Monday, March 18, 2013

If he prayed without facing towards the qiblah because he forgot, does he have to repeat it?.

I prayed Maghrib without facing towards the qiblah because I forgot;
do I have to repeat Maghrib prayer?
Praise be to Allah.
In order for prayer to be valid, it is stipulated thatone should face
towardsthe qiblah. If one does not pray facing towards the qiblah when
one is able to do so, then the prayer is invalid, because Allah, may
He beexalted, says (interpretation of the meaning):
"so turn your face in the direction of Al-Masjid- al-Haram (at
Makkah). And wheresoever you people are, turn your faces (in prayer)
in that direction"
[al-Baqarah 2:144].
And the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said, in
the hadeeth about theone who prayed badly: "Then turn towards the
qiblah and say Allahu akbar."
Narrated by al-Bukhaari,6667.
Ibn Qudaamah (may Allah have mercy on him) said: Six things are
stipulated with regard to the prayer – among which he mentioned facing
towards the qiblah. If any of these conditions are not met, with no
excuse, then his prayer is not valid.
End quote from al-Mughni, 1/369
The scholars (may Allah have mercy on them) stated that if a person
prays without facing towards the qiblah because he forgot, then he
should repeat his prayer, because he has omitted one of the conditions
of prayer.
Ibn Hazm (may Allah have mercy on him) said:If a person prays without
facing towards the qiblah when he was able to work out its direction –
whether he does that deliberately orbecause he forgot, then his prayer
is invalid and he should repeat it so long as there is still time to
do so, if he did that deliberately. And he should repeat it at any
time if he forgot.
End quote from al-Muhalla, 2/259
The scholars of the Standing Committee for Issuing Fatwas were asked:
What is the rulingon a person who goes toanother city and prays
without facing the qiblah by mistake, even though he knows the
direction of the qiblah, then he remembers that after the time for the
prayer that he offered has ended?
They replied: If a person offers a prayer without facing towards the
qiblah out of negligence, in that he did not ask and he did not look
at the signs thatpoint to the direction of the qiblah, then he should
repeat the prayer, because facing towards the qiblah is one of the
conditions of prayer being valid whenone is able to do it. So he has
to repeat the prayer. The same also applies to one who prays without
facing towards the qiblah by mistake. He has to repeat the prayer
because he failed to fulfil one of its conditions. And Allah is the
source of strength.
End quote from Fataawa al-Lajnah ad-Daa'imah, vol. 2, 5/294
Based on that, you have to repeat this prayer now that you offered
without facing the direction of the qiblah.
And Allah knows best.

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