Remarkably, the chapter of Al-'Araaf, the Heights, the seventhchapter
of the Noble Quran, has for its theme the topic that we are con¬cerned
with here, that is,history. Or more precisely, it is about the
manifestation of Allaah's message of Tawheed, monotheism, in history
and the various human responses to it.
This theme is lost to most cursory readers of the Quran. Remarkably
few readers notice that every chapter of the Quran has a unique theme,
an ethos that sets it apart from all other chapters and hence the
meaningsevery chapter derives from the same historical event are
different. This is why the same historical event appears to have been
narrated several times in the Quran in different chapters; few realize
that it is not mere repetition; it has a different purpose and
perspective each time. In the chapter of Al-'Araaf, the theme of the
narratives is to give a sense of the historical progression of
humankind and how different groups of humans responded to the Truth of
Allaah Almighty. It begins by reassuring the Prophet Muhammad that his
mission is not only true, it is the truth—the truth around which the
entire history of humanity revolves. Hence he should have no
hesitation in reminding his folks of their Creator and warn them of
their waywardness. To reassure him, Allaah Almighty calls to witness
the entire history of humankind. He Almighty Says (what means):
"Alif, Laam, Meem, Saad. [This is] a Book revealed to you [O Muhammad]
– so let there not bein your breast distress therefrom – that you may
warn thereby and as a reminder to the believers. Follow (O mankind!)
what has been revealed to you from your Lord and do not follow other
than Him any allies.
Little do you remember! And howmany cities have We destroyed, and Our
punishment came to them at night or while they were sleeping at noon!"
[Quran 7:1-4]
Then, the chapter recounts the story of the creation, emphasizing the
promise Satan made to himself that he will do his best to deceive and
delude the humanity. Human history is a sad witness to how he has been
able to triumph over human reason and goodness so often — despite
Allaah's clear signs. The chapter recounts stories of Allaah's message
in human societies, and after relating several stories of encounter
between the truthful prophets and their disbelieving people, it
summarizes the lessons of these stories by saying (what means): {And
if only the people of the cities had believed and feared Allaah, We
would have opened upon them blessings from the heaven and the earth;
but they denied [the messengers], so We seized them for what they were
earning."} [Quran 7:96]
One thing Satan often did successfully, the chapter states, was to
make people forget the true meanings of their history. The cause of
the downfall of nations one after the other in theaforementioned verse
is that theyneglected the moral lessons of the history of their
forefathers, and thought that the same does not apply to them. Allaah
The Most High Says (what means): {And We sent to no city a prophet[who
was denied] except that Weseized its people with poverty and hardship
that they might humble themselves [to Allaah]. Then We exchanged in
place of the bad [condition], good, until they increased [and
prospered] and said, 'Our fathers [also] were touched with hardship
and ease.'So We seized them suddenly while they did not perceive.}
[Quran 7: 94-95]
One remarkable verse of this chapter comes after a long description of
the rise and fall of the Israelites, and tells us how they became more
and more corrupt because instead of learning lessons from their past
and holding fast to the Book of Allaah, they became adept at making
excuses for themselves. Allaah Almighty Says (what means): {"And there
followed them successors who inherited the Scripture [while] taking
the commodities of this lower life and saying, 'It will be forgiven
forus.' And if an offer like it comes to them, they will [again] take
it. Was not the covenant of the Scripture taken from them that they
would not say about Allaah except the truth, and they studied what was
in it? And the home of the Hereafter is better for those who fear
Allaah, so will you not use reason?"} [Quran 7:169]
Let us look at some of the most prominent advantages of learning
history of humanity from an Islamic perspective.
1. Faith and Certainty
When connected to a Quranic understanding of history, a believer feels
connected to the numerous prophets, reformers, martyrs and inviters to
Allaah Almighty who have struggles andsacrificed in the way of Allaah
since the dawn of humanity. The facts of history bear witness that the
truth always prevails and Allaah's side is always victorious, and this
increases the believers infaith and certainty in their cause.
2. Liberation from the Deception of Narrow Materialist Thinking
History of rise and fall of nations makes us realize the fleeting
nature of power and glory in this world. A thoughtful look at history
shows us that the nationsthat today arrogantly rebel against Allaah
Almighty and oppress others based on their material superiority were
not toolong ago dependent and weak, and will soon be replaced by
others. It is human nature to be deceived by a `static' view of
history, that makes us think that those who are wealthy, strong and
powerful today have always been so and will always remain so.
Imaam Al-Ghazaali gives an example of this weakness and
shortsightedness of human senses: If we look at the Sun, it appears
still, and if we did not know the big picture and know its course of
daily rising and setting, we would imagine that itwill always stay up
in the sky shining forever. Just as our eyes deceive us about the Sun
being static; our lack of knowledge of history and of Allaah's ways
misleads us into thinking that the wealth and power are permanent.
3. Tolerance and Forbearance
Critical knowledge of one's origins and one's past is always humbling
and eye-opening. In the history of Islam, one often sees ignorant
followers of a greatscholar fighting the followers of another scholar,
while the two scholars greatly respected and learned from each other.
If we know even a little history of how the Islamic sciences of Fiqh
(Islamic Jurisprudence) and Hadeeth developed through diverse and
multiple contributions of scholars from allover the world, how the
pioneering scholars were open-minded about criticisms to their
verdicts and opinions, and how they changed their opinions when a
reasonable argument was presented to them, we will never fight other
Muslims over differences in opinions. The much-needed attitude of
mutual tolerance and accommodation of opinions (within well-known
Islamic limits) can be attained only through proper education
ofIslamic history.
4. Motivation and Inspiration
When the believers from the Israelites encountered the mighty giant
Goliath and his tremendous army under the leadership of Saul
(Taaloot), people felt overwhelmed by the enemy's strength, except a
few who had obeyed their leader. These few reminded their fellow
believers of lessons from history to encourage them to fight for the
truth. Here is the story in the Quran:
Allaah Almighty Says (what means): {"And when Saul went forth with the
soldiers, he said, 'Indeed, Allaah will be testing youwith a river. So
whoever drinks from it is not of me, and whoeverdoes not taste it is
indeed of me, excepting one who takes [from it] in the hollow of his
hand.' But they drank from it, except a [very]few of them. Then when
he had crossed it along with those who believed with him, they said,
'There is no power for us today against Goliath and his soldiers.' But
those who were certain that they would meet Allaah said, 'How many a
small company has overcome a large company by permission of Allaah.
And Allaah is with the patient.'"} [Quran 2:249]
In summary, the two articles in this series have made the case that
reading human history from a correct perspective, the spiritual and
moral perspective, isan obligation of the Muslim community without
which we cannot properly understand and apply the message of the
Quran. And that Islamic history is not only history of Muslims, but
any history learned with the eye on Allaah's plan and on moral and
spiritual forces at work. This doesnot mean that Muslims can neglect
material explanations for historical changes—in fact one cannot fully
understand the moral or religious challenges without carefully sifting
through the political, economic and social challenges of any given
time. Hence, by learning history, carefully and critically, both as
amateurs and as academic scholars, we will be reminded time and again
of Allaah's power and plan and of the power of faith and hope in Him
Almighty. Thus, our learning can become a guide towards the
regeneration and revival of the Muslim Ummah. - - ▓███▓
Translator:-> ▓███▓ - -
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