Wednesday, January 2, 2013

The effects of arrogance on the soul

Arrogance leads people to sickness of mind and incorrect behavior.
People who live in a state of pride and deception inhabit a
darkinternal world.
A pitch black world full of a sincere dread of losing, making a
mistake, being disgracedor humiliated, stress, doubt, hatred, anger
and passion…This state of mind wears people down and ages them; it has
a severe impact on their psychological and physical well-being. These
people, who are spiritually weaker than others, are cold. It is
barely possible to expecta pleasant gesture, a sign of love or
appreciation, or an encouraging word from them. It is hard to laugh or
enjoy oneself in their presence. Sudden outbursts are common wherever
such people are present. Arrogant people's behavior is always intended
to make them appear morevaluable and superior in the eyes of other
For this reason, they have an excessive fear ofmaking mistakes. They
seek to ingratiate themselves with others for which reason they keep
every moment under control and are careful to behave in a determined
manner at all times.
Whenever they attend a meeting they try to be the most impressive
speakers, the best dressed, to come up with the most
intelligentsolutions, and to draw the most attention to themselves.
They are therefore constantly "on tenterhooks." Their behavior is
never sincereand genuine. They always dread the prospect of behaving
incorrectly. They think they will never make a mistake. When told that
they have made an error, they immediately try to absolve themselvesof
any blame. The situation of such people is described in these terms in
these verses:
Do you not see those who praise themselves for purity? No, Allah
purifies whoever He wills. They will not be wronged by so much as the
smallest speck. (Suratan-Nisa': 49)
Do not be like those wholeft their homes in arrogance, showing off to
people and barring them from the way of Allah–Allah encompasses what
they do. (Surat al-Anfal:47)
Being subject to criticismis something an arrogant person dislikes
immensely. When criticized, their facial muscles tense up, and their
expression dulls. They are dismayed by concern about damage to their
prestige. They assume that, if they are criticized, they will be
ridiculed or humiliated by others. Their gesturesare no longer
natural, and sudden rises and falls can be heard in their tone of
voice. They therefore live in a constant state of discomfort.
Ultimately, they never find peace and contentment. Arrogant people
engage in exaggerated and attention-seeking behavior in the way
theywalk, talk and look. In the Qur'an Allah has stated that arrogance
is a great failing:
Do not strut arrogantly about the Earth. You will certainly never
split the earth apart nor will you ever rival the mountains in height.
(Surat al-Isra': 37)
As for those who believe and do right actions, He will pay them their
wages in full and will give them increase from His favour. As for
those who show disdain and grow arrogant, He will punish them with a
painful punishment. They will not find any protector or helper for
themselves besides Allah.(Surat al-Nisa:173)
As for those who deny Our Signs and are arrogant regarding them, the
Gates of Heaven will not be opened for them, and they will not enter
the Garden until a camel goes through a needle's eye. That is how We
repay the evildoers. (7:40)
Arrogant people imagine that every characteristic they possess belongs
to themselves. For example,they imagine that their intelligence stems
from themselves. Instead of realizing that it is a blessing bestowed
on them by Allah and givingthanks for it, they regardit as something
to be proud of.
By overestimating this attribute in their own eyes they belittle and
disparage those around them. As a result of this behavior, their
associates find them unattractive and repellent. That means that
arrogant people never have true, honest friends who feel a genuine
affection for them. They also find it difficult to demonstrate
affection for others.
They always want to be the object of love and affection, because in
their own eyes they are superior to everybody else. This state of mind
leads to another behavior defect: envy. They envy the beauty,
intelligence, reason, moral values or worldly goods of others.
They regard everything those people possess with a jealous eye. If
someone with superior features to their own is present, they
immediately want to leave. Their envy means they are invariably unable
to get along withothers.
Allah has given a troublesome mood to these people who are grabbed by
the sickness of pride. In the same way that arrogant people gain
nothing but trouble, sorrow and unhappiness in the life of this world,
they also forego the Hereafter and, most important of all, the love of
Allah. Allah has revealed in oneverse that He does not love the
Do not avert your face from people out of haughtiness and do not strut
about arrogantly on the Earth. Allah does not love anyone who is vain
or boastful. (Surah Luqman: 18)

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