Thursday, February 14, 2013


First Category: Those Names found not in annexation nor in plural form,
but in Singular Word or Noun :
1. ALLAH , la Ilaha illa Huwa, i.e, there is no god but He:
The most common Name found in the Quran and Sunnah.
First proof in the Quran (1:1) meaning Surah (i.e, chapter) 1, and
Ayah (i.e, verse) 1.
2. Ar-RAHMAAN : (1:3)
3. Ar-RAHEEM : (1:3)
4. Al-MALIK : (59:23)
5. Al-QUDDUUS : (59:23)
6. AS-SALAAM : (59:23)
7. Al-MU'MIN : (59:23)
8. Al-MUHAYMIN : (59:23)
9. Al-AZEEZ : (59:23)
10. Al-JABBAAR : (59:23)
11. Al-MUTAKABBIR : (59:23)
12. Al-KHAALIQ : (59:24)
13. Al-BAARI' : (59:24)
14. Al-MUSAWWIR : (59:24)
15. Al-HAKEEM : (59:24)
16. Al-AWWAL : (57:3)
17. Al-AAKHIR : (57:3)
18. At-THAAHIR : (57:3)
19. Al-BAATIN : (57:3)
20. Al-HAYY : (2:255)
21. Al-QAYYUM : (2:255)
22. Al-ALIYY : (2:255)
23. Al-ATHEEM : (2:255)
24. Al-AHAD : (112:1)
25. As-SAMAD : (112:2)
26. Al-ALEEM : (22:59)
27. Al-HALEEM : (22:59)
28. Al-AFUW : (22:60)
29. Al-GHAFUUR : (22:60)
30. As-SAMEE' : (22:61)
31. Al-BASEER : (22:61)
32. Al-HAQQ : (22:62)
33. Al-KABEER : (22:62)
34. Al-LATEEF : (22:63)
35. Al-KHABEER : (22:63)
36. Al-GHANIYY : (22:64)
37. Al-HAMEED : (22:64)
38. Ar-RA'UUF : (22:65)
39. Al-WAAHID : (39:4)
40. Al-QAHHAAR : (39:4)
41. Al-GHAFFAAR : (39:5)
42. Al-WAHHAAB : (3:8)
43. Ar-RAZZAAQ : (51:58)
44. Al-MATEEN : (51:58)
45. Al-FATTAAH : (34:26)
46. Al-KAAFI : (39:36)
47. Al-HAKAM : (6:114)
48. As-SHAAKIR : (2:158)
49. As-SHAKUUR : (35:30)
50. Al-HAFEEDH : (11:57)
51. Al-HASEEB : (4:6)
52. Al-MUQEET : (4:85)
53. Al-KAREEM : (82:6)
54. Al-AKRAM : (96:3)
55. Al-QAREEB : (11:61)
56. Al-MUJEEB : (11:61)
57. Al-WAASI' : (2:115)
58. As-SHAHEED : (85:9)
59. Al-WADUUD : (85:14)
60. Al-MAJEED : (85:15)
61. Al-KAFEEL : (16:91)
62. Al-QAAHIR : (6:18)
63. Al-WAKEEL : (6:102)
64. Al-GHAALIB : (12:21)
65. Al-QAWIYY : (42:19)
66. Al-WALIYY : (42:28)
67. Al-MAWLAA : (47:11)
68. Al-MUBEEN : (24:25)
69. Al-MUHEEDH : (2:19)
70. Al-QAADIR : (75:40)
71. Al-MALEEK : (54:55)
72. Al-MUQTADIR : (54:55)
73. Al-MUTA'AAL : (13:9)
74. Al-BARR : (52:28)
75. At-TAWWAAB : (49:12)
76. Al-MUSTA'AAN : (21:112)
77. Al-KHALLAAQ : (15:86)
78. Al-QADEER : (2:284)
79. Al-HAADI : (25:31)
80. An-NASEER : (25:31)
81. Ar-RAQEEB : (4:1)
82. Al-A'LAA : (87:1)
Second Category: Those Names that were derived as they happened
in plural form though the meaning is singular since Allah is One:
83. Al-WAARITH : (15:23)
Third Category: Those Names found in annexation with other Nouns:
84. Al-ALLAAM : (5:109)
85. Al-FAATIR : (35:1)
86. Al-MUHYI : (41:39)
87. Ar-RABB : (1:2)
88. Al-MAALIK : (3:26)
89. Al-AALIM : (59:22)
90. Al-GHAAFIR : (40:3)
91. Al-BADEE' : (2:117)
92. An-NUUR : (24:35)
93. Al-JAAMI' : (3:9)
Fourth Category: Those Names found with 'Dhu' or 'Dhi' or 'Dhal':
94. Dhul Fadhl : (2:105)
95. Dhul Arsh : (85:15)
96. Dhil Ma'aarij : (70:3)
97. Dhul Jalali wal Ikram : (55:27)
98. Dhul Tawl : (40:3)
99. SUBBUUH (i.e, The Exalted):
A'ishah (may Allah be pleased with her) reported: The Messenger of
Allah (Peace be upon him) would say while in Salaah in Ruku' (i.e,
bowing) and in Sujuud (i.e, prostrating):
' Subbuuh , Qudduus , Rabbul Malaaikah wa Ruuh '
(i.e, Exalted is He, Holy is He, Lord of the angels and the Ruuh ,
i.e, Jibreel) ."
(Related by Muslim; See Husnil Muslim of Qahtaani, #35)
(i.e, The Keeper, The Expeditor, The Delayer):
Ibn Abbaas (may Allah be pleasedwith him) reported: When the Prophet
(Peace be upon him) got up at night (for Tahajjud , i.e, latenight
prayer), he would say in Du'aa Istiftah (i.e, opening his prayer):
'O Allah! All Praise belongs to You,You are Nuur (i.e, The Light) of
the heavens and the earth and allthat is within them. All Praise is
due to You, You are Qayyim (i.e, The Keeper) of the heavens and the
earth and all that is within them. To You belongs all Praise, You are
Rabb (i.e, The Lord) of theheavens and the earth and all that is
within them. Praise be to You, to You belong the kingdom of the
heavens and the earth and all that is within them. Praise to You, You
are Malik (i.e, The King) of the heavens and the earth. And'Lakal
Hamdu' (i.e, All Praise due to You), You are Al-Haqq (i.e, The Truth),
Your promise is true, YourWord is true, meeting You (in thehereafter)
is true, Al-Jannah (i.e, the Garden of Paradise) is true, An-Naar
(i.e, Hellfire) is true, the Prophets are true, Muhammad (PBUH) is
true, and the Final Hour (of the end this world) is true. O Allah!
unto You I submit, in You I believe, upon You I rely, to You I turn in
repentance, for you I havefought, and to you I seek arbitration. So
forgive me of my sins: for what I have done in the past, and what will
come to pass,and what I have hidden, and what I have confessed, and
what You know better than me (of what I did or will do). You are
Al-Muqaddim (i.e, The One who favours and puts forward whom He
pleases), and You are Al-Mu'akhkhir (i.e, The One who delays and holds
back whom He pleases), there is no god but You,and You are my Ilah
(i.e, God), none has the right to be worshipped except You. " (Related
by Bukhari and Muslim and others; See Husnil Muslim of Qahtaani, #32)
103, 104. HANNAAN, MANNAAN (i.e,The Compassionate, The Benefactor):
Anas ibn Malik (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: I was sitting
in a gathering with the Messenger of Allah (PBUH), and a man was
standing for Salaah, after bowing and prostrating he sat. He said
Tashahhud and then supplicated saying, 'O Allah! Verily, I ask of You,
by the fact that to You belongs all Praise, there is no godexcept You,
You alone and You have no partners, Al-Mannaan (i.e,The Benefactor), O
Badee' (i.e, Originator) of the heavens and the earth, O Dhal Jalali
wal Ikram (i.e, Lord of Majesty, Bounty and Honour), O Hayy (i.e, The
Everliving) and O Qayyum (i.e, The Self-subsisting): Indeed I ask of
You Al-Jannah (i.e, The Garden of Paradise), and I seek refuge with
You from An-Naar (i.e, Hellfire)'. The Prophet (PBUH) said to his
companions, 'Do you know with what he had supplicated?' They said,
'Allah and His Messenger know best. He (PBUH) said, 'By Him in Whose
Hand is my soul! hehas supplicated Allah with His Greatest Name, The
One with Which if He is supplicated (in Duaa) He answers, and with
Which if He is asked He gives' ." (Related by Abu Dawud, Tirmidhi,
Nasaa'i, Ibn Maajah; Albaani declared it Sahih in 'Sifatu Salatu
Nabi'; See Husnil Muslim of Qahtaani, #64)
In a version of the same above hadith of Anas ibn Malik, related by
Imaam Ahmed in his Musnad: The Name of Allah Al-Hannaan (i.e,The
Compassionate), is there instead of Al-Mannaan (i.e, The Benefactor).
(Musnad, Vol. 3, p. 158; Albaani said it is Sahih in Mishkat Masaabih,
Kitab Da'wat,#2290; See Fath Rabbani by Ahmed Al-Banna, Vol. 14, p.
105. AS-SHAAFI (i.e, The Curer or Healer):
A'ishah (may Allah be pleased with her) reported: Whenever theProphet
(Peace and Blessings be upon him) paid a visit to a patient or a
patient was brought to him, he used to supplicate,
' O Allah! Rabbi Naas (i.e, Lord of Mankind)! Remove the trouble and
heal the patient, for You are As-Shaafi (i.e, The Healer). No healing
is of any avail but Yours, healing that will leave behind no trace'. "
(Related by Bukhari, Vol. 7, Kitab 'Dhib'; and Muslim in Kitab
See Lu'lu wal Marjan, #1414)
106. HAYIYY (i.e, The Modest):
Salmaan Al-Faarisi (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: The
Prophet (Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him) said, "Verily,
Allah (Most High) is Hayiyy (i.e, Modest), and Kareem (i.e, Generous),
and He is ashamed to turn away empty the hands of Hisslave when he
raises them to Him." (Related by Abu Dawud, Tirmidhi, Ibn Maajah, and
Ahmed;See Sahih Jaami Sagheer of Albaani, #1757)
107. SITTEER (i.e, The One Who covers faults):
Ya'ala ibn Umayyah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: The
Prophet (Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him) said, "Verily,
Allah is Hayiyy (i.e, Modest), and Sitteer (i.e, Covers faults), and
He loves modesty and covering other's faults." (Related by Abu Dawud,
Nasaa'i, and Ahmed; See Sahih Jaami Sagheer of Albaani,#1756)
108. TAYYIB (i.e, The Good):
Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Messenger
of Allah (Peace and Blessings be upon him) said, " Verily, Allah (Most
High) is Tayyib (i.e, Good), and He accepts only that which is good."
(Related by Muslim in Kitab 'Zakaah'; See Arba'iin Nawawi, #10)
109. RAFEEQ (i.e, The Kind):
A'ishah (may Allah be pleased with her) reported: The Messenger of
Allah (Peace and Blessings be upon him) said, " Verily, Allah is
Rafeeq (i.e, Kind), and likes kindness in all matters." (Related by
Bukhari and Muslim; See Riyadh Saleheen of Nawawi,#633)
110. JAMEEL (i.e, The Beautiful or Elegant):
Abdullah ibn Mas'ud (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: The
Messenger of Allah (Peace and Blessings be upon him) said," 'Anyone
who has an iota of 'Kibr' (i.e, Pride and Arrogance) will not
Paradise'. Someone said, 'What about a man who likes to have nice
clothes and nice shoes?He (PBUH) replied, 'Verily, Allah is Jameel
(i.e, Beautiful), and He loves beauty (and elegance). 'Kibr' (i.e,
Pride and Arrogance) means rejecting the truth and looking down on
other people.' " (Related by Muslim; See Riyadh Saleheen of Nawawi,
111. MUHSIN (i.e, Doer of that which is best)
Anas ibn Malik (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Prophet
(Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him) said, " If you discharge
judgment between people be just, and if you kill do itwell, verily,
Allah is Muhsin (i.e, Doer of that which is best), and He loves those
who do the best (i.e, the appropriate, or be just, or be humane, or be
more efficient)." (Related by Ibn Abi Aasim and Abu Nu'aim; See
Silsilah Sahihah of Albaani, #469)

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