Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Etiquette related to dressing

A Muslim acknowledges that Allaah has ordered him to wear clothing in
the verse (which means): "O Children of Adam! Take your adornment (by
wearing your clean clothes) whilepraying and going round the Ka'bah,
and eat and drink but waste not by extravagance. Certainly, He
(Allaah) likes not the extravagant." [Quran 7:31]
Clothing is also a bounty from Allaah, as He Says (what means): "O
Children of Adam! We have bestowed raiment upon you to cover
yourselves (screen your private parts) and as an adornment. And the
raiment of righteousness is best..." [Quran 7:26]
Allaah also Says (what means): "And We taught him the making of metal
coats of mail (for battles), to protect you in fighting. Will you then
not be grateful?" [Quran 21:80]
Allaah's Messenger also ordered such in his statement: "Eat, drink,
dress and give in charity without extravagance or arrogance."
Therefore, Allaah's Messenger made clear what type of clothingis
permissible and what is impermissible. He also showed what is
preferred for a Muslim to wear and what is disliked. Therefore, a
Muslim should adhere to the following etiquettewith respect to dress:
1. A Muslim (man) should not wear silk on his clothing, head covering
or anything else except what has been legislated in extreme cases like
skin diseases etc. This is because Allaah's Messenger stated: "Do not
wear silk, for the one who wears it in this world will not wear it in
the Hereafter." [Al-Bukhaari and Muslim]
2. A man's garment, pants, head covering or cloak should not be so
long as to go below the ankles. This prohibition is based on the
statement of Allaah's Messenger that: "What goes below the ankles of
the waist-cloth will be punished in the Hell fire." [Al-Bukhaari]
Allaah's Messenger also said: "The one who lengthens the cloak, shirt
and turban out of pride will not be looked at with approval on the Day
of Resurrection." [An-Nasaa'i]
Allaah's Messenger also said: "Allaah does not look at the one who
lowers his garment out of arrogance." [Al-Bukhaari and Muslim]
3. Though all colors are permissible to wear, a Muslim should give
preference to white clothing over other colors. Allaah's Messenger
said: "Wear white clothing for it is purer and better. And shroud your
deceased in (white)." [An-Nasaa'i]
4. A Muslim woman should lower her garment until it fully covers her
feet. She should also draw down her head covering so that it covers
her neck and chest. Allaah has Said (what means): "O Prophet! Tell
your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to draw
their cloaks (veils) all over their bodies." [Quran 33:59]
Allaah also Says (what means): "(And tell the believing women to) draw
their veils all over their faces, necks and bosoms and not to reveal
their adornment except'to their husbands, their fathers..." [Quran
'Aa'ishah stated regarding the above-mentioned verse: "May Allaah have
mercy on the women who migrated from Makkah to Al-Madeenah. When
Allaah revealed this verse: 'And tell the believing women to draw
their veils all over their faces, necks and bosoms', they tore apart
their thick woolen garments and wore them as head coverings."
A Muslim male should not wear gold. Allaah's Messenger said about gold
and silk: "These are forbidden for the males of my Nation." [Abu
Allaah's Messenger also said: "Wearing silk and gold has been
forbidden for the males of my Nation and is permissible for its
females." [At-Tirmithi]
Allaah's Messenger saw a man wearing a gold ring and he took it off
his finger and threw it aside, saying: "One of you takes a burning
coal of fire and puts it onhis hand." After Allaah's Messenger left,
it was said to the man: 'Take your ring and benefit from it. (i.e.
sell it and useits price).' He replied: 'No, by Allaah, I will never
take it after Allaah's Messenger threw it away.'" [Muslim]
5. There is no harm in a Muslim male having a silver ring or engraving
his name on it to use itas adornment or as a type of engraving stamp
for his letters orbooks, or as a kind of signature. Allaah's Messenger
used to have a silver ring that had engraved on it, "Muhammad, the
Messenger of Allaah" and he usedto wear it on the little finger of his
left hand. Anas stated: "The ring of Allaah's Messenger was on this"
and he pointed to the little finger of his left hand. [Muslim]
6. A person should not wrap himself completely with a large garment in
such a way that he cannot get his hands out of it. Allaah's Messenger
has prohibited such a manner of dress.
Similarly, a person should not walk wearing only one shoe. Allaah's
Messenger said: "You should not walk wearing one shoe only. Either
walk barefoot orwear both of them together." [Al-Bukhaari]
7. A Muslim man is not allowed towear the dress of a woman and aMuslim
woman is not allowed to wear the dress of a man.
Allaah's Messenger stated: "Allaah curses the effeminate men and the
masculine women." [Al-Bukhaari]
He also said: "Allaah curses the man who wears women's clothing and
the woman who wears men's clothing. He also curses the men who imitate
women and the women who imitate men." [Al-Bukhaari]
8. When a person puts on his shoes, it is recommended to begin with
the right foot. And when he takes them off, it is recommended to take
off the leftshoe first. This is based on the Prophet's statement: "If
one of you puts on his shoes, let him begin with the right. And when
he takes them off, he should begin with the left." [Al-Bukhaari and
9. When a person puts on any clothing, he should begin from the right
side. Aa'ishah stated: " Allaah's Messenger loved to begin with the
right in all his matters, in putting on his shoes, in combing his hair
and in purifying himself." [Muslim]
10. Upon wearing a new garmentor any new clothing, the person should
say: "O Allaah, to You is the Praise. You are the One Who clothed me
by it. I ask You for its good and the good of what it was made for.
And I seek refuge in You from its evil and the evil ofwhat it was made
for." [Abu Daawood]
11. A Muslim should pray for his Muslim brother when he sees him
wearing new clothes by saying: "May you wear it until it disintegrates
and falls apart (thatis, for a long, blessed time)." [Al-Bukhaari]
Allaah's Messenger made thatsupplication when he saw, Umm Khaalid
wearing new clothing. [Al-Bukhaari]

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