Saturday, April 27, 2013

Dought & Clear, - She is asking about the ruling on her husband who went to practitioners of magic and stopped praying.

My mother emotionally blackmailed me into marrying my first cousin 9
years ago when I was just 15 years old. i kept quiet out of fear and
since then have been blessd with 3 beautifil boys alhamdulillaah.
Since the last 2 years we have been problems andhe went to see someone
who plays with magic. Asfar as my limited knowledge is concerned that
takes one out of thefold of islam. Also for a while he was neglecting
his prayers and would only d pray sometimes anod do his jumah. But he
has rpented since andprays 5 times a day alhamdulillaah. HE also said
he didnt know whathe was doin with regards to the magic as he was not
in the right state of mindbut i dont know what to think as he said he
diddnt know it was wrong amd kufr as he thought it would get us out of
a difficult situation. He possesses no knowledge with regards to deen
so my questions are:
1. Did the magic take him out of islam??, is it the same ruling for
one who knows that its wrong and one who doesnt ?.
2. Also did the fact he neglected some of his prayers take him out of
islambecause said he repented and started praying agai.n.
3.Also he left the house 3months ago and before he left he said to my
mum she is finished from me and me from her' does tha count as a
talaq? As he wa angry and left the house. He is currently abroad and
hasnt really provided forthe kids or me. H left all our debts to me
but he said he will contribute once i let him back in but i dont know
what to do. i love my kids and would do anything for them.
I hope you can assist me in this matter soon as this has affected me
and especiallymy 3 children who are all under the age of 8. It has
left them distrssed and they want him back in the house. He has gone
abroad for now and will be back iwthin a few weeks and i need this
matter resolved soon inshaAllaah.
Praise be to Allaah.
Going to practitioners ofmagic, soothsayers and fortune-tellers is a
majorsin, because the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon
him) said: "Whoever goes to a fortune-teller and asks him about
something, his prayer will not be accepted for forty nights." Narrated
by Muslim, 2230.
And he (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: "Whoever goes
to a soothsayer andbelieves what he says has disbelieved in that which
was revealed to Muhammad (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him)."
The one who goes to a fortune teller or practitioner of magic and
believes his claim to have knowledge of the unseen has gone out of
But if he goes to him butdoes not believe his claim to have knowledge
of the unseen, then he has committed a major sin but he has not gone
out of Islam by doing that.
If the man was ignorant and did not realise that going to
practitioners ofmagic is haraam, then we hope that this is an excuse
for him before Allah, may He be exalted.So there are no consequences
for his going to them and he has not gone out of Islam by doing that.
But in the case of one who goes to a practitioner of magic knowing
that that is haraam, this is the one who has committed a major sin
that may reachthe level of going out of Islam.
See also the answer to questions no. 112069 and 32863 .
The ruling that the one who does not pray out of laziness becomes a
kaafir is the subject of a great difference of opinion among the
scholars and each point of view has evidence on which it relies. The
fatwa adopted by this website suggests the most likely opinion to
becorrect is that which saysthat the one who does not pray is a
kaafir; this is the view of many scholars.
This has been discussed previously in the answers to questions no.
10094 and 5208 .
Praise be to Allah Who has blessed your husband and guided him to
start praying and to pray regularly.
If a man says concerninghis wife, "she is finished from me and me from
her", this is a phrase thatmay be understood as referring to divorce
or it may not. Hence it cannotbe deemed to count as a divorce unless
the husband aimed thereby to divorce her and that was his intention;
if he did not intend to divorceher and did not aim to do that, then no
divorce has taken place.
See also the answer to questions 98670 , 85575 and 127280 .
As your husband has come to his senses and has started to pray
regularly and has repented from going to practitioners of magic
inaddition to the fact that he was unaware of the shar'i ruling at
that time,what you have to do is to turn over a new leaf with him. And
we ask Allah to bestow His mercy upon you and to reconcile between
your hearts and bring you back together.
And Allah knows best. - - ▓███▓ Translator:-> ▓███▓ - -

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