Sunday, January 13, 2013

Muslim Marriage Stories: How to stay young after marriage? Importance of Marriage in Islam

A group of people went to ask the three brothers of Banu Ghannam for a
solution for their complicated question.
As they met the first one, who was old man, and asked him for a
solution, he referred them to his brother saying, 'You may find a
solution with him because he is older than Iam.'
When they went to meet his brother, they found a middle-aged man.
Havingsought a solution from him, he said, 'You may see my third
brother and,because he is older than Iam, you can find a solution with
Hence, they went to the third brother to meet a young man. As they
couldno longer conceal their astonishment, they askedhim about his two
brothers and his manner.He answered: 'My brotherwhom you first met is
theyoungest among us. Unfortunately, he had to suffer the misbehaviors
of his ill-tempered wife because he anticipated an intolerable matter
if he would divorce her. Hiswife therefore has been the main reason
beyond his growing old at an earlier time. The second one you met is
the middle among us. His wife has gathered both good and bad
mannerism. She sometimes pleased him, but she also displeased him.
Hence, you can see him as middle-aged man.I have a well-mannered wife
who never shows misbehavior with me. Hence, I could keep my youth with
Importance of marriage in Islam or Islamic marriage sayings
Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) said: "(Mostly) the doers of good of my
Ummah are the married ones, while the vicious ofthem are unmarried."
Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) said: "The person who marries gains half
ofhis Faith, then he must fear of Allah (swt) for the next remaining
Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) said: "A two rak'at prayer that a married
person establishes is worthier than when a bachelor keeps up prayers
at nights and fasts during the days."
Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) said: "The sleep of a married person is
better with Allah (swt) than an unmarried one who fasts during the day
and keeps vigil at night, establishing prayers."
Imam Ali (as) said: "In anycondition conciliate the wives, and talk
with them warmly and through kind words, thereby, they may change
their actions into good ones."
Imam Baqir (as) said: "He who takes a woman (marries) should
certainlyrespect her, because the wife of anyone of you is a means of
your pleasure,so the one who marries awoman should not spoil or
disgrace her (by disregarding her respectable rights)."

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