Monday, May 13, 2013

Dought & Clear, - Ruling on kissing and embracing one wife in front of her co-wives!.

If a husband and wife are living in different states because of their
work and study situation, and the wife visits her husband for a few
days from time to time, does she have to put the prayers togetherand
shorten them, as in the case of the traveller, or is her husband's
house regarded as her house?
Praise be to Allah
If her usual place of residence is in her state, and she is only
visiting her husband for a few days, then her husband'shouse is not
regarded asher home; rather it is like any other place to which she
may travel, if the distance between the two states is the distance at
which shortening prayers becomes permissible, which is approximately
80 km. So she should shorten her prayers during this trip, but if she
has decided to stay with her husband for more than four days,
sheshould offer the prayers in full from the time she enters his
state, because in that case she comes under the same ruling asone who
is a resident. But if she intends to stay for four days or less, then
she should shorten her prayers.
When it is permissible to shorten the prayers it is also permissible
to put prayers together. It is also permissible to put prayers
together for other reasons, such as illness or difficulty (in offering
each prayer at its time).
But there is a difference between shortening prayers and putting
prayers together. Shortening prayers is a confirmed Sunnah (Sunnah
mu'akkadah) for travellers that shouldnot be neglected. As for putting
prayers together, it is permissible, so the traveller may put
prayerstogether or he may offereach prayer at its particular time.
Shaykh Ibn 'Uthaymeen (may Allah have mercy on him) was asked: I live
in al-Qaseem, but sometimes I go to Riyadhto visit my family; I have a
room there and I stay with them for two or three days. Can I shorten
my prayers if I pray on my own? Do I come under the ruling on
He replied: Yes, you come under the ruling on travellers, because your
place of residence is al-Qaseem, and when you visit your family it is
the visit of a traveller. Hence the Prophet (blessings and peace of
Allah be upon him) shortened his prayer in Makkah, although he had
previously been a resident of that city and he had houses there.
Butwhen he migrated, Madinah became his place of residence. So if you
go to visit your family, you are a traveller.
End quote from Liqa' al-Baab al-Maftooh, 58/23
He was also asked: If a person travels and leaves his family, and he
has the intention of not returning to his homeland, and he stays in a
city that is far away from their city, with the intention of settling
there, then he goes backto his family for a visit, should he regard
himselfas a traveller or not?
He replied: If a person leaves his original home with the intention of
settling in a different city, then when he goes back to his original
home he is a traveller, solong as he still has his original intention
(of settling in the second city). The evidence for that is that the
original home of the Messenger (blessings and peace of Allah be upon
him) was Makkah, but when he conquered Makkah he shortened his
prayers, and during the Farewell Pilgrimage he shortenedhis prayers.
Questioner: Does this apply even if his wife and children are in the first city?
Shaykh: Yes, even if his wife and children are there.
End quote from Liqa' al-Baab al-Maftooh, 82/23And Allah knows best.
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