Sunday, February 24, 2013

Uyghur's and Chinese can live together in peace in east Turkestan

The efforts being made today to stir up ethnic conflict in East
Turkestanare extremely dangerous. Our Muslim brothers in East
Turkestan have been subjected to various difficulties for the last
60years or so, but have never turned to violenceand conflict. The
Uyghur Turks are a noble people, known for their good manners,
honesty, fortitude, reconciliatory natures, obedience to the state,
loyalty and devotion. These fine people possess excellent virtues,
such as forgiveness, loving peace, lovableness, respect for different
ideas and beliefs and judging people according to their moral values
rather than their race. There has therefore never been any conflict
based on ethnicity with the other peoples living in the region,
especially the Han Chinese, and neitherwill there be any in the
future. The Uyghur Turkswant a climate in which everyone can live
together in peace and security, respecting the right to life of
everyone in East Turkestan, no matter what their religion or ethnic
origin.Some of the main ways in which this can be brought about are as
1. It is obvious that the Uyghur Turks favor peace and security. But
peace in the region can only be ensured if the security of our Uyghur
brothers is guaranteed. The international community has important
responsibilities in that respect. The support of international
societies and organizations is essential if it is to be possible for
our Uyghur Turk and Chinese brothers are to be able to live in peace.
Democratic pressure from these organizations, especiallythe UN, on the
Chinese government, will ensure that the administration follows a line
that is more peaceable toward the problems and legitimate demands of
our Uyghur brothers andrespects their human rights. When the
necessary encouragement and direction is provided, when the
international community acts as a guarantor, it will be easier to
establish peace in the region.
2. It is natural for China to be keen to protect its national and
economic interests. But this cannotbe established through oppression
and aggression. The path that will make China prosperous and
strengthen its economic and social regeneration lies in a conception
that respects human rights, isdemocratic and loving, and that defends
freedom of ideas and belief. The only solution that can calm Chinese
fears, such as lack of access to energy resources, economic losses,
loss of territory orfragmentation is the foundation of the
Turkish-Islamic Union. The Turkish-Islamic Union will establish an
environment in which borders are lifted, there is freedom of trade and
investment and in whichall communities have equal access to energy
resources. In this way, China will be able to spread its investments
over a wide area from Tanzania to Indonesia and sell its good across
awide territory, and Muslims will be able to invest in China on a
large scale. China will regenerate rapidly with the establishment of
the Turkish-Islamic Union, will be spared from having to use its
citizens as a cheap labor force and will enjoy abundance and plenty
all over.
3. Islam is a religion of peace. All forms of violence are sinful in
Islam. In the Qur'an, Allah commands Muslims to be forgiving. A
Muslimwho abides by the Qur'an and follows our Prophet (saas) has a
dutyto be peace-loving, affectionate, loving, compassionate, patient
and moderate. The moral values of the Qur'an oblige Muslims to control
their anger, to respond to evil with good, to always speak and behave
in a pleasantmanner, to forgive under even the most difficult
circumstances and to behave justly, even if that conflicts with their
own interests.The spread of and learning about Islamic moral values is
a great benefit for China. If the Chinese government is concerned
about the Han Chinese taking in action in terror attacks and wishes to
avoid anarchy and violence, then it must encourage the teaching and
dissemination of Islamic moral values. In a China inhabited by people
who live by the moral values of the Qur'an there will be no need
formilitary occupation and security measures. The unrest and unease
will come to a complete stop.The result will be a society made up of
individuals who trust and respect one another, treat one another with
understanding, are respectful of and loyal tothe state and who all
livein peace, that spends its money on the wealth of its own citizens
instead of military investment, without investing millions of dollars
in armaments and employing thousands of security personnel. And the
order and equilibrium sought by China will be establishednaturally.
4. Our Uyghur brothers' demands for humane conditions, to live freely
according to their religion, to be able to worship as they wish, to
protect their own culture and maintain their own existence are all
justified and human ones. The most effective way of bringing these
about is for the Uyghur people to make a cultural leap forward, to
improve themselves withan anti-materialist and anti-Darwinist
education, to increase their economic strength,and strengthen
themselves both materially and spiritually. The Turkic Uyghur people
must not forget that they are the most important representatives of
Muslims and Islam in China. They must act as models to the Chinese
people with their good manners, nobility, modesty, balance and
moderation. An Uyghur people who are culturally advanced and
materially stronger will clearly have wide opportunities to defend
their own rights and also to describe and spread the moral values of
Islam. By Allah's leave, the future of an Uyghur society that loves
Allah, protects its own nationalculture, is anti-Darwinist and
anti-materialist, whose members love one another, which perfectly
implements Qur'anic moral values and supports peace, love, tolerance
and compassion, will be a very bright and excellentone.
The time we are living inis a very holy one, in which Hazrat Mahdi
(as) will appear and in whichthe Prophet Jesus (as) will return to
Earth. The time has now come when war and conflict will come to an
end, when armament will come to an end, when people will love and
embrace one another as brothers, when they will trust one another and
when moral virtues will reign. This is the destiny of Allah. That
destiny willalso manifest itself in China, and this will be a time
when Chinese and Uyghurs live together in friendship, when they
allattain wealth, and whenthey build a bright civilization with joy
and enthusiasm.

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