Saturday, March 2, 2013

Introduction: A Short Voyage Through The Human Body

This book describes howthe human body's various systems function,and
gives examples of their components. In contrast to many other books
about human anatomy, however, we also regularly emphasizea number of
points. We examine information in considerable detail, draw attention
to the fine characteristic in every square millimeter of the human
body, and particularly emphasize the cells, tissues, molecules and
glands that perform such miraculous processes within that body's
From time to time, we also provide technical details, to ensure a
better understanding of the complex structure within your body, and
also to give you a new perspective on events occurring inside your
body and to encourage you to consider them more deeply.
In order to achieve this, as you read this book, imagine yourself on a
voyage throughout yourown body—a voyage on which unbelievable
surprises await you. You will discover that there is a generator in
your heart, and when that generator cuts out, a spare one steps in to
take over the work. You'll witness how cells in your small intestine
are able to recognize and trap iron atoms out of the many hundreds
ofdifferent substances they encounter. You will see how, after a long
journey, a molecule of hormone, produced in an endocrine gland located
in your head, reaches its far distant objective—your kidney, for
example—and how itinstructs the cells there what to do.
During the course of thisjourney you will witness miraculous events
that have been taking place throughout what you refer to as "My body"
ever since the day you were born, starting rightbeneath the surface of
your skin.
Viewed from that point of view, your body is a whole city, a whole
other world, in fact. Inside it are modes of transport, buildings,
factories, infrastructure systems, equipment more highly advanced than
even the most sophisticated technologyin the outside world,
specialized elements (such as cells, hormones, glands) that seem to
exhibit unexpected awareness, fully equipped defensive troops, and
many other marvels.
Moreover, this miniaturized environment is not restricted to your own
body alone. Everyone you see around you—your parents, brothers,
sisters, friends, colleagues, people walking in the street, the actors
you watch on television, and all the billions currently living on this
planet—possesses this same miraculous world withinthe skin. Similarly,
people who lived hundreds or even thousands of years ago—indeed all
the humans who have ever lived—have possessed this same inner
perfection. Just like those alive today, peoplein the past had the
same flawless systems in their bodies: trillions of conscious-seeming
cells, secretory glands with decision-making abilities, and organs
equipped with the most sophisticated biotechnology.
Considering and evaluating the events taking place within this
miniature environment is of great importance, because anyone who does
so has taken the first step towards freedom from a great illusion.
Those who realize the perfection of the systems inside their own
bodies—in the heart, for example—and who have grasped the creation
within that system, can no longer betaken in by evolutionary fables
that claim that theheart acquired all these features by chance. You
will know that cells formed by the coming together of unconscious
molecules could never do these things by themselves, and will seek to
question of Whose intellect it actually is that these cellsexhibit.
Someone who realizes that the stomach, a mereenclosure of muscle and
tissue, possesses a special system that prevents it digesting itself
while it secretes the acid strong enough to dissolve meat . . . those
who know that when they cut their finger, at least 20 different
enzymes go into action in a very special sequence in order for their
blood to clot, with never any confusion or deficiency in the various
processes while this is carried out .. . will find, by thinking deeply
about the details of matter, that none of these systems could
havedeveloped in stages, as evolutionists would haveus all believe.
Those who understand these details will realize that the tiny worlds
of their bodies, has a Creator, and will regard the information they
read here as a guide to becoming acquainted with that Creator.
Everyone who sees the order in the systems within the human body, its
superior creation at every point, will also clearly see that an Entity
possessed of a superior power and a superior intellect must have
created that body. In theQur'an it is revealed that:
Everything in the heavens and everything in the earth belongs to Him.
Allah is the Rich Beyond Need, the Praiseworthy. Do you not see that
Allah has made everything on the earth subservient to you and the
ships running upon the sea by His command? He holds back the heaven,
preventing it from falling to the earth—except by His permission.Allah
is All-Compassionate to humanity, Most Merciful. It is He Who gave you
life and then will cause you to die and then will give you life again.
Man is truly ungrateful. (Surat al-Hajj:64-66)
As you will clearly see from the examples giventhroughout this book,
it is Almighty Allah Who created the 100 trillion or so cells, the
glands, many organs and tissues in your human body. Allah creates
human beings as a whole, together with all their physical components,
and reveals evidence of this to allow them to come to know Him. As our
Lord has revealed in the Qur'an:
If you tried to number Allah's blessings, you could never count them.
Allah is Ever-Forgiving, Most Merciful. (Surat an-Nahl:18)
That being so, those who are aware of all thismust also realize the
many blessings impartedby Allah. Such people will arrange their lives
insuch a way as to please only Him, know that their own bodies, and
every new day bestowedon them when they rise in the morning are
blessings from Allah, andwill give due thanks to Him.
Why indeed should I notworship Him Who brought me into being, Him to
Whom you will bereturned? Am I to take asdeities instead of Him those
whose intercession, if the All-Merciful desires harm for me, will not
help me at all and cannot save me? (Surah Ya Sin:22-23)
Intelligent Design—In Other Words, Creation
In order to create, Allah has no need to design.
It's important to properly understand the word "design." That Allah
has created a flawless design does not mean that He first made a plan,
and then followed it. Allah needs no "designs" in order to create.
Allah, the Lord of the Earth and the heavens, is exalted above all
such deficiencies. His planning and creation take place at the same
Whenever Allah wills a thing to come about, it isenough for Him just
to say, "Be!" As we are told in verses of the Qur'an:
His command when He desires a thing is just to say to it, "Be!" and it
is. (Surah Ya Sin:82)
[Allah is] the Originator of the heavens and Earth. When He decides on
something, He just says to it, "Be!" and it is. (Surat al-Baqara: 117)
Do you not see that Allahhas subjected to you everything in the
heavens and Earth and has showered His blessingsupon you, both
outwardly and inwardly? (Surah Luqman:20)

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