Thursday, March 14, 2013

Is it permissible for her to get an invoice for medication from a pharmacy from which she did not get this medicine?.

Dought & clear, - I work in a government department and our medical
costs are covered by this department; we have to bring an invoice for
the cost of medical consultations from any doctor as well as invoices
from any pharmacy showing the price of medicine, and the department
will cover the cost of these invoices.
My questions are:
Sometimes the doctor who treats me prescribes medicine for me, some of
which can be found in the pharmacy and some of itcannot, so we buy it
from him, but he does not write me an invoice showing the price of
these medicines.
Is it permissible for me to get an invoice from any pharmacy to show
the price of this medicine, but showing the name of some other
medicine that is in the prescription? On one occasion I went to the
doctor and my sister waswith me, and she had some problems, so she
asked the doctor and he wrote a prescription for her. But when I asked
him whether I should pay for this consultation,he refused. Is it
permissible for her to submit it to the department in which myfather
works, because children get half of their medical costs covered bythe
department in whichthe father works?
Praise be to Allah.
The employee should approach his work with an attitude of
trustworthiness, dignity and honesty, and should avoid haraam
earnings, lying, cheating and deceiving.
He should do the work required of him in a proper manner, without
cheating in his earnings or doing anything that will lead to regret in
the Hereafter.
See the answer to question no. 4651 .
Saying that the medicinementioned is not available in pharmacies is a
dubious statement, because the basic principle is that medicine is
more available in pharmacies than in doctors' clinics; the doctor may
have free samples that he getsfrom (pharmaceutical) companies and the
Whatever the case, it seems to us, and we know from experience, that
if you had looked more, especially in larger pharmacies, you would
certainly have found the medicine that you were looking for or you
would have found a suitable alternative to it. It does not seem to us
that there is any concession concerning what you are asking about,
especially as it is not a case of necessity. So it is not permissible
tohasten to tell lies or resort to deceit and tricks when there is no
case of necessity and no pressure to do so.
Even if we assume that there is no alternative for this medicine, and
that it is only available from this doctor (which cannot be the case),
either the doctor should sell it with an invoice, or you can talk to
your superiors at work so thatthey can find out the facts about the
If children have half of their medical costs covered, as you say,
thenit is not permissible for them to submit papers showing anything
but the true facts. If on this occasion you did not payany of the
costs for this consultation, then you do not have the right to ask the
administration atwork for anything.
If you did pay for it, thenyou have the right to askfor what you are
allowed to, according to the conditions stipulatedby your father's
work, but that is on condition that the papers you submit are truthful
and are not made up.

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