Friday, January 18, 2013

The peacock is an example of Allah's matchless creative artistry

According to one of the evolution scenario's claims, some
water-dwelling amphibians developed into fully, terrestrial reptiles.
One branch of this group evolved further, constituting the ancestors
of today's birds.
However, despite all the efforts expended over the last century and a
half, not a single trace has ever been found of the half-bird,
half-reptilecreatures that evolutionists assume must once have lived.
Notransitional forms covered half in scales and half in feathers, or
with half-developed wings, have ever been found in the Earth's
geological strata. In fact,contrary to what's been conjectured, only
fossils with perfect structures─the remains of flawless, fully formed
living things─have ever been discovered.
But despite the absence of any evidence to support their unscientific
tale, evolutionists doggedly persist in their claims, hoping that
these fictitious fossils will one day be found.
Stuart Burgess, an assistant professor of engineering design at
Bristol University in England, revealed the extraordinary nature of
the peacock feather in a most striking way and concluded that this
structure could not be explained in terms of Darwin's theory of"sexual
With its large tail feathers with their vivid hues and unique
patterns, the peacock possesses an extraordinary beauty. One feature
of these stunning iridescent colors is that they change according to
the angle one views them from. These are created not thanks to
pigments (the substance that givescolor to feathers ), but toan
optical effect in the micro-hairs known as the "thin film."
The eye shape at the endof each feather of this bird emerges through a
combination of thousands of micro-hairs. Although they are independent
of one another, thousands of neighboring micro-hairsproduce this
pattern. If they were arranged at random and in an unordered manner,
theycould not produce the geometric shapes. The odds of this shape
arising by chance are as slim as that of the flowers in a garden
combining to produce the same pattern.
The information determining all the structures in the feathersis
concealed in DNA. This once again emphasizes the extraordinary
natureof Creation. The number and thickness of the keratin layers, the
number of micro-hairs, the brown background, the distance between the
feathers-all these factors are produced according to data in the DNA.
This peerless beauty cannot possibly have emerged through random
mutations, as evolutionists would haveus believe.
Right from the outset, this fact has representeda major predicament
for the theory of evolution. Darwin, who endeavored to account for the
signs of Creation in living things in terms of blind coincidence, made
the following confession regarding peacock feathers in a letter he
wrote to his friend Asa Gray on 3 April, 1860:
The sight of a feather in a peacock's tail, whenever I gaze at it,
makes me sick! (Francis Darwin, Letter to Asa Gray, 3 April 1860, The
Life and Letters of Charles Darwin, London: John Murray, Vol. 2, 1887,
p. 296.)
This certainly demonstrates Darwin's biased point of view.
The beauty in the peacock tail has nothing to do with its function.
This attribute of the peacock is a clear indication of creation. When
one sees beauty ina human design, one immediately realizes that it
must have a designer. For example, in addition to imparting order and
functionality to a garden, a landscape architect also brings to
itbeauty and attractiveness-clear signsthat this garden was the work
of a designer. Every detail the architectadds to its beauty is further
proof that the garden has not been arranged at random.
The beauty in peacock feathers, which display all the fine detail of
optical science, are examples of aesthetic marvels that reveal the
existence of their Creator, Our Lord.
Every detail in the peacock feather, which we have reviewed here only
in broadest terms, has the appropriate location, shape, color and
structure for a specific purpose. That purpose displays to us Allah's
artistry, introduces us to His knowledge in the detailsand that Allah
possesses all the power necessary to create matchless beauties that
delight human beings.
In one verse of the Qur'an, people who fear Allah and who are able to
comprehend such concepts by drawing attention to the beauty in living
things are described as "possessingknowledge":
And humanity and beasts and livestock are likewise of varying colors.
Only those of His servants with knowledge have fear of Allah. Allah is
Almighty, Ever-Forgiving. (Surah Fatir, 28)

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