Friday, March 8, 2013

The secret behind the creation of good and evil

The life of this world is a test specially created by Allah. It is a
transitory thing with both good and bad in which humanbeings are
tested. There is, of course, considerable wisdom in this. It is
essential that evil exist beside good for people to understand the
value of Paradise. Human beings are tested in terms of the virtuous
behavior they display, by Allah's leave, in this sphere in which the
good are divided from the evil.
The life of this world is a sphere in which there is a constant
struggle between the good and the bad. However, good and badare not
separated from one another by just a few characteristics. They possess
totally different, comprehensive and detailed character traits. The
bad act entirely according tosatan's directions, while the good follow
their consciences. The bad know no bounds inspired by fear of Allah,
and are capable of doing anything at anytime. When the situation and
prevailing conditions require they are quite capable of lying,
slandering others, engaging in unlawful acts, disloyalty, treachery,
putting their own interests before those of others, hatred, envy,
imbalance and intrigue. Since they have no fear of Allah they are
potentially capable of all kinds of betrayal and wickedness. There is
nothing to stop them killing, for example, when they become
sufficiently imbalanced. The more evil they commit, the morethey come
under satan's control,and the more evil deeds they arecapable of
People under satan's control busy themselves with wrongdoing, making
life difficultfor others, and spreading darkness, fear and misery,
instead of enjoying life's blessings. They look at the life ofthis
world from a different perspective. Although they knowtheir lives will
be very brief, they still elect to waste this short time span on
feelings of greed and enmity, thinking of their own interests. And
their targets are people of good character.
Good people are those who act from a fear of Allah. The
delightscreated in this world are all blessings in the eyes of such
people. Fear of Allah leads them to behave well and properly
throughout their lives, to be loyal and honest, never to do anything
unlawful, never to infringe anyone else's rights, to put others above
themselves, to be friends and brothers to others, to be trustworthy,
to harbor no ulterior motives and never to plot and conspire. Such
people are highly virtuous at every moment in their lives. Theyare
never imbalanced, exhibit unexpected character traits or lose control
of themselves. Because of their fear of Allah, the good always behave
in a manner compatible with the Qur'an. This is one of the main
distinguishing features betweenthe good and the bad. It is also the
cause of the evil's eternal hostility to the good: Since the evil have
declared war on all thatAllah sees as good, they also hate those who
love Him.
Since the life of this world is a test in which the good are
distinguished from the bad, whenever there is chaos and evilin it, one
faces the need to live ina manner compatible with the Qur'an. Only
when people live forAllah's approval, and thus according to the
Qur'an, will thisworld be a flawless place of friendship, brotherhood,
honesty, love and compassion. The fact that this world was created as
described in the Qur'an is also evidence of the existence of the
Hereafter. People are tested according to whether or not they will
abide by the Qur'an. In one verse Almighty Allah reveals:
He Who created death and life to test which of you is best in action.
He is the Almighty, the Ever-Forgiving. (Surat al-Mulk, 2)
Perfection endures for all time inthe eternal Paradise created by
Allah. Our Almighty Lord will bestow His artistry of
perfection,together with the most delightful blessings, on true
believers in the Hereafter. Paradise is a sphere where thereis no
evil, imperfection, sorrow or fear, in which delights are bestowed for
all eternity. It manifests the sublime artistry ofAllah, He Who has
the power to create flawlessness and the finest blessings. As our
AlmightyLord reveals in other verses:
Those brought near will witnessit. The truly good will be in perfect
Bliss on couches gazing in wonder. (Surat al-Mutaffifin, 21-23)

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