Friday, May 10, 2013

Darwinists' efforts tocover up living fossils is fraudulent

Darwin was amazed when he found a fossilized Gingko tree leaf during
his research. An identical counterpart to something living today was
found with exactly the same appearance as it has today in strata
dating back millions of years. This fossil, which on its own
represented a serious dead-end for his theory and which caused Darwin
enormous concern, was described by Darwin in person as a "living
If Darwin were alive today, there is now doubt that his alarm on this
subject would be even greater. Because the gingko is not the only
living fossil to have survived. Some of the more than 250 million
fossils that have been unearthed to date belong to complete and fully
formed entities, while the majority represent living fossils. Fossil
specimens dating back millions of years from very many species living
today have been discovered and put on display. (For details see and ) The horses, giraffes, fish,
dogs, birds and reptiles alive today have all left traces dating back
millions of years with the same states and appearances that they have
now. The fossils illustrated in the Atlas of Creation and those on
show at various exhibitions and on the Fossil Museum website represent
just a few of the specimens in question. There are so many of these
specimensthat nearly every life form alive today is represented by
membersof the same species dating back millions of years. And these
fossils are in complete harmony with the organisms around today.THERE
Niles Eldredge, the well-known evolutionist paleontologist and
director of the American Museum of Natural History, summarized their
helplessness in the face of the reality that living fossils are one of
the greatest dilemmas confronting evolution:
...there seems to have been almost no change in any part we can
compare between the living organism and its fossilized progenitors of
the remote geological past. Living fossils embody the theme of
evolutionary stability to an extreme degree.....We have not completely
solved the riddle of living to an extreme degree. ....We have not
completely solved the riddle of living fossils. 1
Although Eldredge attempts, in his own eyes, to conceal Darwinists'
despair by the use of the term "evolutionary stability" and seeks to
give the impression that as if "an evolutionary process really did
take place in the past, but then underwent stability" the fact of the
matter is this: The fossil record proves that no evolutionary ever
happened at any time. All living species appeared in a moment with all
the characteristics they possess today, and have never changed over
the course of tens of millionsof years. Fish have always existed as
fish, reptiles as reptiles, mammals as mammals and human beings as
human beings. That is that what the fossil record, Darwin's greatest
hope, in fact reveals.
There is no doubt that this state of affairs constitutes a huge rout
for the theory of evolution, which is unconfirmed by even a single
transitional fossil. That is why Darwinist circles cover up the
existence of living fossilsand never bring them up, despite their
being well aware of the true position. Someone looking at evolutionist
references will form the impression that there are only a few living
fossils. Because only a few living fossils are ever brought up by
Darwinists. These references also attempt to give the impression that
it is miraculous howthese few fossils have remained unchanged and that
they are an "exception" among all the countless imaginary "proofs" of
But this is a deception.
The American paleontologist S. M. Stanley describes how the Darwinist
dictatorship that dominates the scientific world ignores and conceals
this fact revealed by the fossil record:
The known fossil record is not, and never has been, in accord with
gradualism. What is remarkable is that, through a variety of
historical circumstances, even the history of opposition has been
obscured… "The majorityof paleontologists felt their evidence simply
contradicted Darwin's stress on minute, slow, and cumulative changes
leading to species transformation." . . . [but] their story has been
suppressed. 2
But no matter how muchthey try to keep it hushed up, one fact can no
longer be concealed: there are millions of living fossils. Darwin's
theory of evolution is currently in a state of total defeat in the
face of the facts revealed by the fossil record. Scientific findings
have demolished Darwinism. Darwinists cannot conceal these fossils
thatprove the fact of Creation. The facts are out in the open and the
collapse of Darwinism has been broadcast by the fossil record, once
Darwinism's greatest foundation.
The Darwinist ploy has failed. The fossils that Darwinism expected
would confirm the theory have actually, by Allah's leave and will, put
an end to it. People have thus seen the truth that Allah creates all
living things from nothing. Once they have seen this, no contrary
claim can have any valueof effect. Almighty Allah has created the
system of the dajjal already in a state of collapse. This can be
irrefutably seen by one and all. Our Almighty Lord reveals in verses
how He has created all things from nothing:
How can you reject Allah, when you were dead and then He gave you
life, then He will make you die and then give you life again, then you
will be returned to Him? It is He Who created everything on the Earth
for you and then directed His attention up to heaven and arranged it
into seven regular heavens. He has knowledge of all things. (Surat
al-Baqara, 28-29)
2 S. M. Stanley, The New Evolutionary Timetable: Fossils, Genes, and
the Origin of Species, New York: Basic Books Inc. Publishers, 1981, p.
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