American Muslim womentoday are rediscovering the pristine Islam as
revealed by Allah, (God), to the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh1), more than
1,400 years ago, but without any of the contradictions of ancestral
culture. Consequently they are essentially engaging in alife-long
exercise of rediscovering their own selves � what it means tobe a
human, a Muslim, and more so, a Muslim woman. Wearing a head-covering
(hijab) is an important part of their spiritual journey.
One of the most commonquestions today, asked by Muslims and
non-Muslims alike, is:"Why do Muslim women cover their heads?� The
answer is very simple - Muslim women observe hijab because Allah has
told them to do so:
"O Prophet, tell your wives and daughters and the believing women to
draw their outer garments around them (when they go out or are among
men). Thatis better in order that they may be known (to be Muslims)
and not annoyed..." (Qur'an 33:59).
Muslims believe that their sole purpose in life is the worship of God
alone, according to His instructions, as revealed in the Holy Qur�an,
and through the teachings ofthe Prophet Mohammed (pbuh). As such,
wearingthe hijab is an act of obedience to God and, hence, forms the
primary basis for wearing it.
Generalizations about Islam and Muslims are replete in today�s media.
Muslim women inheadscarves are frequently unfairly stigmatized. They
are regarded on the one hand as oppressed, and on the other, as
fanatics and fundamentalists. Both depictions are grossly wrong and
imprecise. Such portrayals not only misrepresent these women�s strong
feelingstowards hijab, but also fail to acknowledge their courage and
the resulting identity hijab gives them. There are even bans on
wearing the hijab in some countries. When asked about this, Aminah
Assilmi, a Christian convert to Islam, said: �To ask me to go out
without my hijab would be like asking a nun to go topless. It amazes
me,and I cannot help but wonder, if they would have ordered Mary, the
mother of Jesus (pbuh) to uncover her hair.�
Another misconception is the belief that Muslim women are forced to
wear hijab. For the vast majority of Muslim women, nothing could be
farther from the truth. Indeed, deciding finally to wear hijab is
often difficult. Days of meditation, fear of negative consequences and
reactions from family and/or the wider American society, and
ultimately, the need for plenty of courage weighheavily in reaching
the decision. Wearing hijab is a very personal and independent
decision, coming from appreciating the wisdom underlying Allah�s
command and a sincere wish to please Him.
�For me, the lead up to the decision to wear hijab was more difficult
than actually wearing it. I found that, al hamdulillah (praise be
toGod), although I did receive negative comments from people,
Iappreciated the feeling of modesty wearing the hijab gave me, and
ironically, the negative attention made me feel more proud to be
identified as a Muslim,� remarked Katherine Bullock, a Canadian
convert to Islam.
�To me hijab is a gift from Allah. It gives me the opportunity to
become closer to Allah. Also quite importantly, (it provides me) the
chance to stand and be recognized as a Muslim,"Fariha Khan of
Rockville, Maryland, said.
While the hijab identifies women as followers of Islam, with it comes
tremendous responsibility. Hijab is not merely a covering dress, but
more importantly, it is behavior, manners, speech and appearance in
public. The headscarf is an outer manifestation of an inner commitment
to worshipping Allah � it symbolizes a commitment to piety. Self or
inner morality is what gives meaning to the external scarf. This can
be perceived from the overall demeanor of any Muslim woman � how she
acts, dresses, speaks, and so on. In a land where misinformation about
Islam and Muslims abounds, Muslim sisters have the opportunity to
portray Islam in its true light
Saba M. Baig, a graduateof Rutgers University, NJ, was 17 when she
seriously started wearing hijab. She feels that she is still in the
process of learning internal hijab. "My biggest realization was that
hijab was not just about wearing a scarf on my head, but more ofa
(veil) on my heart," said Baig. "Hijab is more than an external
covering. That�s the easypart of it all. It has a lot (more) to do
with modesty and just the way you present yourself."
Imaan, a convert to Islam, adds,"Unfortunately, it also has its down
side: you get discriminated against, treated as though you are
oppressed� I wear it for (Allah), and because I want to. Period."
Katherine Bullock observed that �after I started wearing hijab, I
noticed that people would often behave more circumspectly with me,
like apologizing if they swore. I appreciated that. I feel that
wearing hijab has given me an insight into a decent and upright
Modest clothing and hijab are precautions to avoid social violations.
The following verses of the Qur�an highlight that this is not limited
to women only.
"Say to the believing men that they should lower their gaze and guard
their modesty; that will make for greater purity for them; and Allah
is well acquainted with all that they do. And say to the believing
women that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty; and
that they should not display their beauty and ornaments except what
must ordinarily appear thereof; that they shoulddraw their veils over
their bosoms and not display their beauty except to their husbands..."
(Qur'an 24:30-31)
According to Jabir ibn Abdullah, when he askedthe Prophet (pbuh),
about a man�s gaze falling inadvertently on a strange woman, the
Prophet replied, "Turn your eyes away" (Muslim). In another tradition,
the Prophet (pbuh) chided for looking again at a woman � he said, the
second glance is from Satan.
So, contrary to popular belief, Muslim and non-Muslim, hijab is not
worn for men; to keep their illicit desires in check � that is their
own responsibility, as the above verse and Prophetic sayings show.
Rather, Muslim women wear it for God and theirown selves. Islam is a
religion of moderation and of balance between extremes. Therefore, it
does not expect women alone to uphold society�s morality and
uprightness. Rather, Islam asks men and women mutually to strive to
create a healthysocial environment where children may grow with
positive, beautiful, constructive and practical values and concepts.
In fact, for many women hijab is a constant reminder that they should
not have to design their lives and bodies for men. "Before I started
covering, I thought of myself based on what others thought of me. I
see that too often in girls, their happiness depends on how others
view them, especially men. Ever since, my opinion of myself has
changed so much; I have gained (a lot of) self-respect. I have
realized whether others may think of me as beautiful is not what
matters. How beautiful I think of myself and knowing that Allah finds
me beautiful makes me feel beautiful," Baig recounts.
The concept of modesty and hijab in Islam is holistic, and encompasses
both men and women. The ultimate goal is to maintain societal
stability and to please God.
Since Muslim women aremore conspicuous because of their appearance, it
is easier for people to associate them with the warped images they see
in the print and broadcast media. Hence, stereotypes are perpetuated
and Muslim women often seem"mysterious" to those not acquainted with
the religious meanings of hijab. This aura of"mystery" cannot be
removed until their lifestyles, beliefs and thought-systems are
genuinely explored. And,this cannot be achieved until one is not
afraid respectfully to approach Muslim women � or men for that matter.
So, the next time you see a Muslim, stop and talk to them � you�ll
feel, God-Willing, as if you�re entering a different world, the world
of Islam: full of humility, piety, and of course, modesty!
1. (pbuh) here stands forpeace be upon him
by Saulat Pervez
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