Sunday, April 7, 2013

Love Can Change the World

- ●◄ ►● - "Pub
lished by, M NajimudeeN Bsc - INDIA|®|- - - - * - Translator:: - ●◄ ►● - > This is an excerpt
from a song by Aaron Niequist. They are a Christian chorus, and this
is a Muslim blog, but I consider that irrelevant. It's a beautiful
Love Can Change the World
Bridges are more beautiful than bombs are
Bridges are more beautiful than bombs.
Listening is louder than alecture
Listening is louder than ashout
But Love – Love can change the world.
Oh do we still believe that
Love – Love can change the world.
An open hand is stronger than a fist is
An open hand is stronger than a fist
Wonder is more valuable than Wall Street
Wonder is more valuable than gold.
Repeat chorus
May we never stop this dreaming
Of a better world
May we never stop believing
In the impossible.

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