Sunday, March 3, 2013

The foolishness of those who make idols out of animals by believing in the theoryof evolution is described in the gospels

The theory of evolution is a distorted ideology that denies the fact
of Creation and maintains that all of life emerged as the result of
blind chance. The adherents ofthe theory of evolution claim that life
emerged through a chain of coincidences. That is the essence of
Darwin's writings, and all the Darwinists who have come after have
made the same claim. Therefore, someone who sincerely believes inAllah
must realize and admit that evolution andCreation are two
diametrically opposed concepts. Evolution believes in blind and
unconscious chance, while Creation reveals an unbounded Mind,
theabsolute might of Allah.
The theory of evolution is not a scientific fact; it has been refuted
by all fields of science and totally conflicts with the accounts of
Creation of the revealed religions. The theory is also explicitly
refuted in the Qur'an and is absolutely incompatible with the fact of
Creation revealed in the Qur'an. The same truth is also explicitly set
out in the Gospels. We are told in the Gospels ofAllah's infinite
might andthe diametrically opposed error that people fall into.
For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave
thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish
hearts were darkened. Although they claimed tobe wise, they became
exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created
things rather than the Creator—Who is forever praised. Amen.(Romans
1:21-23, 25)
The Gospels explicitly sets out the foolishness of those who fail to
appreciate the infinite might of Allah and make idols out of animals
by believing in the lie of evolution.
The theory of evolution maintains that living things turn into other
life forms by supposedly developing under the impact of mutations.
According to the theory of evolution, the transition from one species
to another happened slowly and gradually. Accordingly, a number of
supposed transitional forms must have existed reflecting the period of
transition between two different species and with characteristics from
both. For example, according to what evolutionists' maintain, as fish
emerged onto dryland and turned into amphibians, various living things
with semi-lungs and semi-gills, semi-legs and semi-fins must have
existed over a period of millions of years. Evolutionists call these
imaginary live forms that they believe once existed in the past
'transitional forms.' However, NOT ONE FOSSILOF A TRANSITIONAL LIFE
THERE ARE NO TRANSITIONAL FOSSILS. The 'transitional life forms' in
the picture never existed.
The passage from the Gospels that reads " EXCHANGED THE GLORY OF THE
ANIMALS AND REPTILES " may be a reference to Darwinists believing in
the existence of these imaginary creatures theycall 'transitional
forms' and thus denying the incomparable nature of Allah's creation
and our Almighty Lord's sublime and immaculate creativepower and
omniscience. Allah knows the truth. The fact is, however, that every
detail emerging from an examination of the skies,the earth and all
living things is proof of Allah's might and power. Allah is the Lord
and Creator of all. This is revealed as follows in the Gospels:
For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth,
visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or
authorities; all things were created by Him andfor Him. He is before
all things, and in Him all things hold together. (Collosians 1:16-17)
Almighty Allah has warned Christians who follow the Gospels of
thedanger of the theory of evolution and against this grave deception
andthreat. Contrary to what many people believe, believing in the
truth of the theory of evolution is not harmless. With the perverted
ideas at their roots and the atheism they bring with them, Darwinist
and materialist ideology are the main reason for the bigotry,
degeneration, perversion, racist killingsand genocide over the last
150 years, and even of the two disastrous world wars in which
350million people were killed and martyred. People would have to admit
they are not true believers in order to support such a conception.
Sincere Christians must see the dimensions of the threat posed by
Darwinism by recognizing this danger described in the Gospels,must
wage an intellectual struggle against this harmful ideology and
eradicate its freedom of action. They must realize that Darwinism is
the greatest scientific fraud ever invented against belief in Allah
and must adopt a determined stance against this scourge that has
spread among people to such a surprising extent. Superstition is
absolutelycertain always to be condemned to decay and fade away.
Darwinism, which poses such a threat, will also, as our Lord promises,
meet the same fate. Those who are instrumental in this happening will,
by Allah's leave, be true believers. As our Almighty Lord says in one
That is because Allah is the Real and what you call on apart from Him
is false. Allah is the All-High, the Most Great . (Surat al-Hajj, 62)

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