Sunday, April 21, 2013

Fathwa, - Thinking that Ghusl is notdue unless there is ejaculation out of ignorance

I am a newlywed young man. I thought that Ghusl is not due, even if
one inserted hiswhole penis inside his wife's vagina, unless there is
ejaculation from either of them. Then I came to know the grave mistake
that we made. What is the Sharee'ah ruling on this? Is there a
Kaffaarah (expiation) due? What is the Sharee'ah ruling on theprayers
as well as other acts of worship which we performed without Ghusl,
taking into consideration thatwe did this out of ignorance?
All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify
that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad
, is His Slave and Messenger.
Ghusl for Janaabah is obligatory for both the husband and wife when
there is penetration, even without ejaculation.The Prophet , said: "
When a man sits in between the four parts of a woman and has sexual
intercourse with her (by penetration), Ghusl becomes obligatory. "
'Aa'ishah narrated that the Prophet , said:" When a man sits in
between the four parts of a woman and the two circumcised parts touch
each other, Ghusl becomes obligatory. " [Muslim]
Consequently, you are required to make up all the past prayers which
you performed without Ghusl. It is known that purification is a
prerequisite for prayer. The Prophet , said: " Prayer is not accepted
without purification. " [Al-Bukhaari and Muslim]
Likewise, if you performed Hajj in this state, it is invalid
becauseone of its pillars, which isTawaaf (circumambulating the
Ka'bah) is invalid. Since Tawaaf is like prayer, it isnot valid unless
one performs it while he is in a state that requires neither Wudhoo'
(ablution) nor Ghusl. The Prophet , said: " Tawaaf is prayer except
that Allaah Has Made talking in it lawful. So, whoever speaks let him
say something good. " [At-Tirmithi, Ad-Daaraqutni and Ibn Khuzaymah]
Nevertheless, you are notrequired to give any form of Kaffaarah.
Rather, you are required to make up the past obligatory prayers as
well as Hajj. Meanwhile, you are required to know the rulings of the
individual obligations, such as prayer, Zakaah, fasting and Hajj. You
should also learn whatever you are able to of the Sharee'ah sciences
in order to worship Allaah with sure knowledge and according to His
Sharee'ah. You are required to intensify asking for forgiveness due to
your negligence in knowing well the acts of worship that are
obligatory upon you. Allaah Knows best. - - ▓███▓ Translator:-> ▓███▓ - -

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