Sunday, February 17, 2013

The Prophet Jesus (pbuh) did not die, he was raised to God's Sight

In our previous article , we explained that the Christians' faith of
crucifixion could not have been originated from the original Gospel
which was revealed to the Prophet Jesus (pbuh). There are various
Gospels which were written after the Prophet Jesus (pbuh). Each one of
these Gospels depict the very same incident in a different way and
each Book has many contradictions within itself. Only these two
features provide enoughevidence to be doubtful about the information
conveyed in these books. Our Christian brothers are also aware that,
apart from the existence of many true and righteous accounts in the
Gospel, the parts in question which they claim to be divine
revealations do not provide a common account; accordingly thisstate
casts serious doubts over the accuracyof the information provided.
These contradictory passages must make our Christian brothers adopt a
more objective view about theissue, because the contradictions in
question are not the kind of statements that can be explained away or
denied. They are solidevidences sufficient enough to present the
inaccuracy of the conservative belief that the current Gospel is of
undistorted, precise pronouncements. Accordingly it is of great
importance for our Christian brothers to payattention to the evidence
provided below. This aside, it is unacceptable that a piece of
information conveying the so-called death of the Prophet Jesus (pbuh)
is considered as a righteous revelation revealed to the Prophet Jesus
In the Qur'an God expresseses certain information that the Prophet
Jesus (pbuh) did not die:
In the Qur'an God provides accurate information about the crucifixion
of the Prophet Jesus (pbuh), which is described in theGospel with
contradictory and doubtful explanations. In the Qur'an, God makesit
and their saying, 'We killed the Messiah, Jesus son of Mary, Messenger
made to seem so to them. Those who argue about him are in doubt about
it. They have no real knowledge of it, justconjecture. BUT THEY
CERTAINLY DID NOT KILL HIM . (Surat An-Nisa', 157)
In the Qur'an, that the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) was not killed is
stressedtwice in the same verse and it is stated that those who
advocate the belief that the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) was killed have no
real knowledge of it. This is a very clear statement.
Someone resembling to the Prophet Jesus (pbuh)was crucified:
In the same verse in the Qur'an God reveals, " They did not kill him
andthey did not crucify him but IT WAS MADE TO SEEM SO TO THEM ." (
Surat an-Nisa', 157 ), and informs us that the person who was
crucified was another person who was resembling the Prophet Jesus
(pbuh). The individual who was crucified instead of the Prophet Jesus
(pbuh) was Judas Iscariot, who acted treacherously towards the Prophet
Jesus (pbuh). As a great miracle, God made JudasIscariot seem like the
Prophet Jesus (pbuh). When they came to take the Prophet Jesus
(pbuh)to crucify him, they took Judas Iscariot who was present there
and crucified him. Besides, because Judas Iscariot's face was covered
with blood, people also did not understand that it was not the Prophet
Jesus (pbuh) who was crucified. In the latter part of Surat an-Nisa'
157, God relates, "They have no real knowledge of it, just
conjecture." Indeed, in the Gospel, the words which are conveyed as
the last words of the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) [" Elohi , Elohi, lama
sabachthani?" which means, "My God, My God,why have You forsaken me?
"], is again a continuation of the same delusion and the expression of
disbelief inquestion belong to JudasIscariot, whose plot was thwarted
and was crucified instead of the Prophet Jesus (pbuh). Indeed, it is
obvious thatthe Prophet Jesus (pbuh), who was a servant of God who
wholeheartedly submitted to God and loved Him, could not have told
these words. One can only expect to hear such rebellious expressions
from a hypocrite.
The disappearance of Judas Iscariot cccording to the Gospel:
Parallel to what is revealed by the verses ofthe Qur'an and these
explanations also supported by various sources, there are passages in
Gospel that may provide evidence that a disciple of the Prophet Jesus
(pbuh), Judas Iscariot, was crucified instead of him. According to
these passages we need to notice that just after the crucifixion Judas
Iscariotdisappeared. Various Gospel authors try to explain away this
subject in many ways and have contradicted with one other. The
contradictory explanations regarding the disappearance of Iscariot in
the Gospel is as follows:
Early in the morning, all the chief priests and the elders of the
people came to the decision to put Jesus to death. They bound him, led
him away and handed him over to Pilate, the governor.
When Judas, who had betrayed him, saw that Jesus was condemned, he
was seized with remorse and returned the thirty silver coins to the
chief priests and the elders. "I have sinned," he said, "for I have
betrayed innocent blood." "What is that to us?" they replied.
"That'syour responsibility." So Judas threw the money into the temple
and left. Then he went away and hanged himself. (Matthew 27: 1-5)
In those days Peter stood up among the believers and said,"Brothers,
the Scripture had to be fulfilled...through the mouth of David
concerning Judas, who served as guide for those who arrested Jesus—he
was one of our number and shared in this ministry."
With the reward he got for his wickedness, Judasbought a field; there
he fell headlong, his body burst open and all his intestines spilled
out. (Acts 1: 5-18)
Despite the fact that some explanations in theGospel contradict with
one another, there is consensus on the disappearance of Judas Iscariot
just after the crucifixation. Judas Iscariot disappeared, because the
one who was crucified and killed was Judas Iscariot. Judas Iscariot,
who normally looked like the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) in the physical
sense, was made to seem more like the Prophet Jesus (pbuh)as a miracle
of God. Upon this, soldiers were mistaken and took him to the crucifix
instead of The Prophet Jesus (pbuh). Just before this incident, by
God's command, the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) was taken to the heavens by
angels, into the Sight of God.
In the Qur'an God informs that the plot against the Prophet Jesus
(pbuh) was "thwarted":
In the leadership of Judas Iscariot who was ahypocrite, unbelievers
plotted against the Prophet Jesus (pbuh). The purpose of this plot was
to kill the Prophet Jesus (pbuh). However, in the Qur'an God INFORMS
oneway, The Prophet Jesus (pbuh) died, this would mean unbelievers'
plot coming to a favorable end on their part , and this is impossible.
WAS NOT MURDERED. God informs us about this fact in the Qur'an thus:
When Jesus sensed disbelief on their part, he said, 'Who will be my
helpers to God?' The disciples said, 'We are God's helpers. We believe
in God. Bear witness that we are Muslims. Our Lord, we have faith in
what You have sent down and have followed the Messenger, so write us
down among the witnesses.'THEY PLOTTED AND GOD PLOTTED. BUT GOD IS THE
BEST OF PLOTTERS. (Surah Al 'Imran, 52-54)
If the plots of unbelievers succeeded, this would surely be related in
the Qur'an. On the contrary, we know from the Qur'an that the plots
against the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) came to nothing and that the Prophet
Jesus (pbuh) was raised to the Sight of God.
You can read further information about the subject on this link.
It is a great blessing for sincere believers that a stealthy plot
against The Prophet Jesus (pbuh) was thwarted:
Despite very clear evidence, those who insist on the claim that the
Prophet Jesus (pbuh)was killed should think wisely and re-read the
Qur'an with an open mind and and keep theirmind free of any
prejudices. The Prophet Jesus (pbuh) did not die; he was honorably
raisedto the heavens. For a sincere Christian, there isno meaning in
being insistent upon the claim that the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) was
killed. For a Christian, it is a blessing to know and believe that the
Prophet Jesus (pbuh) did not die, that he was saved from the plots of
unbelivers and that he is in our Lord's Sight. Insistently turning
one's face from such glad tidings, not wanting the Prophet Jesus
(pbuh) to be alive despite all these facts revealed is a strange
Some Christians claim that Muslims object the belief that the Prophet
Jesus (pbuh) is not alive, because they think it is unbecoming for a
prophet to suffer. However Muslims believein it simply because it is
stated so in the Qur'an. The key point that deserves mention here
isthe following:
Surely God has tested Prophets with various affliction, hardships and
trials. As a requisite of the trial in this world, God also granted
temporary triumph to unbelievers. But God never lets His Prophets to
be in a state that will, in the eyes of unbelievers, make them seem as
if they were weak. Accordingly, such a state also holds true for the
Prophet Jesus (pbuh). Believing that the Prophet Jesus (pbuh)did not
die is also good for Christians. Indeed, in the End Times when the
Prophet Jesus (pbuh) will be sent back to earth, Christians will see
that he has no scar on his palms or feet. In the End Times in which we
live the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) will come back toearth with the clothes,
belongings he had on 2000 years ago, and the money dating back to 2000
years. When these happen, Christians will be better convinced,
You can read further information about the subject on this link.
The delusion of redemption:
One of the main reasons why this claim – the so-called death of the
Prophet Jesus (pbuh) - was subsequently introduced into the Gospel and
has been since persistently upheldis to be able to lay the ground for
another erronous viewpoint, thatis, Redemption. This subject will be
expandedon our next article. However we can briefly say that according
to theQur'an, it is impossible for a baby to be born as a sinner.
Again according to the Qur'an, no one can take on another's
wrongdoing, and everyone will give an account of his deeds and every
moment he spends in this life by himself. The contrary would be
incompatible with God's justice and the purpose of this life's
creation. Accordingly a life that is free of sins can by no means be
valid in Christianity or any other religion. This claim was probably
introduced to Christianity by various circles in order to put away
with religious responsibilities in daily life and those that are
brought by as the requisite of faith in God. In order to validate it,
the circles in question had to spread the view that the Prophet Jesus
(pbuh) had died. SincereChristians need to see the inaccuracy of this
Various contradictions in the four Gospels about theclaim of the
Prophet Jesus' (pbuh) so-calledcrucification>>>
It is important for genuine Christians to understand the true purpose
behind the articles about Christianity on this site>>>

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