Saturday, May 4, 2013

It’s all in a hug

Kids aren't mind readers, but they are capable of reading our body language
When we hear about the tragedies in the world, such as the horrific
tsunami; or about all of the people and children hurt inthe worn-torn
countries found allaround the world; the millions of children who are
starving to death or dying of AIDS ...we each should be much, much
more thankful to our Creator for all that we have been blessed with
and never, ever forget all those who are suffering in our du'aa
Making du'aa and remembering all those suffering should be a regular
occurrence in our households, and with our families. Our children in
the West,with all the available perks in life are completely oblivious
to the suffering in the world unless we talk to them about it and
remind them that for all that they have there are so many that have
nothing. By the same token, we need to give ourselves a harsh reminder
as well not to take things - specifically our families for granted, as
we so often do.
Our children really need us to be there for them, not just to give
them lunch – money or pay their allowances.... but to be their rockin
the shakable and unsteady world they live in. Most importantly, we
need to show them by words and actions, that we love them – at every
opportunity we get.
A single action can say, and mean, a lot
We all have clear and concise memories of our parents – clear into our
adulthood. We remember what they did, what they said, how they acted,
even how they said things... and we also vividly recall what they
didn'tdo or say. Sometimes just a single action in a particular moment
can say, and mean a lot to a child, including and especially a
teenager. Teenagers and tweens care a lot more about what we, their
parent, think, than they would like to let on. So, while they may act
like they could care less, there shouldbe no doubt whatsoever that
they care immensely.
Some kids, if they do not get adequate positive attention, act out
with undesirable behavior to get any attention in any way possible
even if it is negative attention from Mom or Dad. Something is always
better than nothing, or not enough. Make thetime, you may not have it
later aswe live our lives and get caught up in our own dramas, we
often forget that our lives here are onlytemporary.
At any given time, Allaah Almighty forbid it for us, there could be a
car accident, a burglary gone bad, an indiscriminate drive-by shooting
or let's face it a hate crime committed against any person in our
family. People pass away from house-hold accidents every day and then
there is illness, which could strike any one of us. These
circumstances are all beyond our control and are real.
Because we live with such uncertainty and because we mustrealize and
make our children also understand that they are notinvisible... we
must make the time to spend with our family and show them we love
them; not tomorrow, but today - right now, this moment, because we may
not have that time later.
We all have the habit of putting things off, publicly and privately.
It is easier, life is busy, and there never is enough time in a day.
However, we should take notice to never procrastinate with our love.
We cannot afford to take time for granted when it comes to our
religion or our family. Time spent on these two vital aspects of our
lives is valuable time that is been very well spent.
Start with a hug
I know some of you may not havebeen raised in a home that displayed
affection and the thought of it, the action itself, may be awkward and
a little strange. But even if you didn't receive it as a child, know
that your children need it from you. Hugging is a whole lot easier
than you think, and once you get in the habit of doing it several
times per day, it will become natural and a comfort to you and your
Comfort in a cuddle!
I make du'aa that, if haven't already, you begin today by giving your
kids a hug each day and tell them you love and care for them. It is
such a comfort for a child, or wife or close friend for that matter,
to be held close and enclosed in loving arms.
For anyone who may be skeptical about it, you should ask yourself why
it seems scary to you. The Prophet Muhammad was known to be very
affectionate and caring towards his children and he is our best
example and role model as is featured in the following Hadeeth: Abu
Salamah related that Abu Hurayrah said: "The Prophet of Allaah kissed
Hasan ibn 'Ali while Aqra` ibn Haabis was sitting nearby. Aqra` said,
`I have ten children and have never kissed one of them.' The Prophet
looked at him and said, `Those who show no mercy will be shown no
mercy"' [Al-Bukhaariand Muslim]
After you have mulled that over for a while, then ask yourself: what
do you really have to lose? - - ▓███▓ Translator:-> ▓███▓ - -

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