Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Parents: Precious Blessings in our Life

Allaah The Almighty has made our parents the means of giving us life
and made them the source of providing us with unparalleled love and a
sound upbringing. However, when we growup, we tend to forget theperiod
of our infancy andchildhood and disregard their efforts. What
ingratitude can be worsethan this?
The very least we can do for our parents is to show goodness and kind
treatment towards them while they are alive, and supplicate for them,
offercharity and other righteous deeds on their behalf after their
Allaah The Almighty mentions the virtues of being good to one's
parents in conjunction with worshipping Him alone when He Says (what
means): {"And yourLord has decreed that you worship none but Him. And
that you are dutiful to your parents. If one of them or both of them
attain old age in your life, say not to them a word of disrespect, nor
shout at them but address them in terms of honour.And lower unto them
the wing of submission and humility through mercy, and say: `My Lord!
Bestow on them Your Mercy as they did bring me up when I was young.'"}
[Quran, 17: 23-24].
The Prophet classified being undutiful to parents as one of the great
major sins and mentioned it along with associating partners withAllaah
The Almighty in Hisworship. He said: "Shall I not inform you about the
most grievous of the grave sins?" His Companions replied, "Indeed, O
Messenger of Allaah!" He said: "Associating anything with Allaah (in
worship), and being undutiful to parents, (he was reclining at that
time, then he sat up and said): (beware of) false testimony or false
utterance." He repeated itso many times that his Companions wished
that he would become silent. [Al-Bukhaari and Muslim].
A man came to the Prophet and asked, "Which of the people is most
deserving of my good companionship?" He replied: "It is your mother."
The man asked, "Who is next?" He replied: "It is your mother." The man
then asked, "Who is next?" He replied: "It is your mother." Then the
man asked, "Who is next?" TheProphet replied: "It is your father."
Abu Hurayrah narrated that the Prophet said: "Let him be humiliated!
Let him behumiliated! Let him be humiliated!" It was asked, "Who, O
Messenger of Allaah?" He replied: "Hewhose parents reach old age,
either one or both of them, and who does not enter Paradise (due to
not being dutiful to them)." [Muslim]
Dutifulness to parents is one of the reasons behind the forgiveness
ofsins. Ibn 'Umar both, said that a man came to the Prophet and said,
"I have committed a great sin, can I repent from it?" The Prophet
asked: "Is your mother alive?" and in another narration he asked: "Are
you parents alive?" The man replied, "No" so the Prophet asked: "Do
you have a maternal aunt?" The man replied, "Yes" Thereupon, the
Prophet said: "Then bedutiful to her." [At-Tirmithi].
'Ali ibn Abi Taalib said, "If there was anything less than this
expression (i.e., saying 'Uff' to one's parents) as a form of being
undutiful, Allaah would have forbidden that expression." Allaah The
Almighty also mentions gratefulness to Him along with being grateful
to one's parents when He says (what means): "Give thanks to Me and to
your parents. Unto Me is the final destination." [Quran, 31: 14]
These narrations inspire you to be dutiful to your parents and respect
and glorify them. Do not be negligent of the saying of the Prophet :
"The pleasure of the Lord is in pleasing your parents, and the wrath
of the Lord (upon the child) is if he makes them angry."

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