Saturday, April 27, 2013

Darwinists could notspeculate on the hand fish

The fins on the hand fish's chest are quite well developed and resemble a hand.
The hand fish uses its hands to move across the sea bed.
Just like the Coelacanth,this animal is a bottom-dwelling fish that
inhabits the ocean deeps.
If the fish were extinct and Darwinists had discovered its remains,
evolutionists would haveno hesitation about claiming that it was an
intermediate form in thepassage from water to dry land and that its
highly developed fins were legs in the course of development.
But since it is a perfect fish still living today, such likely claims
are eliminated.
The life forms that Darwinists propose as intermediate forms are
perfect and flawless, justlike the hand fish. The only difference
betweenthem is that the former are extinct, for which reason it is
easy for themto be used as tools for Darwinist speculation. - -
▓███▓ Translator:-> ▓███▓ - -

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