Monday, April 29, 2013

Dabbat al-Ardh (Dabba) refers to the computer and internet technology in the end times

Dabbat al-Ardh is one of the portents that will emerge in the End
Times.Apart from many hadith, Dabbat al-Ardh is also referred to in
the Qur'an.Surat an-Naml in its verse 82 refers to the emergence of
dabba as asign for the End Times:
When the Word comes to pass against them, Wewill raise a creature
untothem out of the earth that will tell them that mankind had no real
faith in Our messages. (Surat an-Naml, 82)
The following features of dabba have been suggested on the basis of
interpretation of this verse:
1. Dabba is the product of the earth.
2. Dabba is a thing or a creature that "speaks" and gives a particular
message, which is addressed to all of mankind.
The hadith explains that Dabbat al-Ardh is able to cover long
distances in asingle step, speak to people and can enter everywhere.
That dabba is the product of the earth indicates that it will have a
structure made up of minerals extracted from the ground such as metal,
iron, copper, zinc, cobaltor chrome. These elements make up the basic
structure of computers in our day. That it can speak to people and
cover long distances in a single steprefers to the Internet web.
Thanks to the Internet technology today, it is extremely fastand easy
to reach and convey information, to talk and communicate topeople.
Similarly, it will also be extremely fast and easy to communicate the
Qur'an to people. In the End Times, the Internet will be an important
tool for the domination of the moral values of the Qur'an over the
world. During the period of the Prophet Jesus' (peace be upon him)
descent and Hazrat Mahdi's (pbuh) appearance, the Internetis a special
opportunity granted to these two blessed people to make them easily
communicate the morality of Islam and ensure the domination of the
morality of the Qur'an over the world. Inour day, the communication of
the morality of the religion and expounding the invalidity of the
irreligious materialist ideologies can become possible by the Internet
technologies. By means of the Internet, every point of the world can
be reached by Muslims and, by Allah's leave, the morality of Islam
spreadsvery quickly.
Besides, the fact that " dabba " is used in Arabic as " nakhira ",
that is, as an indefinite word, indicates that it is a being, which
was unknown by that period.The great Islamic Qur'an interpreter
Elmalili Hamdi Yazir refers to thispoint as follows:
"In this verse since 'dabba' is used as a nakhira (indefinite name),
it makes us think that it should be a dabbawhich is different from the
dabbas we already know…"
Apart from the Islamic interpreters such as Elmalili Hamdi Yazir, some
dictionary authors also stated that "dabba",as its meaning of the
word, could also mean a ll sorts of technical equipment that can move.
Indeed, computer is also a technical equipment that conveys movements
and images of movements and ensures the transfer of information by
frequencies. However, more importantly, this dabba, a portent of the
End Times, which is the product of the earth, " speaks to people " .
There is almost no country, no nation and no community which is not
acquainted with the Internet today. Moreover, the Internet, which is
the product of advanced technology, addresses to every community in
its own language.

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