Friday, February 15, 2013

-What Do Scholars Say about Intermixing? - I

• Imaam Ash-Shaafi'i said in his book Al-Umm, "I do not like women to
be buried with men in a single grave as long as there is no necessity.
However, if this is necessary, then the man should be in front and the
woman in theback along with a separator of dust between them."
Imaam Ash-Shaafi'i hated mixing men and women even if they were dead
in the grave not feeling the presence of one another, so, what should
we say about college students who sit with the boy's thigh stuck to
his girlfriend's thigh while they are alive, with desire running in
their veins and each of them wants theother?
• Ibn Al-Qayyim said in At-Turuq Al-Hukmiyyah fi As-Syaasah Ash-Shar'iyyah:
Some Islamic jurists rightly stated that it is allowable for the ruler
(concerned authorities) to spoil the clothing of women
whoimpermissibly expose their adornment with ink or so if this is
suitable. This is considered the least financial punishment, as
theCommander of the Believers 'Umar ibn Al-Khattaab prevented women
from walking with men or intermixing with them in the roads.
Shaykh Al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah said in Al-Fataawa (15/297),"Unlike the
man, the woman should be protected and preserved; hence, she was
specified with the command to wear the Hijaab (Islamic covering)and
refrain from showing her adornment before non-Mahram (marriageable)
men. Therefore, she, unlike the man, must abide in her house and must
abide by Hijaab, because the appearance of women without necessity
causes temptation, and men are in charge of them."
• Shaykh Ahmad Shaakir said,
Imaam Ahmad narrated on the authority of Umm Salamah that she said, "O
Messenger of Allaah, why are we not allowed to perform Jihaad (armed
struggle) like men? Why do we receive half the share of inheritance
available to males?" Thereupon, Allaah The Almighty revealed (what
means): {And do not wish for that by which Allaah has made some of you
exceed others. For men is a share of what they have earned, and for
women is a share of what they have earned. And ask Allaah of
hisbounty. Indeed Allaah is ever, of all things, knowing.} [Quran
Shaykh Ahmad Shaakir commented on this Hadeeth (narration) saying,
"This Hadeeth refutes the allegations made by the contemporary liars
who are keen on spreading immorality among the believers to be as
immoral as the non-Muslims. They encourage women to leave their houses
to enlist in the army,where their arms and thighs are exposed and
their front and back are shown, intending, in fact, to entertain the
young soldiers whoare deprived of women in the army; in imitation of
the dissolute Jews and Westerners, may the successive curses of Allaah
be upon them until the Day of Judgment."
• Dr. Saalih ibn Fawzaan Al-Fawzaan said in his book Rulings
Pertaining to Muslim Women:
Today, the enemies of Islam - rather, the enemies of humanity,
including the disbelievers and hypocrites who have a disease in their
hearts -- are embittered by the chastity and honorable statusof the
Muslim woman under Islam.
That is because the enemies of Islam want women to serve as a tool of
destruction and a trap by which they can seduce and prey on those who
have weak faith and those who have a perverted nature, after getting
her to fulfill their frenzied desires. Allaah The Almighty Says (what
means): {Allaah wants to accept your repentance, but those who follow
[their] passions want you to digress [into] a great deviation.} [Quran
The Muslims who have a disease in their hearts want the woman to be a
cheap commodity displayed before lascivious people. They want her to
be an object, exposed before their eyes so they can enjoy her beauty
or reach of her what is uglier than that.
That is why they endeavor to get the woman out of her house to work
side by side with men, or toserve men as a nurse in hospitals,a
stewardess on board planes, a teacher or professor in mixed schools,
an actress or singer in theaters, or a broadcaster in the mass media
where she would seduce men by her voice and beauty.
Immoral magazines have taken seductive pictures of girls as a means
for promoting and marketing themselves. Similarly, some businessmen
and companies exploit such pictures to promote their products.
These conspiracies led women to abandon their natural and true duty
inside her house, which forced husbands to hire foreign female maids
to raise their children and take care of the affairs of their
households, and this has resulted in great evil and much temptation.

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