Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Physical characteristics ofAngels -

The great size of the bearers of the Throne:
Prophet Muhammad said: "I have been granted permission to speak about
one of the angels of Allaah, one of the bearers of the Throne. The
distance from his earlobes to his shoulders is the distance of a seven
- hundred year journey." [Abu Daawood]
Anas Ibn Maalik narrated thatthe Prophet said: "I have beengranted
permission to speak to an angel, one of the bearers of the Throne. His
feet are in the lowest earth and the Throne is resting on his horn.
The distance from his earlobe to his shoulder is like that of a bird
flying for seven hundred years. That angel says, 'Glory be to You,
wherever You are. '" [At-Tabaraani]
The wings of the angels:
The angels have wings, as Allaah Almighty has informed us. Some of
them have two wings, some have three or four, and some have more than
Allaah, the Most Exalted, Says in the Noble Quran (what means): "[All]
praise is [due] to Allaah, Creator of the heavens and the earth, [Who]
made the angels messengers having wings, two orthree or four. He
increases in creation what He wills. Indeed, Allaah is over all things
competent." [Quran 35:1]
Moreover, We have already mentioned (in part one) the narration in
which the Messenger stated that Jibreel (angel Gabriel) has six
hundred wings.
The beauty of the angels:
Allaah has created them in a noble and beautiful form, as Allaah Says
of Jibreel (what means): "… [The Quran was] Taught to him by one
intense in strength [i.e. Jibreel] —One of soundness. And he rose to
[his] true form." [Quran 53:5-6]
Ibn `Abbaas said: "(one of soundness) means one whose appearance is
beautiful." Qataadah said regard the same verse: "One whose form is
tall and beautiful." There is no contradiction between the two views,
for he (Jibreel) is both strong and of a beautiful appearance.
The idea that angels are beautifulis well-established in people's
minds, just as the idea that devilsare ugly is also well-established.
Hence, we often hear people likenbeautiful human beings to angels.
Look at what the women said when they saw Prophet Yoosuf (Joseph) in
the verse (which means): "And when they saw him, they greatly admired
him and cut their hands and said,"Perfect is Allaah! This is not a
man; this is none but a noble angel!' [Quran 12:31]
Similarity in appearance and formbetween angels and humans:
The Messenger of Allaah said: "The Prophets were shown to me (during
his ascension), and I saw Moosaa (Prophet Moses), a man of average
build, looking likeone of the men of (the tribe of) Shanu'ah. And I
saw `Eesa Ibn Maryam (Prophet Jesus, son of Mary), and the person I
have seenwho most resembles him is `Urwah Ibn Mas'ood. And I saw
Ibraaheem (Prophet Abraham), and the one who most resembleshim is your
Companion (meaning himself). And I saw Jibreel; the person I have seen
who most resembles him is Dihyah." [Muslim and At-Tirmithi]
Is this a similarity between Jibreel's true form, or the form which
Jibreel took when he appeared in human form? Certainly, it is the
latter, because as we shall see, Jibreel often usedto appear in the
form of Dihyah Ibn Khaleefah . This is proven by the narrations in
which the Prophet described Jibreel in his real shape having six
Variations in their physical shape and status:
The angels are not all the same intheir physical shape and status.
Some of them have two wings, some have three, and Jibreel has six
hundred wings. They vary in their status before their Lord, Most High.
Allaah Says (what means): "[The angels say], 'There is not among us
any except that he has a known position'". [Quran37:164]
As concerning Jibreel, Allaah Says (what means): "[That] indeed, it
[i.e. the Quran] is a word [conveyed by] a noble messenger [i.e.
Jibreel]. [Who is] possessed of power and with the Owner of the
Throne, secure [in position]" [Quran 81.19-20]
This means that he (Jibreel) has a high status and important rank before Allaah.
The best of the angels are those who were present at the battle of
Badr. Rafaa'ah Ibn Raafi' narrated that Jibreel came to the Prophet
and said: "What do you think of the people of Badr among you (i.e.,
who were present at Badr)?" He said, "They are the best of the
Muslims" or similar words. Jibreelsaid: "The same is true regarding
the angels who were present at Badr." [Al-Bukhaari]

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