Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Fathwa, - When is Tayammum legitimate for a sick person?

There is a sick woman who has been bedridden for three years. She
cannot perform Wudhoo' (ablution) for each prayer. Is she allowed to
perform Tayammum(dry ablution)? Knowing that she takes a bath every
two weeks with the help of others and this constitutes hardship for
her. Please advise. May Allaah Reward you.
All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify
that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad
, is His Slave and Messenger.
If the physician did not tell this sick woman that using water is
harmful to her, she is required to perform Wudhoo' if she is able to
perform it always or sometimes. If she is unable to perform Wudhoo' by
herself, a female relative or any other woman should help her perform
Wudhoo'. If she finds no one but a woman who will do this for her in
return for a charge and she is able to pay it, then she is required to
hire that woman. Al-Hattaab a Maaliki scholar, said: " If an amputee
finds someone to help him perform Wudhoo', even in return for a
charge, he is required to do so, just as he is required to buy water
forWudhoo'. If there is no one to help him perform Wudhoo' and he is
able to use water but without rubbing, he has to perform Wudhoo' in
this way. As such, he performswhat he is able to do of the acts of
Wudhoo' and he is pardoned for the others. "
Al-Bujayrimi a Shaafi'ischolar, said: " If one is unable to perform
Wudhoo' because he is an amputee for example, he has to seek someone
to help him perform Wudhoo' even in return for a charge. If he is
unable to do so, he is allowed to perform Tayammum and then pray. "
You mentioned that this woman takes a bath every two weeks, and this
is evidence that using water is not harmful to her. Meanwhile,
Tayammum isnot allowed just because one experiences hardship in
performing Wudhoo' unless using water is harmful and will cause an
illness or the like. If the physician, however, told her that using
water all the time for Wudhoo' is harmful to her, she is allowed to
make Tayammum in this case. If she is unable to do so by herself,
someone else can help her. Allaah Knows best. - - ▓███▓
Translator:-> http://translate.google.com/m/ ▓███▓ - -

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