Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Names and Attributes of Allah,- The meaning of Allaah’s name al-Musawwir.

What is the meaning of Allaah's name al-Musawwir (the Fashioner, the
Bestower of forms)?
Praise be to Allaah.
Allaah is the Bestower offorms. His creation is as is He wills, and He
is the One Who formed and gave shape to all that exists. He has given
everything its own form and distinct shape, even though His creation
is so great and so varied. He has bestowed forms, notby way of copying
– glorified and exalted be He far above such a thing.
When He wills a thing, He merely says to it "Be!"and it is, with the
attributes that He wills and the form that He haschosen for it. He
does what He wills and creates what He wills in the form that He
Some scholars differentiated between al-Khaaliq (the Creator),
al-Baari' (the Maker) andal-Musawwir (the Bestower of forms) as
Al-Khaaliq (the Creator) is the One Who created from nothing all
creatures that exist, according to their decreed qualities.
Al-Baari' is the One Who made man from al-baraa, i.e., clay.
Al-Musawwir is the One Who creates various forms and shapes.
So al-Khaaliq is a general word, al-Baari' is more specific and
al-Musawwir is even more specific.
Kitaab Sharh Asmaa' Allaah ta'aala al-Husnaa, by Dr. Hissah al-Sagheer, 240

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