Saturday, April 27, 2013

Fathwa, - Human saliva is pure

Is saliva, which comes outof the mouth during sleep and might wet the
hair and parts of his clothes, pure? Meaning, ifthe place that was
touched with saliva was not washed, would one's prayer be valid?
All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify
that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad
, is His Slave and Messenger.
It is not necessary to wash the saliva discharged from the mouth of a
sleeping person for it is pure. Imaam Al-Buhooti said: " The semen of
a human, the moisture of awoman's vagina, sweat and mucus; phlegm,
evenif it is bluish, and the saliva of the mouth during sleep are all
pure ."
This rule applies if the substance is proven to befrom the mouth.
However, if it is proven to be from the stomach, then it is impure,
although many scholars have denied the possibility that it could be
from the stomach.
Imaam An-Nawawi said: " I have consulted trustworthy physicians about
this issue and they have denied the fact that it could be from the
stomach, and they denounced those who deem washing it as obligatory .
However, he elaborated on this issue aptly:
" The most predominant opinion in this regard is that it is not
obligatory towash, unless it is known to be from the stomach. As long
as it is mere doubt, then washing is not obligatory and may be
conducted out of precaution. If it is proven impure and one
experiences it excessively, then the predominant opinion in this
regard is that one is exempted from washing. The same ruling applies
to the blood of fleas, urinary incontinence, vaginal bleeding outside
the menstrual period andthe like which are pardoned due to hardship.
And Allaah knows best."
We should also point out that if the substance is impure, then it
should bewashed with water, as previously clarified, during wet or dry
ablution, if this substanceconstitutes a layer that prevents water or
dust from reaching the skin.
Allaah Knows best. - - ▓███▓ Translator:-> ▓███▓ - -

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