Saturday, April 13, 2013

Darwinists who fail to grasp the wisdom behind the creation of imperfections by Allah, al-Badi

"Badi" , is one of the names of Almighty Allah. It means "HE WHO
Some people are unable to grasp this almighty title of our Lord's.
Othersignore it, despite havingunderstood it. They seek ways of
denial. Allah describes the situation of such people in verses:
And they repudiated them wrongly and haughtily, in spite of their own
certainty about them. See the final fate of the corrupters. (Surat
an-Naml, 14)
Mankind! An example has been made, so listen to it carefully. Those
whom you call upon besides Allah are not even able to create a single
fly, even if they were to join together to do it. And if a fly steals
something from them, they cannot get it back. How feeble are both the
seeker and the sought! They do not measure Allah with His true
measure. Allah is All-Strong, Almighty. (Surat al-Hajj, 73-74)
Those who are unable toproperly appreciate Allah's might constantly
fall into the same error. Instead of producing evidence to support
their own claims (as theydo not actually possess one shred of evidence
tosupport those claims), they presume to look forflaws in our Lord's
wondrous and sublime Creation (surely Allah is beyond that). The
people who do this are generally atheists and Darwinists who set out
with the aim of denying Allah. With the advent ofthe 21st century,
Darwinists experienced the worst defeat in their 150-year history. It
was in this century that the whole world realized that there are
millions ofproofs of Creation BUT NOT A SINGLE PIECE OF EVIDENCE FOR
EVOLUTION. People have learned during these years that they have been
deceivedever since school. They have encountered real scientific
evidence for the first time and seen that all the more than 250
million glorious fossils all point to the fact of Creation.
This great defeat has inspired such panic and despair among Darwinists
that the adherents of evolution have sought to retrieve the situation
with a counter-attack based on lies and deceit. Programsabout
evolution on the television and Darwinist journals try to
neutralizetheir defeat by constantly raising the same subject. What
they maintain is this: that living things are not flawless.
It will be of use to repeatone very important point that we have
already set out many times in the past: of course living things are
not flawless. But what Darwinists refuse to understand is this; in
thesame way that living things have been created with an
extraordinarily complex and flawless perfection, the secrets of which
human beings have not been able to unravel, so their flaws have also
been specially created. By creating their imperfections, our Lord
shows that He has the power to create whatever entity He wishes as
flawless and asbeautiful as he wishes. Flaws are a reminder that this
world is a temporary place of test. By creating flaws, our Lord shows
that the life of this world is not the true aim of life, and that
perfection exists only in the Hereafter, in Paradise. Allah, Who
flawlessly creates ever more glorious worlds with an extraordinary
perfection and beauty, has of course the power create all things
equally flawless. Because Almighty Allah is the Lord of all the
worlds, and flawless creation belongs to Him alone. Hisartistry is
breathtaking, and full of glory.
If human beings were created perfect in this world they could never
know the secret of the test, or that they had to be the servants of
Allah, and would never strive to earn His approval and Paradise. This
world would suffice for someone possessed of perfections in it, and no
longing for the Hereafter would ever arise. There is a special wisdom
in the way that although many living things are never with disease,
are highly resistant to even the most extraordinary conditions, and
that flowers smell lovely wherever they are, while none of these
things develop to perfection in human beings. People draw closer to
Allah by seeing their own weaknesses; they see the true nature of the
life of this world and strive to draw closerto Him in order to attain
the Paradise created by Allah, the sole Lord of all perfection. People
who know their weaknesses do not become proud and arrogant (surely
Allah is beyond that). It iscertain that Almighty Allah, Lord of the
Worlds,will create every entity in the most perfect, flawless and
immaculate form in the Hereafter. That Creation will of course take
place by Almighty Allah simply telling them to "Be!" As our Lord says
in the Qur'an:
Have they not seen how Allah brings Creation outof nothing, then
reproduces it? That is easy for Allah. Say: "Travel about the earth
and see how He broughtCreation out of nothing. Then later Allah will
bring about the next existence. Allah has power over all things."
(Surat al-'Ankabut, 19-20)
Since Darwinists are unaware of this great truth, they make themselves
ridiculous by coming up with the mostnonsensical claims. Of course,
they themselves are perfectly well aware that these claims are untrue
and invalid. They themselves witness Allah's immaculate creative
artistry. But their lack of a single piece of scientific evidence,
their helpless position and the panic caused by their defeat impel
them to offer such forced and nonsensical statements.
Adnan Oktar Has Discussed the Wisdom behind Human Imperfections:
PRESENTER: Yes, we have a question. "We look at the plants and animals
innature, and they are always perfectly clean, despite living in mud
and earth and being unable to wash with soap, but human beings are not
like that. Why is it that man has been created with such weakness,
despite beinga more important and complex life form?" ...
ADNAN OKTAR : The weaker people are, the more perfect the test, and
the more it draws them closer to Allah. For example, if Allah so
wished he could make human beings' breath asdelightful as flowers. He
could make our breath smell like flowers or roses.
Allah could have bestowed the force in the rose to human beings'
breath. Our breath could have smelled of roses. We might have had no
need to wash, and could have remained spotless all thetime. Or we
could have stayed stainless like steel. But Allah did this on purpose.
Note how there are imperfections everywhere in the human body. The ear
has one weakness, the eye another, and they have all been specially
created. I was walking past a perfumery one day and thought to myself
what a lot of scents and perfumes andvarious substances therewere.
Allah create them in tiny glass bottles and packaged them up, and that
is how He shows them to us in our brains.
Had He so wished, Allah could also have created such perfumes in our
bodies. But He did not. He did exactly the opposite. Allah could
produce a lovely scent inthe arm pit, if He so wished. Because He
creates delightful aromas in all plants, in the weakest tulip, the
carnation or the violet . But Allah has deliberately not done that, so
that people should long for Paradise.Otherwise, there would have been
the risk of our not longing for Paradise. The more people see their
own imperfections, so their desire for Paradise will grow. Because we
have an idea of perfect music in our minds, yet we can never find it.
ADNAN OKTAR : We constantly buy CDs and tapes, but we can never find
the music we seek. Neither can we find the scent we seek.
ADNAN OKTAR : That is in our subconscious. There is a perfect house,
for example. But if we go to a palace we do not like it, and we say,
"I wish we could go home." Don't we?
ADNAN OKTAR : We do notlike any of them in that sense. Because since
we have been created for Paradise that idea of Paradise and eternity
is a very powerful instinct in our subconscious. The instinct for
eternal life is the most instinct in human beings, and the only one
that cannot be satisfied. It is an instinct bestowed because it cannot
be satisfied. We are given the instinct to eat, and that is satisfied.
They are all satisfied, with the exception of the instinct for eternal
life. Just think what people would do if they thought they would never
die, despite the brevity of this life. ( FromAdnan Oktar's interview
on Kanal 35 TV on 18 January, 2009… )
Have they not reflected within themselves? Allah did not create the
heavens and the Earth and everything betweenthem except with truth and
for a fixed term. Yet many people reject the meeting with their Lord.
(Surat ar-Rum, 8)

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¤ Assalamualaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa barakatuh ¤
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