Tuesday, March 12, 2013

The meaning of Allaah’s name al-Haseeb .

What is the meaning of Allaah's name al-Haseeb (the Reckoner, the
Bringer to Account)?
Praise be to Allaah.
Al-Haseeb is the One whois Sufficient. He is Sufficient for those who
put their trust in Him, and He is Sufficient and does not need
"Certainly, Allaah is Ever a Careful Account Taker of all things"
[al-Nisaa' 4:86 – interpretation of the meaning]
It may also be interpreted as al-Hafeez (the Preserver), i.e., He
keeps records of all actions, then He will requite them. Allaah is the
Bringer to Account of His slaves, i.e., He will bring them to account
for their deeds and will requite them for them according to His
Wisdomand knowledge of the smallest and greatest of their actions. So
they will be brought to account for good and evil, down the minutest
He is the One Whose blessings and gifts are known. He knows about
fractions and measurements, such as people may come to know through
calculations, but He knows them without calculating. For the one who
is counting knows things step-by-step, and he knows the total after he
has finished calculating, but the knowledge of Allaah is not dependent
upon procedures.
He is the Sufficient, in both a general and a specific sense.
In the general sense, He takes care of all His slaves with regard to
thethings that concern them, both spiritual and worldly, such as
attaining benefits and warding off harm.
In the specific sense, He takes care of His pious slaves who put
their trust in Him in such a way as to reform their worldly and
spiritual affairs. For example, Allaah says (interpretation of the
"O Prophet (Muhammad)! Allaah is Sufficient for you and for the
believers who follow you" [al-Anfaal 8:64]
i.e., He is Sufficient for you and Sufficient for your followers. As
much as a person follows the Messenger (peace and blessings of Allaah
be upon him), both outwardly and inwardly,and as much as he worships
Allaah, Allaah will take care of him andgive him support and victory.
For only Allaah can take care of His slaves, so He is the only One in
Whom they should put their trust, Whom they should fear and worship,
as Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):
"Is not Allaah Sufficient for His slave?" [al-Zumar 39:36]
Allaah is the Swiftest in bringing to account. When His slaves come
before Him He will bring them to account and that will not present any
difficulty to Him. He knows their numbers, their deeds, their
lifespans and all their affairs. He has taken accounted them and He
knows their amounts; Hedoes not reckon it by counting on His fingers,
but He knows it and nothing is hidden from Him. Not even the weight of
an atom or a smaller or greater amount than that is hidden from Him,
but it is written in a clear Record.
Ibn al-Qayyim said:
"He is the Sufficient, He fulfils [His slaves'] needs and protects
[them], andHe takes care of His slaves at every moment."
From Sharh Asmaa' Allaahu ta'aala al-Husna, by Dr. Hissah al-Sagheer, p. 93

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