Saturday, February 9, 2013

Al-Ahbaash (the Habashis)-I

This is a group that emerged during the last quarter of the
fourteenthcentury AH there emerged a group led by 'Abdullaah
al-Habashi, who moved from Ethiopia to Syria , and he moved about in
that region until he settled in Lebanon , where he started to call
people to his way. The number of his followers increased and his ideas
– which area mixture of the ideas of the Jahamiyyah [a group which
misinterpreted theattributes of Allaah], the Mu'tazilah [a
philosophical group many of whose ideas differ from those of
Ahlus-Sunnah], grave-worshippers and Sufis – began to spread. He
supported his ideas by engaging in debates and printing books and
leaflets which propagate them.
What has been written and published by this group show that some of
their beliefs are as follows (this is not a complete list):
1. With regard to the issue of faith, they followthe school of thought
of Al-Irjaa' [those who believe that sin does not matter so long as
one is abeliever] which is condemned in Islam.
It is known that the belief of the Muslims, which was that followed by
the Sahaabah, the Taabi'een and those whofollow their path until the
present day, is that faith is the matter of words spoken by the
tongue, beliefs held in the heart and actions done by the body. Belief
must be accompanied by submission to the laws ofIslam, otherwise that
so-called faith is not valid.
There are many reports from the Salaf (the righteous predecessors)
which confirm this belief,for example the words ofImaam Ash-Shaafi'i
may Allaah have mercy on him: "Among the consensus of the Sahaabah and
the Taabi'een and those whocame after them, and those whom we have
met, is that they say: faithis words, actions and intentions; one of
these three will not be complete without the others."
2. They allow seeking help from and seeking refuge with the dead, and
praying to them instead of to Allaah. This is major shirk according to
the texts of the Quran and Sunnah, and the consensus of the
Muslims.This shirk is the same as the religion of the
earlierpolytheists, such as the disbelievers of Quraysh and others, as
Allaah Says(what means): "And they worship besides Allaah things that
harm them not, nor profit them, and they say: 'These are our
intercessors with Allaah'" [Quran 10:18]
Allaah also Says (what means): "Verily, We have sent down the Book to
you (O Muhammad) in truth. So worship Allaah (Alone) by doing
religious deeds sincerely for Allaah's sake only. Surely, the religion
(i.e. the worship and the obedience) is for Allaah only. And those who
takeAuliyaa' (protectors, helpers, lords, gods) besides Him (say): 'We
worship them only that they may bring us near toAllaah.' Verily,
Allaah will judge between them concerning that wherein they differ.
Truly, Allaah guides not him who is a liar, and a disbeliever" [Quran
Allaah also Says (what means): "Say (O Muhammad): 'Who rescues you
from the darkness of the land and the sea (dangers like storms),
(when) you call upon Him in humility andin secret (saying): If He
(Allaah) only saves us from this (danger), we shall truly, be
grateful.'" [Quran 6:63]
Allaah also Says (what means ): "And the mosques are for Allaah
(Alone), so invoke not anyone along with Allaah" [Quran 72: 18]
Allaah also Says (what means): "Such is Allaah, your Lord; His is the
kingdom. And those, whom you invoke or call upon instead of Him, own
not even a Qitmeer (the thin membrane over the date stone). If you
invoke (or call upon) them, they hear not your call; and if (in case)
they were to hear, they could not grant it (your request) to you. And
on the Day of Resurrection, they will disown your worshipping them.
And none can inform you (O Muhammad) like Him Who is the
All&8209;Knower (of everything)" [Quran 35:13-14]
The Prophet said: "Du'aa' (supplication) is worship." [Abu Daawood Ibn
Maajah and others]. There are many verses and prophetic narrations
that state the same thing.This indicates that the earlier polytheists
knew that Allaah was the Creator and Provider, the One Who brings
benefit or causes harm, and they worshipped their gods sothat they
would intercede for them with Allaah and bring them closer to Him.
Thus they committed shirk. Allaah ruled that they were guilty of
disbelief and shirk, and commanded His Prophet to fight them until all
worship was for Allaah Alone, as Allaah Says (what means): "And fight
them until there is no more Fitnah (disbelief and polytheism, i.e.
worshipping others besides Allaah), and the religion (worship) will
allbe for Allaah Alone" [Quran 8:39]
The scholars have writtenmany books on this topic in which they have
explained clearly the trueIslam with which Allaah sent His Messengers
and revealed His Books. They also discussed the religion and beliefs
of the people of the pre-Islamic era, and their actions which went
against the laws of Allaah. One of the best writers on this topic was
Ibn Taymiyyah may Allaah have mercy on him, in his numerous books. One
of the most concise of his works is Qaa'idah Jaliyyah fi'l-Tawassul
3. In their view, the Quran is not the Word of Allaah in the true
sense. Itis known from the texts of the Quran and Sunnah,and by the
consensus of the Muslims, that Allaah speaks whenever He wills, in a
manner that befits His Majesty, may Hebe glorified, and that the
Quran, both its letters and meanings, is the word of Allaah in the
truesense. Allaah Says (what means): "And if anyone ofthe Mushrikoon
(polytheists, idolaters, pagans, disbelievers in the Oneness of
Allaah) seeks your protection then grant him protection so that he
mayhear the Word of Allaah" [Quran 9:6]
And also (what means): "aparty of them (Jewish rabbis) used to hear
the Word of Allaah [the Tauraat (Torah)], then they used to change it
knowingly after they understood it?" [Quran 2:75]
And also (what means): "They want to change Allaah's Words. Say: 'You
shall not follow us; thus Allaah has said beforehand.'" [Quran 48:15]
There are many well known verses that say the same thing. Numerous
authentic reports from the Salaf confirm this belief, whichis stated
in the texts of the Quran and Sunnah – to Allaah be praise and
4. They think that it is obligatory to interpret the texts of the
Quran and Sunnah which speak of the attributes of Allaah, may He be
glorified and exalted (i.e., to understand them differently from the
apparent meaning). This is contrary to the consensus of the
Muslims,from the companions and Taabi'een to those who follow their
path until the present day. TheMuslims believe that it is obligatory
to believe in what is stated in the textsabout the Names and
attributes of Allaah, without distorting the meanings, denying any of
His attributes, discussing the hows and whys or likening any of
Allaah's attributes to human attributes. They (the Muslims) believe
thatthere is none like unto Allaah and He is the All-Hearing,
All-Seeing; they do not deny any of the attributes with whichHe has
described himself. They do not change the words from their (right)
places or belie or deny (or utter impious speech against) His Names or
signs. They do not discussthe nature of His attributes, or liken His
attributes to the attributes of His creation,because there is nothing
that can be compared to Him, and He has no equal or rival.
Imaam Ash-Shaafi'i may Allaah have mercy on himsaid: "I believe in
Allaah and in what has come from Allaah as Allaah meant it. I believe
in the Messenger of Allaah and in what has come from the Messenger of
Allaah as the Messenger of Allaah meant it." Imaam Ahmad may Allaah
have mercy on himsaid: "We believe in it; we do not reject anything
that the Messenger of Allaah said, and we do not describe Allaah with
more than He has described Himself."

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