Wednesday, March 20, 2013

The prayer of Hadrat Umar (ra)

He used to stand up in prayer the whole night and used to weep so much
that there had grown two permanently dark tear-lines on his face.
Abdullah bin Shaddad (RA) narrated that one day Hadrat 'Umar (RA) led
the prayer and as he came to the Verse:
"Verily, I only complain of my sorrow and my grief to Allah" (Yosuf:86)
he wept so much that the people were greatly perturbed.
Hadrat Imam Hasan (RA) narrated that once Hadrat 'Umar (RA) was
leading the prayer. When he reached the Verse:
"The punishment of thy Lord shall certainly cometo pass. There is none
who can avert it." (At-Tur:7,8)
he wept so much that hiseyes were swollen. At times he wept so much
that people got despaired of his life.

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