions in
comparison to our fellow human beings. But is this what Allaah placed
us on earth to do?
He, Almighty, tells us in Quran (what means): {…Had Allaah willed, He
would have made you one nation [united in religion], but [He intended]
to test you in what He has given you; so race to [all that is] good.
To Allaah is your return all together, and He will [then] inform you
concerning that over which you used to differ.} [Quran 5:48]
Obviously, His plan was tomake us different types of people so that we
could realize our diversity and put forth every effort to lead one
another to the Almighty. Being different only obliged us to work as
one people to promote the good and forbid the wrong.
To work as one people striving to Allaah we must overcome our desire
to use our ethnicity or race as a means to divide us. Every race
struggles to hold on to, their inherited identity but in so doing, in
the long run, we may encounter the risk of eliminating an aspect of
our lives that will make us better people .
Poverty syndrome
Poverty separates people.At times we look to display our
accomplishments in waysthat glamorize and tickle the fancy of others.
Everything looks well put together and organized, but when we take an
in-depth look behind the scene, we may have overlooked some critical
factors. Why aren't there more people of color present at the event?
Were they included in the planning stages? Wasevery effort made to get
their input? As an observer of this phenomenon, all too often, I
notice that more times than necessary, poverty is a factor. The fees
to attend many programs are out off the scale for poor Muslims. Also,
location plays a pivotal role in attendance. Every Muslim does not
have a car and many rely on public transportation to get around. And,
in a predominant white America, how does this apply to Muslims? The
reality is that many Muslims of fair complexion are more comfortable
being recognized as Caucasian rather than people of color.
Consciously, our brethrendon't use this as a factor but subconsciously
it is used in the workplace, inthe public sphere and in the most
sacred place for the Muslim, the Mosque. If one grew up in America
during the 50s, 60s and 70s, it was emphasized that the one with the
lighter skin complexion would have abetter chance of being
mainstreamed in with their Caucasian counterpart and therefore
apportioned some of the fruits of that community. The stigma that was
placed on the darkness of ones' skin became synonymous with failure.
This was also taught to people of other countries before they came to
America. The mantra was "stay away from the black Americans".
Unfortunately, people of color tend to be among the poorest around the
world. Their struggle has been documented throughout history. But, the
one theme among this impoverished group has been to strive in the fact
of adversity .
If you can read you can learn and if you can learnyou can succeed. Yet
the opportunities for success do not always be within the reach of
A community that is largely Caucasian has a greater chance of opening
the door to advancement for its residents than a community wherein the
population is primarily African-American. But, it doesn't have to be
that way. If the prosperous community took their ideas into a
seemingly hopeless community as a means to inform them of the
potential for success rather than deride them for their lack of
motivation, working with them and pushing them to see that they too
can thrive, a step toward equality can begin.
Now, let us substitute Muslim for prosperous and look at ourselves to
see how some of us have neglected the less-fortunate in our midst and
we will see where the genuine work of a believer belongs .
"What you don't know can kill you" is a saying attributed to
ignorance. Allaah, the Almighty, tells us in the Quran (what means):
{And [mention O Mohammad] when your Lord said to the angels,"Indeed, I
will make upon the earth a successive authority." They said, "Will You
placeupon it one who causes corruption therein and sheds blood, while
we declare Your praise and sanctify You?" Allaah said,"Indeed, I know
that which you do not know."And He taught Aadam thenames – all of
them. ThenHe showed them to the angels and said, "Inform Me of the
names of these,if you are truthful." They said, "Exalted are You;
wehave no knowledge except what You have taught us. Indeed, it is You
who is the Knowing, the Wise."} [Quran 2:30-32]
Clearly, without a true understanding of why we do something we
willcontinue to have impoverished souls. The example of Aadam
beforethe angels can be compared to the truly intelligent and the
analytical among us. A scholar made the point that the intelligent one
isaware of Allaah's mercy to His creation, submits to it and obeys
wherein the analytical one has notyet grasped the glory of Allaah and
still questions His Omnipotence seemingly looking for a way out.
Knowledge enlightens the soul and nurtures humility. Takingthe
position of slave/servant to Allaah broadens our perspectiveand
invokes in us the willto submit willingly to His commands.
Acknowledging our similarities and differences as assets rather than
losses will bring us closer to Allaah and closer to one another.
In order to remove subtleracism there has to be anadmission that it
exists. Then steps must be madeto heal and rekindle a relationship
that predates modern man. Our community can regain its place as
leaders of the world, but only if we accept our destiny as a unit of
one Ummah in a race towardsthe everlasting bounties of Allaah. - -
▓███▓ Translator:-> ▓███▓ - -

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