Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Male-female relations in today's society, the concept of marriage. Part II

there is also a very intense love in believers. People are sometimes
unable to fathom the wisdom in this. People who do not experience it
cannot fathom it. These people are experiencing their sixth sense. In
other words, unknown to them a miracle is taking place. Passion is a
miracle. It is a profound delight. Some people impersonate passion
when they talk, saying they love whoever it is very much. But why do
they immediately insult, attack, denigrate and upset the other person
when their material interests conflict? In thatcase it is not passion.
It means they have heard about a passion coming from the revealed
religions. You know subconsciously that it is a good thing.
Unbelievers know it subconsciously, too, but they do not experience
it. The believer knows it subconsciously and, most importantly,
experiences it. Allah makes him experience it.In other words, Allah
creates this special feeling, this special system, in the person. For
example, if you ask abeliever to describe the feeling he cannot do so,
but will experience it as an intense delight. And passion does not
leave a Muslim when they age. But what such people, a young man who
loves a girl, call passion will fly away when she falls ill and
changes appearanceeven a little.
TEMPO TV: Love comes to an end.
ADNAN OKTAR: Love comes to an end. What does that mean? It means the
person has experienced a very poor imitation of real passion,has
longed for passion but does not know whatreal passion is. But if
someone loves with real passion, then even if the beloved's face or
hands are burned he or she will just love that personeven more and
feel an even deeper affection for them. Whereas if oneloves with true
passion, if one's face and hands are on fire, then the beloved will
love one more, with a profound love and affection, because they know
they will see its true face in Paradise and how perfect it will be,
and that they will live together for all time. Passion in false love
maylast 10 years, or 5, or 3 oreven only a few months, but true
passion is forever. Because you love Allah and you love as a
manifestation of Allah, and you know thatAllah will bestow that
manifestation for all eternity, for which reason you bind yourselfto
the person with a deep love and the desireto be with them for
ever,with an unquenchable love. Otherwise, even a child will realize
how false it would be to talk of passion for an entity will know will
die and cease to exist, especially if one believes they came about
through evolution and are actually a kind of ape.
ADNAN OKTAR: In other words a truly devout man and truly devout woman
live together in an intense passion, and their love increases many
times over. I can describe it as exponential, 2,4,8,16... Their love
grows strongly and they are most delighted with oneanother. Their
existence delights them and their hearts open up as soon as they set
eyes on one another. But other people just go to the coffee house or
outside and only want to be rid of the other party. They find peace
when they donot have to see one another. That shows the intense nature
of the problem. That is why Allah says that devout women are for
devout men. And unbelieving men for unbeliever women. People far
removed from the religion of Allah, in otherwords. And that is how
itis in Paradise. Allah says that believer women have eyes for their
husbands alone. He is referring to women bound with true passion.
Allah emphasizes this first of all. Passion. In other words we are
looking at loyalty, devotion and passion. Allah has set thisout as the
source of a tenacious desire. This is a blessing on believers in this
world and in the Hereafter. But the secret is unique to them. Women
who are unaware of this collapse quickly. It's a pity. In other words,
that suffering and trouble is quickly reflected in the bodies of their
beautiful souls. It also causes themto collapse physically. Lack of
love lies at the heart of the way womenfall apart and lose their
beauty so soon. Love is the best food of the soul.The cells and the
whole body recognize love. Theeye cell and the eye become very large
through love. The skin becomes more beautiful and tauter through
love.The voice becomes very lovely and impressive, and the body's
electricitybecomes most lovely. It affects the hair and the skin. But
when love departs, it is as if the body has a cancer, cancer of the
hair, for instance. The eyes become cancerous. The tongue and lips and
everywhere become cancerous. That applies to both men and women. That
is why early collapse leads to such ugliness, harshness and thinness.
But men and women who are believers become much, much more attractive.
Under the influence of faith and love. This is a secret of Allah. But
people are ignorant of it. Most people are unaware of it.
ADNAN OKTAR: Real, genuine women are powerfully affected by
intelligence. And an intelligent man will be powerfully affected by
the intelligence in a woman. Allah has created them for one another.
The thing they delight in most is that spiritual joy. In other words,
one will be affected to the second orthird degree by flesh and blood.
But it is the eyes that reveal a woman's soul. Love flows through a
woman's eyes. For someone who is intelligent. Love also flows from an
intelligentman right inside the woman. An enormous mutual flow is set
up. This turns into a joy that powerfully affects the whole body. For
example, an intelligent person, an intelligent woman's voice also has
apowerful effect. It has a powerful impact on the soul. Their speech
also has a powerful impact. Their expressions and words alone have a
hugely powerful impact. But this is a mutual phenomenon, and these
attributes are the same for men and women.
ADNAN OKTAR: And an intelligent woman hates to look with love at a
stupid person. A woman will be disgusted, and she cannot hide it, she
is not strong enough. Women with those lovely eyes, so full of love
and able to look so delightfully, remain rigidand withered up. They
are unable to find any such person. Yet a woman wants to pour allher
love into someone. And she wants to receiveand absorb love in return.
But they can find no such object. They only very rarely find such a
person. But they use their logic here. And that is when they find
themselves in deep trouble. Because they then look for their own
advantage. They find what they are looking for, but find personal
advantage, as well. But instead of doing it for Allah's approval and
loveof Him, expecting no personal advantage, they fall into satan's
ADNAN OKTAR: My answerto the question of what a devout woman should be
like is that she is in love with Allah, meaningthat she has totally
surrendered herself to Him. She has entirely freed herself from
worldly concerns, from greed, discord, envy andjealousy.
For example, a jealous woman's face will be dirtied and dark, in other
words not very nice. A lack of light emanates from her face. In other
words a greedy woman has no internal richness, in other words,Allah
withdraws the majesty from her face. Because what we call woman is
that profound power in her soul, not the flesh and blood. Because
everyone, even horses and donkeys, have two front and rear legs. All
animals have them. There is a deep force in the soul, a power stemming
from moral virtue as a miraclefrom Allah, and that is what we call
woman, and it is that which affects believers. It is that which cannot
be described but which we see as love of Allah.
Think of a woman who says she is jealous, who envies and fights, who
has worldly greed, she says that she can still be beautiful, but let
her go and look in the mirror, she is not really beautiful at all. Her
soul can never be beautiful, she can never find joy and she can never
find passion. She can never find the beauty of being a woman. So the
man will be unaffected by her. Allah bestows coldness on such people's
souls. Whateverthey do, they cannot attain that beauty. They can make
themselves up as much as they like, wear what they like and behave as
they like, but that repulsion and darkness in their souls will still
be upon them. Itis the same with men. Men can pretty themselves up all
they like, wear what they likeand do whatever they want, but even if
they become greater than 2 m in height they will stillhave no impact
on a woman. In other words, so long as a woman sees that stupidity,
that greed, that great distance from Allah and that darkness in the
soul,he will never be able to establish a link with thatpower in her
soul. She is not affected by him in the slightest.
But a believer absorbs like a sponge, like a sponge absorbing the
believer opposite. A believer soaks up love and passion, and that is
what we describe as love between husband and wife. Not as in a limited
company established to achieve small personal gains. That means just
sorrow and suffering. It is mutual. One may take a pretty woman just
to show her off to one's friends. What a degrading thing to do, to
show one's wife off inpublic just to achieve a social success. A woman
may marry a handsome man just to enjoy a success and make her friends
envious and say what a good-looking man she married. In sucha painful
environment, both envy and jealousy arise, there is mutual suffering
and a dimness of soul arises, and one party regards the other party as
a dull, that is one sees the other party as an empty log and feels the
emptiness in the other's soul.
ADNAN OKTAR: That emptiness creates a hitherto unknown repulsion. No
matter what they do, they cannot get rid of it. Theythen decide to get
divorced. But there are many times more peoplewho would like to get
divorced but do not. In other words, they have aconstant subconscious
wish to divorce, and the number of people who are unable to make it a
reality is many times greater. For example, and I see this in films,
the man comes home and tries to kiss the woman on the back of her
neck. The woman is repelled and disgusted by that, but does not let
on. Or the woman comesand embraces the man, but the man finds her
repellent, is disgusted to think that such an entity is embracing him.
But if they look at matters with faith and taqwa, as a manifestation
of Allah, then a special power bestowed by Allah entersthe equation,
one we refer to as the sixth sense, relationship between a man and a
That is why people resort to various means to overcome that coldness.
They go down all kinds of strange paths; they go to magic men to have
spells lifted off them, they take drugs and use special lotions and go
to the doctor for treatment. There are doctors who specialize in this
field, asyou know. There are famous doctors who have made their name
init. But these are not problems that can be resolved with doctors,
professors, magic men, putty or special drinks.
These are delights that come with faith, passion,profound intelligence
and love of Allah.
ADNAN OKTAR: It is intelligence that most beautifies a woman. In other
words, an intelligent woman hypnotizes people and possesses an
extraordinary power. If they want a secret, I can tell them the
greatest secret of all; a woman with faith and intelligence and who
fears Allah can hypnotizean intelligent man, in other words an
extraordinary force emerges. That woman possesses a power that cannot
be conceived of or imagined, one that has an intense impact onthe
soul. And she needs to give thanks to Allah for that power that is so
very, very effective. Everything about an intelligent woman is
beautiful. She will have a beautiful physical appearance. Allah will
beautify her body, and her complexion and everything. This is an
absolute law of Allah, something that will definitely come about.
Everyone alive will see it.In the same way, an intelligent woman, a
highly intelligent woman, will be extraordinarily influenced by an
intelligent man. If they want to learn a secret, let me tell them
this; thatman will literally hypnotize them. The woman feels the
spirit and intelligence of an extraordinary power, and the man and
woman thus enter one another's bodies through the eyes and have a
profound impact on one another. This is a miracle of Allah. It is a
feature unique to truly intelligent people. Irreligious people cannot
understand it. If you describe it they will not understand, and they
are in no position to understand the suffering that comes from not
possessing it. But their souls literally burn from the inability to
comprehend this profundity. They cannot understand it, even if you
describe it to them. But there is a special secret from Allah for
believers, and this is a miracle, a miracle that ignorant people
cannot know. Only through thiscan someone be beautiful. But one does
not come to faith in order to be beautiful, one is beautiful because
one believes. A woman who genuinely believes has a huge impact.
Because she never lies. A woman who lies it utterly repulsive. A woman
who is not genuine, who hides behind a mask, is repulsive. I mean she
may be physically very, very attractive, but she will have a purely
physical effect on the soul. The impact is the soul and beauty in that
entity we call woman, and there is a special electricity we refer to
as woman. That only surfaces with profound intelligence, deep
sincerity and honesty. A man and a woman who speak the truth delight
in one another's company. But if both areliars, if both play games, as
I see in films and on the television, then theirfalse love is utterly
degrading and oppressive. The man goes on bended knee before the woman
with flowers in his hand and begs for her hand. That is a total
disgrace. The women will loathe such falsity and people who behave in
such a childishand irrational manner. But she will not let on, orshe
will pretend not to understand what is happening, and she will also
start behaving like alunatic, resulting in a very unpleasant stage
play that hurts everyone involved. And so it goes on.
ADNAN OKTAR: The best example is for the woman to fully adopt the
moral values of the Qur'an as her role model and to behave in the
light of Qur'anic moral values and good conscience. Let me say that a
woman who fully heeds the voice of her conscience is the most glorious
entity in the world. She is an irreplaceable blessing. A woman who
heeds her conscience and who fears Allah is he most delightful and
glorious being in the world. She is its greatest blessing. Women
should try to attain this blessing. And they should look for people
who realize theirworth. That is very important, someone who
appreciates her worth. Because if she cannot find someone who
appreciates her worth, she will be left allalone. And that is a
greatsadness and very difficult. Something requiring great
fortitudeand patience. Because awoman truly wants to beloved. She
wants to be loved deeply and with passion. She wants to beloved
deeply. But many women seek this but fail to find it. They should
belooking in the Qur'an. A man who lives by the moral values of the
Qur'an and seeks Allah's approval most of all, who has taqwa and fear
of Allah, a man who had dedicated his whole life to Allah, is someone
by whom a woman can be loved. But he has to be highly intelligent.
Allah produces a special power in such a man. That fully satisfies the
woman's soul. Otherwise, a woman willbe in a constant state of
suffering. Nothing you do can help. They take women on holiday, to
dinner, make compliments and the like, as in the films, but that just
angers the woman. They bow whenthey kiss a woman and that will disgust
her as if an animal is kissing her. She will be disturbed. But the
women put up with it. They embrace them. What I mean is herhusband,
her halal. She will still be disgusted, even if it is her husband.Then
the man makes a joke, and that infuriates her. He refers to something
irrational andannoys her. He buys her a present and she realizes he is
just trying to win her over, that he is not acting with faith and
reason. That annoys her, too. She is further disgusted because he so
trusts in his money. That annoys her all the more. They fall out.
These things are scourges, not the blessings they imagine. Someone who
imagines he can resolve everything with money disgusts himself even
more than the other party. Love can only have a profound effect in
people if it is based on and stems from passion for and love of Allah.
If someone is loved as a manifestation of Allah, then that delight and
blessing thatso move a person will arise. But otherwise no such thing
ADNAN OKTAR: She was our holy mother who genuinely loved the Prophet
Moses (peace beupon him), in whose time she lived, who met him in the
palace, who sincerely adopted the monotheistic belief he described and
who faced all kinds of risks and dangers to flee withhim across the
desert and share his life. She abandoned Pharaoh's magnificent
palace, pomp, blessings, show and sovereignty. She undertook to live
with the Prophet Moses in thedesert, where the Prophet Moses and the
believers spent 40 years, and she never abandoned him. This is of
course an excellent model for women. Whenpeople decide on marriage and
to look forlove they will seek taqwa and the greatest possible extent
of Allah's approval. Because Pharaoh had his impressive clothes, vast
amounts of food and drink, his magnificent palace and unbelievable
blessings, but he had no taqwa, moral virtue or love. Seeing that,
this splendid woman joined the Prophet Moses, accepting all the
dangers, death and hunger and everything, but still lived with him.
ADNAN OKTAR: Our Prophet's (saas) wives were very much in love with
him. They loved him very much. They regarded him as a manifestation of
Allah. They married him for Allah's approval. And there were women who
donated themselves to our Prophet (saas), who gave themselves for
Our Prophet (saas) says that he was caused to love three things;
beautiful scents, women and performing prayer (namaz), as the
blessingsof this world. Our prophet (saas) was very considerate of his
wives and full of love for them.He regarded them as a manifestation of
Allah, and they saw the manifestations of Allah in our Prophet (saas).
This was a great blessing, and they settled in very well alongside our
Prophet (saas).
But some of his wives, asdescribed in Surat at-Tahrim, made mistakes.
He told them to keep certain matters secret, but they went and told
other people. Then when he questioned his wife about this she asked
who had told him, and he said that Allah, the all-Knowing and
all-Aware had told him. It appears from other verses that certain of
his wives troubled our Prophet (saas) somewhat. There is a warning
where he says, "if you desire the life of this world and its finery,
come and I will give you all you need and release you with kindness.
But ifyou desire Allah and His Messenger and the abode of the
Hereafter, the verse continues. Then there is a warning as to be
There are strong warnings in Surat at-Tahrim. Some of his wives
misbehaved. But in general terms, Hazrat Aisha was exceedingly
thoughtful toward our Prophet (saas) and lovedhim very. Very much.
Shegot married at a very young age, as you know,but generally speaking
itwas a very great blessing for his wives to be with and serve the
Prophet (saas). They both acquired knowledge and also enjoyed great
Our prophet (saas) was someone who knew all about passion. He was
someone who knew all about depth. He was alsoexceptionally handsome.He
had black eyes, as you know. He was well-built with broad shoulders.
His hair was long and parted in the middle. He plaited it from time to
time. He put kohl on his eyes and had a black beard and hair. He had
very few white hairs until right before his death. His hairwas largely
black until the age of 63. That is a great miracle, Masha'Allah. He
smelled very delightful. Our Prophet (saas) always smelled of roses.
There was a mark on his back, on our Prophet's (saas) back, just like
Hazrat Mahdi (as). That will be handed down genetically right up to
Hazrat Mahdi (as). Almighty Allah makes His wisdom, genetics,
instrumental in this. Then in the End Times that seal will appear on
the back of his descendant, Hazrat Mahdi (as), just as with our
Prophet (saas) himself.
Our Prophet (saas) was also very physically strong. He wrestled, and
nobody ever beat him. He beat all his opponents. Masha'Allah. He made
jokes, excellent and wise jokes. He was someone who experienced the
blessingthat is women in the most profound manner.
He was someone who gave women's beauty itsfull due. He fully
understood his wives' beauty and saw in them a manifestation of Allah.
And Allah bestowed many things upon him, Masha'Allah. Some people
wonder why he married so many times. What more could Allah have
bestowed upon our radiant and beloved Prophet (saas)? That wasentirely
correct. If I had had a daughter and been alive in the time of our
Prophet (saas), I would have encouraged her to marry him right away
and been proud and delighted by it. - - ▓███▓ Translator:->
http://translate.google.com/m/ ▓███▓ - -

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