Saturday, February 9, 2013

A very strange village -Islamic Stories,-

I have heard the following story from a pious and knowledgeable
brother. Hopefully it will be beneficial for all of us.
Once a Scholar of Islam was travelling and came across a village where
he noticed a very strange thing. He saw a store where a man was
selling bread. What was strange is that the man was charging $1 for
the fresh bread and $2 for the bread that was madea day before.
However, all the people were buying yesterday's bread though they were
more expensive than thefresh bread. The Scholar approached the bread
salesman and asked whythe people preffered theold bread over the fresh
bread. The man said"The people of this village love the Prophet
Muhammad (peace be upon him) so much, that they prefer to buy
yesterday's bread over today's fresh bread because yesterday was
closer to the time of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)."
Today, most of our love for Prophet Muhammad is much less than the
love for a single dollar. May Allah give us the understanding of this
beautiful religion of Islam. Ameen.

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