I am filled with happinessby your reception. I would be most
ungrateful if I do not respect your wishes and share my inner
feelings. If I desire I could shower you with praises, for Almighty
Allah has bestowed me with an abundance of vocabulary, but I would not
be fulfilling the right of friendship.
As you are aware, the Prophet (sallallahu-alayhi-wasallam), had a
burning desire to invite humanity towards Islam. Despite 13 years of
untiring effort in Makkatul-Mukarramah and 7 years in
Madinatul-Munawwarah, there was no large scale movement of non-Muslims
into Islam. Between 7 AH and 10 AH, which is the period after
Fath-Makkahuntil the Prophet's demise, there was such an influx of
people entering the ranks of Islam that was not witnessed in the
preceding 20 years.
Imam Zuhri (rahmatullahi-alayh), an eminent Muhaddith and Tabii,
expressed surprise on this sea change, with so many people embracing
Islam in a matter of just 3 years. Along with other distinguished
Muhaddith he has commented that this was due to non-Muslims having had
an opportunity for the first time, to observe and intermingle with
Muslims, witness their honesty, fair dealing, compassion and sole
reliance on Almighty Allah. This left such a deep and profound
impression on non-Muslims that thousands entered into the fold of
Islam within a relatively short period of time.
This incident also contains abundant lessons on how Muslims should
live in this country. Their conduct should be sublime and captivating.
Whosoever should see us should accept Islam. Whosoever sits with us
should be inclined towards Islam. There should be no need to convince
anyone to accept the Truth.
Therefore, in this countryif you wish to live peacefully and have an
opportunity to present Islam to the host community, you will need to
inculcate and manifest sterling qualities, not just inside the Mosques
but also outside in the streets, in the markets, in your
dailyactivities, and at home. A life of Taqwa will immediately attract
non-Muslims towards Islam.
As an ordinary student of Islam it is my religious responsibility to
warn you. If you do not lead anupright life, if you continue to live
an insular lifestyle, and if you fail to manifest the beauty of Islam
to non-Muslims, then you face some real dangers. In such a case, there
is noreason for you to feel content and secure in this country.
If ever the fire of race, religion or nationalism rages here you will
not be saved. In Spain there were Mosques a hundredtimes more
beautiful than yours. So do not feelcontent and self-satisfied.As an
ordinary student of religion I would wish to express my joy and
happiness at this wonderful new Mosque. But what words shall I use to
congratulate you?
Others may not speak to you as plainly, but remember the glorious
Masjid-e-Cordova. It still stands in Spain. Iqbal, Poet of the East,
so eloquently reminisces thegreat legacy of Islamic Spain in his
famous poemMasjid-e-Qurtaba. In Islamic Spain, there were such
brilliant Mosques, celebrated Madrasahs, famous scholars like
Shaykh-ul-Akbar, Ibnu-Hazm, Qurtubi, Shatbi - and how many others
shall I mention? However, when the flames of religious sectarianism
raged then the Mosques and Madrasahs became deserted. Once, Islamic
Spain boasted such magnificent structures, distinguished educational
centres, refined culture and society. Regrettably, the Muslims,
despite such a high standard of living, did not draw the non-Muslims
of that country to see the Truth of Islam, to warn them of the dangers
of disbelief, with the result that ensuing religious violence
subsequently consumed them like a morsel. The Arabs with their glowing
history, architectural splendour and vast oceans of knowledge, were
displaced from the country. Today, unfortunately, the ears eagerly
wait to hear the Azaan and the empty Mosques thirst for the Salah.
My dear brothers, you must earn your recognition in this country. You
should earn your place and leave an imprint on the host community of
your value and significance. You must show your exemplary conduct is
far nobler than that of other people. You must impart on them the
lessons of humanity. You should demonstrate such commitment and noble
virtues that impress on people that there cannot be found more upright
humans elsewhere besides you. You need to establish your worth,
showing what blessing and mercy you are for the country.
If however you decide to live in an enclosed environment simply
content with your Prayers and Fasting, apathetic to the people and
society you live in, never introducing them to the high Islamic
valuesand your own personal qualities, then beware lest any religious
or sectarian violence flares up. In such a situation, you will not
find safety orprotection.
I pray to Almighty Allah my prediction is totally unfounded. But
remember, you are guests here. Your Tabligh, Mosques, Madrasahs,
Ibadah and religious sacrifices are all worthy of commendation. May
Almighty Allah grant you Barakah. But do not forget to earn your place
in this country. Gain proficiency of the national language and use it
to effectively propagate Islam. Preparewriters and orators to convey
the message of Islam. Although you will distance yourself from their
religion, do not distance yourself from them. Establish your
credibility to the extent that if you are entrusted with onerous
responsibilities, as was Prophet Yusuf (alayhis-salam), you do not
shirk but embrace all challenges wholeheartedly.
You will have to present a new pattern of life to this country. You
will not earn recognition by exerting yourselves in the workplace. If
you overwork you will lookedupon disparagingly and be likened to
horses and bulls. In fact, you will be labelled as money-making
machines. However, if you can showto the people here that you are
worshippers of Almighty Allah and not wealth, you do not bow before
power but only before virtue, you are humans and think like humans,
you are concerned not only about yourselves but alsoabout others; and
you are compassionate aboutyour own children as well as theirs, that
you are earnestly concerned about the path of destruction they have
chosen for themselves, you will then earn their respect. They will
begin to respect Islam and become desirous of studying it. They will
ask you for literature concerning Islamic beliefs and practices and an
opportunity will arise here for you to promote Islam.
On the other hand, if you remain preoccupied in eating and working,
engaged in Prayers, remaining indifferent to what is happening in the
country, insulated within the Muslim community, totally apathetic to
what is happening outside, which direction the country is taking - in
sucha situation if there is trouble you will not be able to save
I have been meaning to convey and accentuate this message to you as I
do not know whether I will be able visit you again in the future. You
gathered here with love and affection and therefore it was easy for me
to convey. As a student of religion it would have been convenient for
me to recommend the virtues of reciting various Zikr orprescribe
certain Wazifahs but you may not have had an opportunity of listening
to the message I have just conveyed from anyone else.
Please strengthen your position in this country. Earn your
recognition. Donot be like a straw or crop that is uprooted by a mere
breeze. You should be so firm that not even a hurricane is able to
displace you. Display such noble character that you attractthe hearts
of the people. See then how these people will stand up to defend you.
If there is the slightest hostility towards you, they will bethe first
ones to argue onyour behalf and argue what a blessing you are for
May Almighty Allah grant us the ability to understand what is
right;may He bless and protect you. Aameen.
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