Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Supplication to Recite in Qunut of the Salat during times of Peril

‎بِسْمِ اللّهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ‏-
(1) Dua Before Takbeeratul Ehram
Before uttering the Takbeeratul Ehraam, it is worthy that he recites
the invocation of attention (doa-e-tawajjoh) which,in the narration of
Abdullah Ibn Jafar Himyari (received in the tawqee' of Imam-e-Zamana
(a.t.f.s.) is as follows:
1. O Allah! Torment those who disbelieve in You, And the hypocrites
and those who fight Your Friends The Aimmah from the Family of Your
Prophet, the Pure.
2. O Alloh! Forgive me and the believing men and women. Make amends
between them (removing all rancour). Unite them in word, Make firm in
their hearts, faith and wisdom, Establish them upon the creed of Your
Prophet, Help them against Your enemy and their enemy.
3. O Allah! Guide me in (the way of) those You have guided, Save me in
(the way of) those You have saved, Protect me from the evil of that
which You have decreed, For surely it is You who decree and are not
decreed upon,He is not debased who befriends You,
4. Glory be to You, our Lord, the most High!
5. There is no creature or entity worthy of worship except for You, I
seek forgiveness from You and turn to You, I ask You O Lord for
goodness in this world, And goodness in the hereafter. I ask that You
protect us from the torment of the Fire./

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