Thursday, April 4, 2013

Genome Research Is Demolishing the ''FirstCell That Formed by Chance'' Claim

- - "Published by, M NajimudeeN Bsc - INDIA|®|- - - - * -
Translator:: - - - - > -
> The theory of evolution maintains, on the basis of no scientific
foundation whatsoever, that at a time when there was still no life on
Earth, inanimate substances came together to give rise to the first
living organism. According to this evolutionist claim, the first
living organism must have had a sufficiently simple structure to have
been able to form by chance.
The fact is, however, that Darwinists ARE UNABLE TO ACCOUNT FOR HOW
The fact that a single protein cannot form spontaneously is one that
in any case totally demolishes the theory ofevolution. But even if
weassume for a moment that this impossibility did actually come about,
we still see that the "primitive cell" claimed by Darwinists
eliminates with absolutely certain proofs the possibility of life
coming into being spontaneously. Data provided by science in the 21st
century shows that even the life form with the very simplest structure
is in fact highlycomplex, and that it is practically impossible forit
to emerge spontaneously and by chance.
Genome research supplies this information. Based on the idea that
living things with the smallest genome (extremophiles and eubacteria)
have the least complexity, scientists have calculatedthe probabilities
of these organisms appearing by chance and spontaneously. Another
point needing clarification here is this: scientists also regard these
organisms as the oldest life forms on Earth.
Genome research revealed that the lowest number of proteins required
for life was between 250 and 450. [1] In other words, the minimum
number of different proteins that would have to combine together at
the same time in order to give riseto the structural featuresof the
cell and performs its basic functions is between 250 and 450.
It also needs to be made clear that this minimum number of 250-450
protein is the number of proteins obtained from microbes living
parasitically. The minimum number of proteins needed in order for an
organism tolive independently of another is around 1500. In other
words, Darwinists have to account for the separate existence of 1500
different proteins needed to give rise to a single functioning cell.
But, to reiterate, Darwinists are unable to account for the emergence
of even a single protein.
It is totally impossible forbetween 250 and 1500 different proteins
required for an organism to be considered as living to form
spontaneously and at the same time. Probability calculations on the
subject are given in the following table:
Minimum Protein Number [2]
Probability of Emerging Simultaneously
10 18,750
10 26,250
10 37,500
10 112,500
10 142,500
As the above table shows, the probability ofa living organism with the
least protein forming by chance is 1 in 10 18,750 . (In order to grasp
the vast size of thisnumber, it will be useful to remember that the
total number of atoms inthe universe is 10 78 .) In other words, there
is no chance at all. Despite all these calculations and scientific
data, evolutionists still insist on believing in the impossible. The
sole reason for that insistence is their determination to deny the
existence of Almighty Allah, Who created all things out of nothing.
Morowitz's probability calculation
The probability calculations cited above are in agreement with a
calculation by the biophysicist Harold Morowitz. He assumed he had
broken all the chemical bonds in the E. coli bacterium and released
all the atoms comprising it, and then calculated the probability of
these atoms spontaneously recombining to give rise to the E. coli once
again. In this theoretical experiment, all the atoms required are
present in all the appropriate quantities, and it is assumed that
noother atom can become involved from the outside. Nonetheless, he
calculated that the chances of all the atoms coming together
spontaneously in a specific order, despite their being in the
appropriate numbers and in an appropriate environment, in such a way
as to produce an E. coli bacterium was 1 in 10 100,000,000,000 . [3]
This goes far beyond being merely impossible.Such a number reveals the
impossibility of even the least complex organism in the
universeforming by chance, evenif all the conditions and materials are
brought together.
A sufficient number of proteins combining together is not
sufficientfor life to emerge
Let us imagine we have all the proteins necessary for life ready to
hand. The existence ofthese proteins, which cannot come about in this
biochemists explicitly say that the organization of these proteins
within the cell is also highly important, otherwise the proteins will
serve no purpose. Moreover, as Darwinist scientists know full well,
the cell possesses organelles that manufacture proteins and a glorious
DNA data bank far more complex than proteins. A living cell is made
possible by all these structures possessing the same function and
organization at the sametime, and acting with the same consciousness.
This is a fact that demolishes Darwinism.
The fact that bacteria possess an extraordinaryinternal organization
was unknown until the 1990s. The fact is, however, that the complex
cells (eukaryotic) comprising single-cell protozoans are known to be
made up of a nucleus, organelles, membrane systems, a cytoskeleton,
several internal sections and other contents organizing the content of
the cell on the molecular level. [4] All these systems are
extraordinarily complex. One cannot function independently of the
As the information provided here shows, microbiology, biochemistry and
genome research, all themain scientific advances in the second half of
the 20th century and the 21st century in short, have eradicated all
the claims of the theory of evolution. These scientific conclusions
have revealed that Darwinism is totally unscientific and consists of
claims that are far removed from science. Science has refuted
evolutionist claims regarding "a very simplefist living organism."
Aside from the minimumnumber of proteins and minimum complexity needed
for it to be alive,an organism is too complex to be explained by
evolutionist claims of chance and possesses a perfect organization. In
addition to all this complexity, the existence of a single cell brings
the theory of evolution to a complete halt.
It is an evident fact that life came into being from nothing with the
infinite intelligence, knowledge and might ofAllah. This fact, obvious
to reason and good conscience, is also corroborated by countless
scientific data today.
The following is revealed in the Qur'an about our Lord's matchless Creation:
[Allah is] the Originator of the heavens and earth. When He decides on
something, He just says to it, "Be!" and it is. (Surat al-Baqara, 117)
[1]Jack Maniloff, "The Minimal Cell Genome:'On Being the Right Size',"
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA 93 81996), pp.
10004-10006; Mitsuhiro Itaya, "An Estimation of Minimal Genome Size
Required for Life," FEBS Letters 362(1995), pp 257-260; Ranaand Ross ,
Origins of Life ,p. 163
[2]Rana and Ross, Originsof Life , p. 163
[3]Robert Shapiro, Origins: A Skeptic's Guideto Creation of Life on
Earth (New York:Bantam Books, 1986), p. 128; Rana and Ross, Origins
ofLife , p. 164
[4]Lucy Shapiro and Richard Losick, "Protein Localization and Cell
Fatein Bacteria," Science 276 (1997), pp.712-718; Ranaand Ross,
Origins of Life, p. 166

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