Saturday, March 23, 2013

Miracles of Prophet Muhammad

• The noble Quran
The polytheists of the Quraysh gathered to consult each other on a
strategy to prevent Prophet Muhammad from inviting people to Islam,
especially as the Hajj (pilgrimage) season was nearing, and the
Prophet would surely call people to embrace Islam during it. They
agreed on warning people against listening to the Prophet . Among the
pilgrims was At-Tufayl ibn 'Amr Ad-Dawsi, the chief of the tribe of
Daws. The polytheists warned him about listening to the Prophet and
claimed that he was a sorcerer and a poet, so At-Tufayl put pieces of
cotton in his ears so that he would not be able to listen to the
Prophet .
Once, At-Tufayl went to the Ka'bah and found the Prophet praying and
reciting the Quran and Allaah The Almighty willed that At-Tufayl
listened to him. When he listened, he knew that what he had listened
to was neither poetry nor magic, as At-Tufayl was a poet himself.
Thus, when the Prophet finished his prayer, At-Tufayl followed him
home and told him what the polytheists had said. Then he asked the
Prophet to explain Islam to him. When he heard the Da'wah (call) of
Islam, he believed in Allaah The Almighty, His Messenger and the Book
he was sent with. The reversion of Tufayl was one of theblessings of
the Quran. After this, he went to his tribe and invited them to Islam.
The noble Quran is the Speech of Allaah The Almighty and the eternal
miracle of His Prophet Muhammad . Allaah The Almighty sent it down to
the people of rhetoric and challengedthem to compose one Soorah
(Chapter) or even one verse like it,but they were unable to do so. The
Quran is the firm Rope of Allaah The Almighty, and whoever adheres to
it will be saved by it; whoever follows it will be guided to the right
• The splitting of the moon
Imaam Al-Bukhaari and Imaam Muslim both, narrated that Abu Jahl,
Al-Waleed ibn Al-Mugheerah, Al-'Aas ibn Waa'il and a large number of
the polytheists from the Quraysh went to the Prophet and said,"O
Muhammad! If you are truthfulin what you say, then split the moon for
us into two pieces." The Prophet invoked Allaah The Almighty to split
the moon and Allaah The Almighty answered his invocation. The moon
split and people saw it andthe Prophet made them bear witness [to
that], but they disbelieved. [Al-Bukhaari and Muslim]
• Al-Israa' and Al-Mi'raaj (The Prophetic Journey and the Ascension)
When the polytheists intensified the harm they had inflicted on the
Prophet Allaah The Almighty wanted to relieve his pains and bring him
closer, so the journey of Al-Israa' and Al-Mi'raaj took place. Jibreel
went to the Prophet with Al-Buraaq (a riding mount). The Prophet
mounted it and he was taken from Al-Masjid Al-Haraam to Al-Masjid
Al-Aqsa where he led all the Prophets in prayer, then he was taken to
the upper heavens. During this journey, prayer was ordained, and the
Prophet returned to Makkah on the same night.
• Increasing small amounts of food
During the Battle of the Trench, the polytheists besieged Madeenah,
and the Prophet and his Companions were digging a trench around
Al-Madeenah in order to prevent the polytheists from entering it. The
Muslims ran out of food and they were starving. Jaabir wanted to
provide the Prophet and his Companions with food, but he had a small
amount of barley and a small sheep.
Thus, Jaabir went to the Prophet and invited him along with a small
number of theCompanions but the Prophet called out loudly: "O people!
Jaabir has made food for you, so let us go!" The Prophet ordered
Jaabir to wait for him before he prepared the food,and when he arrived
there, he blessed the food. The Companions entered in groups until
they all ate and the food remained the same. Jaabir said, "By Allaah!
The fighters were one thousand on that day." [Al-Bukhaari]
• The trunk of a palm tree longs for the Prophet
The Prophet used to deliver his Khutbah (sermon) while standing beside
the trunk of a date palm tree. When the Companions made a pulpit for
him, he left the trunk and stood on the pulpit. The Companions heard a
sound that was similar to the sound of a she-camel. The Prophet knew
that it was the trunk weeping for having been separated from him. He
went to it and placed his hand over it, so it calmed down. [Ahmad and

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